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Cut spending by cutting government
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Posted by GrahamY, Friday, 30 May 2014 6:43:17 AM
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the/problem..with govt
is the super top up for those earning too much ike its just been increased from 190,000..up to 200.000.per year lets face it giving anyone who in 5 years will have earened 1 million is iNsane/no matter how ya spin it/ they wouldnt qualify for any pension eVer [yet gET A BRIBE/TOP-UP/...[put in an upper limit/ PLUS THE TAX EXEMPTION THE OVER PAID..IS THE PROBLEM 20 BILLION WE GIFT TO THE 180,000 [OOPS SORRY 200,000 PLus mob/..too greedy..too needy..your costing us 20 billion taday/for faux-pension you can never collect/let alone qualify for tomorrow you lot cause the sorry TOO MANY RICH RECIEVIN 'PRE EMPTIVE PENSION/THEY NEVER STOOD TO COLLECT..JUST BY THEIR aND HER ASM I CUT OFF FROM PENSION FOR NOT KNOWING WHO THE DOCTOR WAS WHO/CALLED ME a conspiracy THEORIST/,,YEARS AGO/BEFORE MOST OF MY CONSPIRICIES TURNED OUT TRUE..[NOW IM NOT NUTS/THEY SAY GO TO HELL..34 YEARS WITHOUT ANY CASH/BUT THESE ELITES GET FREE SUPER/top-up..hguh saving pennies screwing me wehile giving pounds to 200,000 wages.earners.. poor them..HOW DO YOU SLEEP AT NIGHT I HEAR THERE ARE..father-LESS KIDS..MUMS ..BUT THGeTTING 50,000 YEAH THE RICH KNOW HOW TO GET THAT BIT EXTRAE REALITY IS MOST MUMS DONT..yet every wage earner up to 200thousamnd can/will must[funny ww never heare how much up up these 200,000 eareners recieve...20 billion? thing is govt pays now/because it claims it wo9nt have the cash tomorrow/but yet today we are paying not only todays pensions/but tomorrows as well. go to hell..super is a pyramid sceme[a future bubble] allreaDY THEIVES HAVE STOLEN MOST OF IT/YOU HOld derivitives[side bets/no assets.,EVERY PENNY PUT INTO IT..MAKES US ALL MORE POOR/AS WE PAY A FREAKING TOP-UP/ON YOU NOT EARNING ENOUGH ENOUGH/. n Posted by one under god, Friday, 30 May 2014 8:03:04 AM
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Well, if the aim is to do less with less there's your problem...
"The efficiency dividend applies only to departmental expenses." Australia's much vaunted egalitarianism should require the the recipients of all government outlays - "programs costs, such as payments to families or subsidies for industry" - to share the same 'efficiency dividend'. In other words to recieve '1.25% to 2.25%' less. It is interesting use of language to describe as a dividend that which is in fact a negative... but leaving that aside... To be consistent, or as I like to think of it, democratic, then shouldn't government taxation expenditures also experience the same level of efficiency dividend? Which means that entities enjoying budgetary taxation expenditures would have them decrease 1.25% to 2.25% with the effect of them paying increased taxation revenues? This would be a real test of how 'over' the age of entitlement the government actually is. I await the Centre for Independent Studies report on that. Posted by WmTrevor, Friday, 30 May 2014 8:19:28 AM
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and lest we forget tax breaks for investment housing has inflated housing 40/percent..and it keeps getting worse/recall japan 20 years ago/our houses are the highest in the world
meaning govt bailout tax breaks/deductions plus subsidises the 'rent assistance' the landlord cleans up hugely if your rent has fully paid off the twenty years by what right does this tax avoiding..landlord by stealth..earned any further glory. also dtrop auto tribunal sEMS TO FLOAT too many boats who kick back taking oversize remuneration for late lunches and thinking up sin taxes..onto the poor/minimum wage tax payer/screwed by everyone.[likely still under a work contract extension/causes in their work for the dole ya mug/punitiv abusive colusive treason. bah its hapend talking to my self finally. Posted by one under god, Friday, 30 May 2014 12:19:30 PM
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Intended consequences:..A)..transfer wealth...[from savers/who once earned..substantial interest..on their savings] the banks,..which can borrow CREDIT..for near-zero.
THEN/LOBBY-/govt..and loan out\..via fractional-reserve/leveraging..tenfold[ie create/10-times..more]..out/of..nuthing..but the cash..we gave/them.. then lending/this...'new'...paper/CYBER-CREDIT].to businesses..and,..reaping billions of dollars..IN INTEREST....[EXTRA..that once flowed to/savers.]..but/now..become..huge bonus...INSIDER-TRAITORS/Flash-tradING/COMPUTER CREDITS\ can bare. B)..By making cash..into trash..[ air [fiat paper]..( interest,.effectively losing value MINIMUM.. [In a 2%..inflation environment),..the[bankers-Fed..intended\to push everyone with cash..and/or put their money..into/high-risk assets such as stocks and real-estate...creating..ARTIFICIAL*..scarcity thus boom-bubble/scarcity..BONUS.[Reaping/others\harvest]. Read..more/at Unintended/consequences:..A)..Now that..*everyone..*[compulsory-siper]....has been pushed/into stock pyramid-sceme/s and..real estate,.valuations..are once again.,,at bubble heights–and bubbles..always pop,.. but/that's..the good/news..destroying\every participant...who has been lulled..into believing these/bubble's..will never pop..because “the Fed\has\ back.”[we/want..real-hovt\created/money/back. B)..By allowing..'market-forces'..mark-to-fantasy valuations..of collateral,..the Fed hasn’t..cleared..the credit system..of impaired has expansion of bad debt..and eroded the fundamental..credibility..[backbone..of the system...savers] C)..By enabling/the wealthiest slice of..duel-passort/holding-multinational/ngo-s[autocrats/elites..and their multinational-entities] borrow..essentially limitless sums..for free,..[below/in-flation].. the Fed..has fueled/wealth disparity, super-wealthy'can buy any/assets..for nearly free..with/Fed-created credit,..[outbidding the 99.5%.] D)..In becoming..the buyer..of last resort..for Treasury bonds and home mortgages,..the Fed has destabilized..the bond and mortgage markets..exchaqnge rates..and undermined..[over rated]..the U.S. dollar...As a result,...the Fed has to taper..its buying/BY/MONERY PRINTING/BYING VIA/BRUSSLES...lest it end up owning..the entire short-term Treasury market...[owing itself/untold..quadrillions]YET/HOLDING..ONLY-USE/LESS..PROMISE. E)..just/By buying $2 trillion..[in mortgage-backed securities,]...the Fed..(in conjunction with Fannie Mae,Freddy Mac and..the Federal/STATE/NGO..INVESTER/COUNCIL-housing agencies;such as FHA)..has essentially socialized..the mortgage market HUGE/UNPAYABLE DEBTS.FOR GOCT..[for..invester[fed]..landlords].. virtually all..home mortgages..are now backed..or issued/by the government-PURSE...[to huge..investment/vehicles/ secret trusts.. [less than 5%..of all mortgages..are privately issued]..and..ARE/not guaranteed..or owned by the..QUASI/FORMER\government..INSTRUMENT.[NOW/PRIVATE-BANKERS..EXCLUSIVE-global franchise][AT/INTRST] all/this=high treason .Destroy the market’s price assets,..risk and credit,..and you..take away the essential information..participants make rational,..informed decisions. By crushing..the market’s ability/to generate..accurate pricing save the Status Quo..from necessary repricing and reforms,..the Fed/PUBLIC-SERVIANTS.. and the Federal/government'S/GLOBALY..have generated enormously destructive,,[FULLY*-intended]..consequences..that will not/repond to..additional/politically expedient fixes..[BUT/PLENTY..OF NEW/SIN-TAXes. RE-NATIONALISE..ALL PUBLIC..UTILITIES...IMMEDIATLY. All the other/..central planning fixes around the world..share..the same fatal..flaw...austerity/to loot\pillage..public assets[high treason]/plus..debasement..of\hrh-coin...high treason[good thing..we arnt under/war\attack?[we want/ouR COIN-AGE/BACK\JACK/ here-are..mANY LEVELS/OF CORRUPTION TO COVER/JUST ONE..[THE BUILDERBERGERS] ANYHOW..SO WHAT WITHOUT..THE ROT../WHOT*CHA....ot AS YA/GIVE\gave..SHALL-YOU\RECEIVE. Posted by one under god, Friday, 6 June 2014 8:09:17 AM
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Its infuriating knowing that the leaders of our country are kicking back, enjoying giving themselves regular generous pay rises. Bonuses, and perks, handouts. Pretty well looked after really.
Joe Hocking is certainly adamant that those on low incomes and/or benefits are a huge burden on tax payers. 'Time they started taking responsibility for themselves. Stop expecting to be looked after with handouts and bonuses'. (something about the pot and the kettle?) Despite the yearly income of an aged pensioner or permanently disabled recipient possibly matching the annual politicians tax claim for stationary, they still cant see where the burden lies. 'Peter Martin Economics editor' points out yet another over sight. 'Ultra-high earning Australians DONT pay tax, rather claim millions in tax payers money to have their millions looked after. And again the other end of the spectrum, the single parent payment affected (despite his/her circumstances?). Then paid parental leave (I know it was a promise), appreciated Im sure but not a necessity. Stay on at uni, as early school leavers must get a job. But you will need two jobs to survive and pay of your student loan, but wait, now comes with interest. I recently heard a group of youth workers accompanied several aboriginal youths, having never seen the beach, from an inland WA town to 'Bondi beach'. Lovely gesture and a treat for the kids, but at a cost of $72,000, and not a necessity, the beautiful Broome would have been more practical. '$534 million', I read, has been cut from Govt funding of Aboriginal programmes. Again another area where handouts are too easily available and taken. Of course there are communities and individuals for whom assistance is necessary, but many have come to expect and demand and therefore dependent. Posted by jodelie, Wednesday, 18 June 2014 5:04:19 PM
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jodelee/welcome back..missed your words
bj/quoting..<<.another over sight...'Ultra-high earning Australians DONT pay tax,..>> and why should they have to[we ran govt for centuries/just minting our own coin[then we issued too much paper/and the banksters/stole money issuing by govt[and declared govt was to tax income[not wage]..the rich get it all as wage[in gold tax free] govt only needs insure its own money[quaity/ from debasement[fail].. govt really only needs issue..its own coin[at face valued;as if in gold/as if of silver/revise the face to reverse the act of treason[debaSement]..[via]..GOVT MALFEASANCE/TO\the queens mint/via the commonwealth treasury..via our own state banks/no taxes needed by exise duties [or say a transaction tax][govt borrowing 'uits own coin'..from the crime <<tax/others..>...rather claim millions in tax payers money to have their millions looked after...And again the other end of the spectrum,>> SEE BANKERS STEALING the money the root/cause its bankers who pick winners/loosers..[money dont just tak/it commands <<>.the single parent payment..>> parenting takes a community[single parrents should reside in high quality areas/sharing quality housing[creating family units <<.affected..(despite his/her circumstances?). Then paid parental leave..(I know it was a promise)>> truth be known[the public service has had it forever its about time..'the people' something for all that tax theft <<appreciated Im sure..but not a necessity.>> WHATS MORE or serving the dead/bottum line? our life blood..LIVES/sacrIFICED FOR F0E KING AND CUNTRY. Posted by one under god, Wednesday, 18 June 2014 5:41:50 PM
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<</Stay on at uni,..>>
live work play should be uni for all[some get 'it' as youth[others at end of ife/yet others in the middle/but its our choice/not public seervants <<>.as early school leavers must get a job.>> working is a privledge/work allows higher rewatrds <<>.But you will need two jobs to survive..>> consumerismpricing is flexable[giving the poor rent asistance/didnt give them better houses rent assistace is payed direct to the only double the rent <<> should rightfully pay back to spciety/the costs we incured getting a better life? <<>. <<..>>but wait, now comes with interest>> wow at the govt rate[less that 3 percent/try getting that rate..on the marjet? <<>.Lovely gesture and a treat for the kids,>> yeah..private kids go to europe but there ya go..some know the lirks[ie cet these 55,000 pensions//but most dont[sure these black ambassidors saw the see[cause til you grasp how big big really is/you miss THE BIG PICTURE <<but at a cost of $72,000,>>..FOR A BUSSLOAD...LOL HELL PRIVATE SCHGHOUOOLLS GET SUBSIDY PER STUDENT <<..'$534 million', I read, has been cut from Govt funding of Aboriginal programmes.>> yeah stuff them/and their buss-trips[capitalists] <<...many have come to expect and demand..>> in the good times..but then fail to pay/the\reny..<<..and therefore dependent.>>.. then resent having to pay unsubsidized rent. i say they thinking is very backwoods..[even back wards] Posted by one under god, Wednesday, 18 June 2014 5:43:28 PM
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....the handicapped commisioner..IS GONE..[400 MILLION SAVED?..0R 400,000?]..ANYHOW POINT IS HE AND HIS POSITION..IS GONE*.. Posted by one under god, Friday, 20 June 2014 8:33:08 AM
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another OUGed topic.
Posted by Is Mise, Friday, 20 June 2014 9:16:49 AM
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Untangle Occupational Licensing:
"According to research by University of Minnesota professor Morris Kleiner,..:..licensing inflates wages by 18 percent," that sure sounds GREAT more wage=more tax but watcH..... <<.. Rolling back occupational licensing could create almost 3 Million New Jobs">> EACH GETTING LOWER WAGES FOR MORE WORK? ANYHOW BACKWARDS joe..we loved IT..but that was that step too far 12 months..for impersonation THE MOD..[not just onCE]..but we all smiled/about its cleverness..and your opinion gave heart to the left. as for me...your a sweet/soUR..much like us aLL i admit i loved how everyone accorded you a long time poster/despite the few earlIER postings..i havnt botherd cHECKING out but faintly recall.. anyhoW jodie..DONT STOP POSTING..[your not the first/nor last\ but do post more/regardless of who we may think any of us to be. the one and onlY* Posted by one under god, Saturday, 21 June 2014 8:55:32 AM