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The Forum > General Discussion > The Destruction of the NSW Economy May Well Save John Howard.

The Destruction of the NSW Economy May Well Save John Howard.

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These last three months of trading have been my worst in living memory.Businesses in my industry are falling like dominoes.The taxes,mismanagement and sheer waste of the Iemma Govt have small increases in interest rates finally break the back of our economy.

As I said over 12 months ago,Morris should borrow money,reduce taxes and keep the Golden Goose of his income producing more wealth.Now It is called private enterprise.This Labor Govt has not a clue.He did have to sack any public servants,just streamline his Depts and not hire more staff.The Public Service Union however had too much power.We have a Public Service full of bureaucrats and few front line workers.

If this downturn continues then many thousands will lose their jobs,houses and businesses.Our poisoned chalice of Morris' re-election,will be John Howard's windfall.
Posted by Arjay, Thursday, 3 May 2007 8:48:43 PM
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I agree with you however I have found the lack pof understanding by the public always blames the Federal Government.

People are screaming all over Australia but they forget most of their problems come from their State Government which is normally labour Government.

I think we need a National Education Programe to explain the basics to the public.

Knee jerk reactions and the old attitude- Well I will show them I will vote for the other team seems to be a big problem in Australia.

I dont think The Prime Minister will be happy to see people loose their homes either.
I think he basically cares but has the wool pulled over his eyes by the Nationals.
If you want to blame anybody for some of the big problems in this country just look at the Nationals.

They are traitors to the Farmers and have sold them out and flooded the country with cheap imports.
Other countries protect their farmers from that.

I think The Howard Government should distance itself from the National.
Thats what I think.
Posted by People Against Live Exports & Intensive Farming, Thursday, 3 May 2007 11:37:20 PM
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In the West, a Labor Government floating in mining money has run hospitals into the ground, schools are in revolt over the stupid carriculla, politicians have been sacked for scandalous behaviour and everything they touch has turned rancid.
Yet they are in constant denial and point the finger at the Federal Government in an attempt to cover up.
God help us if they take the country over.
Posted by mickijo, Friday, 4 May 2007 2:57:59 PM
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PALE - in regard to the nationals, I think you've got it totally backward.

It's the Nationals who have led the charge against imports - take the recent fire-blight apple import ruling. They've been opposing it at every step of the way. Similarly, it's the liberals who've been keen to privatise everything in sight, with the Nationals the ones objecting at every stage.
I have severe doubts as to the effectiveness of the nationals, but your statements are the reverse of their policies. I agree they should separate from the liberals, but only because the Nationals key plank has always been protectionist economic policy in regards to agriculture, while the Liberals are stridently opposed to what they call see as agrarian socialism.
This has undermined the core plank of the national party, and the reason for the problems you cite has been the fact that the Nationals have been too weak to resist the liberal party - the Nationals certainly haven't been the instigators.

You're giving the National Party credit for things they are incapable of doing and have in fact, things to which they have expressed weak opposition.

I agree the parties should separate - but only because the Nationals have simply become Liberal mouthpieces and if they want to persevere as a party they need to retain some independence.
Posted by TurnRightThenLeft, Friday, 4 May 2007 3:18:06 PM
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Apples for Oranges.

PALE- Stands for People Against Live exports.
The Nationals drive the cruel live animal exports.
Why dont you ask the X Minister Of Trade why we are sending our mineral off to ME. The mineral which cultivates "their" golf courses in ME and grows thousands of trees.?

Nice and green over there.

Of course it is - Its compliments of Australia who cheerfully export their water in mineral form in the middle of the bigggest dry know to this Country.

Then of course we have the "direct arrangments' between Australia and Kuwait Government for ship loads of live sheep.

Government to Government- SHAME!

Shame also On the National Party who export our jobs and destroy our regional areas.
Make that destoyed.
Do you know the name of the person who personally organised all these ships of Shame turnrightleft? I do.

They say they look after the farmers.
Who are they kidding with their old boys club.
Its the TRADE dollars turnrightleft that drive this cruel trade headed by the Nationals.
Lerks perks deals for the boys. The votes The Grants The Donations to parties
Come on its all the corps now- not the Real Aussie farmers they care about.
Tell you what - All is not lost. We can buy goods from the ME who use our minerals which they divert to water to grow their crops.
Then they call us the clever Country.
Mate I am fool proof after watching the Nationals!
Here is what the Queen had to say after who is reponsible for the discusting trade in Live Animals.
See if there is anybody there you know?
Enjoy your apple.

Now before you reply turnrightleft. Take a good look at what your National Party is resonsible for!>
Posted by People Against Live Exports & Intensive Farming, Friday, 4 May 2007 6:51:07 PM
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Perhaps Kevin Rudd should have a whisper in Morris Iemma's ear about the running of the NSW economy.It is definitely hurting Kevin Rudds chances if this downturn continues.

Once an economy spirals downward,it gathers it's own momentum destroying confidence and even more business activity.It is not in John Howard's interest to bail Morris Iemma out both for political reasons and be seen to throw good money after bad.

Michael Coster himself said 12 mnts ago that there were 50,000 too many bureaucrats and was going to freeze employment on new positions.This idea was totally abandoned and they ran a scare campaign on front line jobs like nursing that would go at our last election.

Does this mean that 50,000 people in private enterprise must lose everything to keep cushy jobs for Public Servants?It seems that the PS Aristocracy reigns supreme.
Posted by Arjay, Friday, 4 May 2007 8:00:44 PM
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Anyone remember the show Yes Minister? Yes it might have been about the British system, but they seem to have done a damn fine job of replicating it here!
Posted by Country Gal, Friday, 4 May 2007 9:49:12 PM
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With all due respect to Arjay, blaming the State Government's incompetence for NSW's economic woes seems overly simplistic.

Could it be possible that NSW's problems are symptomatic of the entire Australian economy? The non-resource rich states are already experiencing in many ways the recession that the entire country is due for. The commodities boom may be prolonging the onset of a nation-wide recession, but it is also excaserbating many of the nation's economic imbalances in the process.
Posted by Oligarch, Saturday, 5 May 2007 7:40:41 PM
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"Morris should borrow money....."

Of course! Borrow Money. Why didn't I think of it!?!? Why didn't Iemma?

"streamline his Depts and not hire more staff."

Of course the destruction of NSW economy will reverse if Iemma doesn't hire more staff.


Use more hyperbole in your title Arjay. I suggest you move out of NSW, before there is a public revolt after this "Destruction of the NSW Economy" and Sydney is burned to the ground in the ensuing anarchy.
Posted by Steel, Sunday, 6 May 2007 4:03:34 AM
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And Who is going to whisper in Kevins ear Arjay.?

Dont you remember them last time.

Oligarh said we have non resourse States. Yes and they are labours mostly.
A country built on the sheeps back- as it was- then you litterally ship the sheep off in their most vaulable form?

Value adding is what keeps every country going. I am not just talking about sheep but all rural products.

The fact is we send all our cattle sheep and just about every other animal overseas alive. The people overeas only buy these animal alive for three reasons.

A because they want the jobs for their people to keep a strong economy going.
B They value add producing small goods which are made from the insides of the whole of the animal - bi- products
C They get the tans and hides which creates further employment producing such things as - seats for motor trade upholstery shoes and much more.

To top it off we dont even own the ships that takes these poor suffering animals.

Elders for example who are sponsering this page for you are live animal exporters.

Look at the interest and wonder how they do it. Still on the sheeps back quite litterally - and Yours Australia.

The thing is unless Australian people wake up and demand both Government stop sending Animals off in their most vaulable form- we are doomed.

Whats the REAL reason for live exports?
Its the trade Dollar that they knew the farmers would never uunderstand and the kick back- Such as fat Rich few donating to their parties.

Somebody whispered in Kevins Eye at the AWB enquiry Arjay.
He wasnt listening Arjay.
He didnt even see the strippers outside the AWB enquiry protesting Live Exports.
What does that tell you?

Speaking of which,
Thank you Elders one of the largest live Animal Exporters for sponsering this page.

BUT I dont thank you for shipping our rescoures out in their most vaulable form.
Nor this> Shame!
Posted by People Against Live Exports & Intensive Farming, Sunday, 6 May 2007 8:13:37 AM
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Steel or Steal is obiviously a public servant snug in his fortress of being unaccountable.I Know quite a few Steel and know what they don't do.I just milk their lazy minds in casual conversation to determine the reality.

If the general public knew the reality of how we in NSW are over serviced with bureaucrats who create rules to make our lives impossible, then there would be an uprising of fury and anger unpresidented in our history.

It took a Labor Govt in NSW to destroy the biggest,richest state in the whole of Australia ,in times of unpresidented prosperity.No other state is suffering like NSW however Labor State Govts all over Aust are growing their bureaucracies at the expense of ordinary workers.

Under the pretense of "Social Justice",Labor Govts grow enormous bureaucracies to service the egos of social engineers who tell people that they are victims and therefore need not try.

There are cushy jobs in making people dependant upon social security.

Morris Iemma need not sack anyone,just put a few thousand of his excess bureaucrats in real jobs servicing the public.What the nurses union campaign was really about at our last election,was the loss of adminstration jobs for fear that many would again have to service real patients in real need.Did you ever watch that episode of "Yes Minister"?Patients just got in the way of the wheels of bureaucracy.

Anyone who even alludes to defending this Iemma/Carr debacle,has no creditability.Basically Labor Govts appeal appeal to our human weaknesses rather than our more noble aspirations of achievement and independance.

By the way ,where is Wally Iemma? He seems to have expediently gone to ground.
Posted by Arjay, Monday, 7 May 2007 10:08:13 PM
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