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Take Criminal Gang's Asetts

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2 dead today in Sydney,s streets, shot down.
Seems the Gold Coast is not much better.
The link is to a call to take the assets from these Biker gangs should we?
In past threads it was talked of and even prisons are being privatized to cut costs.
Why not take even the bikes from these people.
As the link and a thousand written news pages say, it is only a matter of time before innocents are killed.
Why wait?
If the goods and cash exist let criminals, not us fund law enforcement.
Posted by Belly, Tuesday, 30 July 2013 5:45:42 PM
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Yesterday, in reply to concerns both police and a politicians reminded us it is much better so far, this year.
Twice as many shootings we are told,took place in the same period last year.
And yes I got it wrong, same two said not all are Biker or gang related.
Does that make it better?
Posted by Belly, Wednesday, 31 July 2013 5:44:32 AM
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I say pool ALL criminal proceeds to compensate victims. I wouldn't mind getting compensated for what I have lost to theft over the years.
Same goes for those mongrels who run away with insurance money & peoples' superannuation funds. Bureaucrats too must be made far more accountable for costing people a lot in both money & dignity.
Posted by individual, Wednesday, 31 July 2013 9:46:19 AM
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Bikie gangs are mobile ethnic armies massing against the populace. They are asset rich and the fundamental basis of any army is it financial foundation.
We need a 'STAR CHAMBER' that give them the choice to answer the questions truthfully or be locked up until they do. That way we find their assets and we take them. Watch their cohesion shatter then.
Posted by chrisgaff1000, Wednesday, 31 July 2013 10:37:32 AM
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chrisgaff1000 yes I agree.
You can still find the warnings about what has now become the truth, written by an ex top Detective years ago.
Individual,well yes some supper has been lost in shonky company's or single persons.
But on the whole MOST invested in solid schemes is quite safe.
I suppose in posting this I should have understood as it has been in every past thread on this subject it gets us heated.
I see the unsafe condition of some Sydney streets as the big issue.
And the confiscation of criminal assets a way of paying the bill not us.
IF ONLY! Obeid and his mates lost every cent!
If we first look for answers in gun crime, and understand unchecked it will worsen we have plenty to concern us.
Sydney Wollongong and Newcastle ,our biggest city,s, see the gang shoes throw over a power wire, every place, mostly would be gangsters.
Guns come after the next step, it is not of this country,s culture to murder in the streets in these numbers.
And not rare in country,s some came from
Posted by Belly, Wednesday, 31 July 2013 2:48:03 PM
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Not that long ago we had violence eve4n riot between the ethnic soccer clubs. The law stepped in and banned the ethnic origin identity of the clubs.. (Ugal for Yugoslavia, Croatia for the Croats and Hellenic for the Greeks even the Jews had a club Hakoah. Now they have no trouble.
The bike gangs have revived that hate in the community.
Posted by chrisgaff1000, Wednesday, 31 July 2013 5:00:41 PM
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I agree, strip them of their assets. Sale of their assets could help pay the costs of the incarceration system.

There are laws that could be implemented if the government was fair dinkum.
Posted by Banjo, Wednesday, 31 July 2013 5:11:22 PM
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That Civil libertarian ignoramus Terry O'Gorman in Qld is already opposing the new name & shame campaign which in fact is receiving overwhelming community support. I would put O'Gorman in Jail for a while after robbing his place. It's people like him who are the single most cause of the escalation in crime. Moron do-gooder with no sense nor compassion for the victims.
Posted by individual, Wednesday, 31 July 2013 5:18:28 PM
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I saw the front page. Bullet, bullet, bullet, etc.

The implication being *guns* are the problem, not gangs.
No doubt more gun control laws are the "solution".

I also noted the names involved: Bassil Hijazi, Vasko Boskovsk.
Typical Aussies!
Of course, multicultural immigration isn't the problem either, so no need to change that.

You can't just take someone's assets!
Biker gangs are being used as scapegoats to pass laws that seriously threaten civil liberties, and all the sheeple just nod docilely in unison, thinking it's just going to hurt the crims.

Where do they get their money? Mostly drugs?
Well, there's your solution.
Decriminalise/legalise drugs.

If people can buy pure heroin in measured doses from Soul Pattinson, why get cut-with-drain-cleaner backyard stuff from Bmirmini Roskava?
Posted by Shockadelic, Thursday, 1 August 2013 1:46:28 AM
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So do we strip NSW Labor of all its assets.

Federal Labor should reviewed too.
Posted by Shadow Minister, Thursday, 1 August 2013 4:10:15 AM
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SM we are all at times guilty of diverting threads and cheap shots.
Yours is not unexpected and a bait I must not ignore.
It diverts the thread but demands truth gets is gear out and cleans it up.
NSW FILTH how many times have I said that here.
My first warning about the NSW FILTH and indeed Sussex street came at least two full years before the state election.
That election saw a third of Labor supporters, number me one of them, not voting Labor, in fact avoiding them, at any cost.
My call here, to take the assets,all of them from that younger blow fly Obeid and his mates is near begging.
We, you and I know Sir Robin Askin, a Liberal was as bent as a rusty nail ever could be.
We,informed commentators I think we are,know Nify Nev ALP, tried very hard to be as bent.
A book just released, tells us Sir Joe was bent beyond our worst fears, we thought he was an easily lead fool read that book.
His police commissioner SM had his knighthood taken from him and went to prison.
*KEVIN RUDD* by his actions has set true reforms of my party and my state branch, now lead by a trust worthy man is confronting a future of true reform.
Kev has won already that fight, true reform what ever the election result.
Do we all SM stand behind our rock throwing mud at targets not involved in this shameful state event?
Or unlike you do we confront the crime is against us all,and is a betrayal of our country and its values.
SM the boy who cried wolf?
No rich criminal should ever stay rich after a term in prison including NSW FILTH and increasing evidence supports the view HSU officials too.
Posted by Belly, Thursday, 1 August 2013 6:31:26 AM
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While I both diverted the thread and told some one else they had I would like to return.
I am mindful in past threads folk I like did not like my words.
But it is true Sydney is no longer the City I in my very young days lived in.
It too is not the City my family fled to, to stem the flow of us kids leaving the bush to find work, in Sydney.
We twice found our home in Granville,and still 50 years on know folk who, like us lived there and returned to the bush.
The guns have been heard there and death on its streets too.
It is just unwelcoming and threatening , for WASP in that area now.
What do we do about it,the Granville, include ten or more suburbs, I knew saw us out the back of the pub fighting with our fists.
Police today warn and highlight! those minor things are fought from the safety of a gutless speeding car, with a gun.
We in this state if not country do not deserve this.
Why not lead the world, put a law in place to confiscate every single dollar from such criminals.
You could leave you front door open in 1953 in Granville,you dare not now.
Posted by Belly, Thursday, 1 August 2013 6:58:01 AM
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....NSW FILTH how many times have I said that here.

Yes Belly, and your solution, give labor another term, so they can at least have a go at completely stuffing the country.

Given where they have taken us thus far, it should not take them too long.

Now you say we divert threads, yes, at times we do, but, in my defense at least, Perhaps if you would respond to what are reasonable questions, as opposed to running away, then threads that involve yourself would not be diverted so much.

Now if this offends you, then return to the thread and answer the questions.
Posted by rehctub, Thursday, 1 August 2013 7:07:16 AM
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I worked under 2 corrupt premiers and three corrupt police commissioners and I had the privilege of trying very hard to lock up Joe in QLD via a Royal Commission secondment. I was in the squads when Nifty Neville's "bag-man" was busted and his daughter caught with a slab of pure hash in is car at Killara.(no convictions)
Bolte,Askin and Joe used to be called the "East Coast Mafia" and for good reason. They each had their private "Goon Squads" made up of psycho prison guards that did their every bidding, and I mean every bidding, in return for fast cars, better guns and access to the 'parlors'
Everything criminal is about assets. Strip them of everything and I mean their total family as well=
Posted by chrisgaff1000, Thursday, 1 August 2013 8:51:08 AM
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What about the federal Labor filth. The ministers that happily accepted the Largess or Obeid, and didn't bat an eye. Carr and Albanese who happily re endorsed them, and used them to move up the Ladder. The Dudd is not immune from this either. No one within Labor questioned these rats and the way they came across their millions on a MP's salary.

The prolonged and active defense of the criminal Thomson was bankrolled by federal labor not just NSW, and Dudd's crocodile tears are at getting caught, not for the crimes themselves. The only changes have been to cement Dudd in power, the rest is window dressing.
Posted by Shadow Minister, Thursday, 1 August 2013 9:00:18 AM
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On this we agree filth can be found not just in politics but in even the police force.
I with all my heart, *think we by our actions promote it*
I am nothing special, get it both wrong and right all too often.
But see the Post of SHADOW MINISTER.
It is his standard issue.
Yes great wrongs/crimes/ and cover ups have been done by Unions/Labor to followers.
But here is my point.
Highlighting the other sides wrong while refusing to even wisper about those on your side.
*Hides corruption.
Blowing the Balloon up, infering Federal Labor played any roll in NSW FILTH is foolhardy.
But over the last eight years SM leader of the pack, has never told us about his sides faults.
Post this federal election will we look back on years of negativity and see what roll it played in that poll?
I think we owe it to our selves to never hide forget or forgive *any act of corruption by any one*
Posted by Belly, Friday, 2 August 2013 5:16:45 AM
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I was unaware that Craig Thomson and Williamson were NSW labor?

Also your assumption that NSW Labor and Federal labor were completely separate is also a bit naive, especially considering that Shorten, Albernese and others were going on holiday in Obeid's accommodation etc.

As said by others:

"But anyone who thinks some rule changes foisted on the NSW ALP branch a few weeks before a federal election - to inoculate a new prime minister and the federal party against disastrous findings of corruption and abuse over a sweep of years - can fix a culture of abuse of power, is having a lend of voters and ignoring political patronage, personal preferment, corruption, lies, debasing of parliamentary procedures, police corruption and the perversion of justice which has been a hallmark of NSW politics for decades."
Posted by Shadow Minister, Friday, 2 August 2013 11:39:42 AM
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SM come on you kidder you!
Both these slugs are Labor, sadly, been my day to take the castor oil.
Remember that?
Took two papers to my work, temporary thing, and read then reread the NSW FILTH stuff, balanced and still hurtful in this country,s only true news paper Fairfax.
And loaded tripe in the MURDOCK power without glory rag any he taints/owns.
It hurt.
But truth matters I now think I got it quite wrong about Thomson, yes some charges can not stick, he even may beat them all, but he should meet the NSW FILTH in prison.
No way around it I had a bad day, but knowing Abbott did too helps.
Those close observers of Murdock,s rags may if they look closely, see the little rodents foot prints in some true yellow journalism/comic book stuff he see,s gets in to print.
Know however we have a secrete weapon.
Tucked away and ready to ensure an ALP victory.
Do not tell any one it is.
Wait for it.
Tony Abbott.
Posted by Belly, Friday, 2 August 2013 4:18:49 PM
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You sound just like Rudd. He is very angry that they got caught. Stupid crooks should be expelled from Labor, and only those could lie with a straight face like Dudd should stay on.

The problem is that crooks appear in every facet of labor, at state level, at federal level, at council level there are elected labor and union officials filling their pockets.

P.S. the coalition's greatest weapon is Rudd the Dudd. Already people are starting to wise up to his rubbish.

I notice that when new taxes are introduced, the announcement that labor's budget is already trashed, etc, Rudd the Dudd is nowhere to be seen.
Posted by Shadow Minister, Saturday, 3 August 2013 9:19:18 PM
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Lets not fool around SM, you are becoming frantic.
Frantic in your efforts to ignore that Turnbull would win.
In ignoring that Abbott is a treasured Labor advantage in the coming election.
And, as is your usual, franticly trying to make Negatives in to Positives.
While the thread was about the western Sydney Gold Coast gangster gun crime, it has other values.
In past debate we have seen the thought short sentencing, early paroles, and no sentencing may be blamed on the costs involved that we pay.
Why not lead the world not follow?
A criminals assets should be taken to pay for crime enforcement and prisons.
Not making us the victims pay.
Posted by Belly, Sunday, 4 August 2013 6:26:39 AM
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You are the one getting your knickers in a twist about all the Labor crooks.

Let's see how the public takes the policy bumbling, and the budget stuff up.
Posted by Shadow Minister, Sunday, 4 August 2013 3:33:10 PM
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Shadow Minister How observant of you!
Waiting, still for your views on your sides wrongs.
Been a lot of ministers dropped in just two years in QLD Vic now NSW.
Your silence is both telling and stunning.
Frantic mud throwing while trying to divert every thread to a child like taunting of any one who puts thought in to a post.
Can such negativity win an election?
Posted by Belly, Monday, 5 August 2013 5:56:26 AM
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Is there any doubt why our system is broken?
Here one who we put in place to judge and sentence proves the point of many posts.
Very many in past threads that question those who judge and hand down judgments.
Posted by Belly, Tuesday, 6 August 2013 3:52:38 PM
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The notable difference is that Liberal MPs are sacked for often minor infringements, whilst Labor MPs stay on until convicted of criminal offenses.
Posted by Shadow Minister, Wednesday, 7 August 2013 7:39:14 AM
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Sorry you are not telling fibs again are you?
QLD police commisioner ?
forgot that and the whole Fitzgerald report?
Must be hard even with Murdock on side there is a chance Australia will not trust tiny Tony.
Posted by Belly, Wednesday, 7 August 2013 2:30:34 PM
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It is really sad that you have to go back 3 decades to find anything against a liberal government.

I can go back to recent months to find Labor criminal behavior in several states and at federal level.
Posted by Shadow Minister, Thursday, 8 August 2013 7:57:50 AM
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I agree that any profits and largesse gained through corrupt dealings should be taken back by the State and put into general revenue. One can only assume Obeid and Macdonald etal will fall into that category if the Court decides their guilt.

Liberals are not performing too well in terms of accountability at present. QLD and NSW recently had to boot out or reprimand MPs who were using their office for corrupt purpose and/or poor behaviour. But at least O'Farrell did finally suspend whatshisface from his role after pressure came to bear and, I am sure, in light of the ICAC findings. Better to be seen as a clean slate.

Also the misuse of government power to go after a High Court Judge including the forging of official documents led to a Liberal Senator being censured by the Senate but no other repercussions. Politicians should not be able to use parliamentary privilege to do bad things for political gain especially when it has tragic consequences. Then there was AWB, children overboard etc.

Both sides of politics lie. Seeing politics as a sport or about winning at all costs or as Graeme Richardson penned 'Whatever it Takes' is endemic in Australian politics. It is as bad among many strident voters as it is among the politicians.

I think this sort of corruption has always been present and there is much that the public does not know - how much has slipped under the radar. How many politicians and senior public servants have benefited from their dealings with the private sector later on with job offers and board positions?

That is why it is essential for better governance with a tighter legislative framework and better oversight to stem the flow of corruption. Better whistleblower protections would help as well.

No side of politics is clean on this but as always it tends to be the few that taint the 90% who don't rort the system. (I hope it is only 90%)
Posted by pelican, Thursday, 8 August 2013 9:10:55 AM
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That last sentence should have read "I hope it is only 10%".

If 90% rort then the system is really in trouble. :/
Posted by pelican, Thursday, 8 August 2013 9:12:02 AM
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I too hope it is no more than 10 percent Pelican.
And too hope the emerging list of recent Liberal wrongs is being watched by other than SM, who without doubt would hide them.
Posted by Belly, Thursday, 8 August 2013 3:32:10 PM
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Well we got all over the track in this thread.
So just to be clear I vote Labor, always.
And it is my view if we took *every cent from all in the NSW FILTH*
And gave each life without parole it would not be enough.
No trouble for me from the Lib/Nats there, but bet not one of them will ever say that about one of theirs!
That is evidenced by 8 years of requesting their sides faults be put on display here.
Posted by Belly, Friday, 9 August 2013 3:15:19 PM
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What about the federal filth involved in union corruption such as Thomson, Williamson, and Gillard?
Posted by Shadow Minister, Friday, 9 August 2013 6:50:55 PM
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Well done SM!
Your task is to run away from any truth about you side and you do that well.
Further you build mountains from specks of dust very well.
Should Australia ever follow such as you thinking, one side is always perfect the other dreadful, we can expect one big Campbell Newman style job shredding country.
Posted by Belly, Saturday, 10 August 2013 7:15:22 AM
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I see from the latest jobs figures that Queensland is the one state that is reducing its unemployment, while Labor's Dudd is increasing it. Also I see that Abbott now scores higher on the issue of trust, and the gap of preferred PM is vanishing.

Rudd the Dudd's honeymoon with the voters is coming to a close, and I am looking forward to the divorce in September.
Posted by Shadow Minister, Saturday, 10 August 2013 9:12:58 AM
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Tut,tut, SM.....

I think I'll just put my feet up and check out this thread for a while...and see how long it takes Joe-Loudmouth to mosey on over here to tick you off for going off topic.

(Won't hold my breath:)
Posted by Poirot, Saturday, 10 August 2013 9:28:57 AM
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I understand SM.
Truly I do.
Must be hurting knowing it is now a race.
And gee fearing just maybe voters will wake up to your sides thimble and pea tricks!
Posted by Belly, Saturday, 10 August 2013 5:51:19 PM
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