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The Forum > General Discussion > More aviation security nonsense

More aviation security nonsense

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The 31st of March saw the introduction of new restrictions on the carriage of liquids and gels in aircraft carry on baggage.

The potential for constructing a bomb using one or more liquids is real. Indeed, such a bomb has already been detonated in an aircraft - though fortunately without bringing it down.

Despite that, the restrictions that have been introduced seem to serve little or no real purpose. The rationale for limiting containers to 100mL appears to be that such an amount of liquid is insufficient to make a bomb that can destroy an aircraft [1], but individuals can take on multiple 100mL containers, provided they can fit into a 1 litre bag. In practice it appears this represents a practical limit of 500mL, which could then be transferred into a larger single empty container (which the rules allow a person to take through) after the screening has been done. Indeed a number of people could collude so as to carry an even larger amount through.

The rules also provide some convenient exemptions. Of particular note is the one for cough mixture, which could be used to disguise any sort of viscous liquid. Another is for contact lens cleaning liquid. Indeed a contact lens cleaning liquid container was exactly what was used in the attack I mentioned above

It's hard to fathom the mindset that leads to these rules. If one were serious about addressing this issue, the restrictions would be more severe, and the screening would be done as passengers board their aircraft. That would pretty much destroy the on-airport duty-free business, but it would have some useful protective effect.

As they stand, the new rules, like the existing ones relating to sharp objects, serve no real purpose, and are just a nuisance.

Still, at least the government can be seen to be acting, and perhaps that always was the point.


[1] See question 9 in the FAQ:
Posted by Sylvia Else, Thursday, 3 May 2007 5:31:16 PM
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I thought this would generate more interest. Oh well.

I've noted that the rules relate to substances that are liquid at the time they are taken through the screening point.

Accordingly, I will adopt the simple expedient of freezing things I want to take through in quantity, and then using hot water in the bathroom to defrost them once I'm in the secure area.
Posted by Sylvia Else, Saturday, 5 May 2007 8:59:58 AM
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Hi there Sylvia...

I enjoyed your 'post', and thought your comments were valid. And I too would have thought the topic would've generated more discussion, however, there you are.

All I wish to say, is these so called 'experts' who make policy and develop strategies on these matters, are generally not real 'experts' at all, other than perhaps in their own mind/s.

Despite their (government's) protestations, we here in Australia are quite badly prepared for a genuine terrorist incident. There are so many petty jealousies, amongest the State and Federal Police; ASIO; ASIS; ONA; the Military; and several other vested interests ad nauseam, that adequate tactical prepardness is substantially diluted. This is the result of generally over-reacting to perceived airline security issues, that you initially raised. I know a little of these matters, Sylvia.

However, I must also state herein, that we have some very talented men and women engaged within these industries/departments too.

I suppose at my age, I don't really need to worry too much about these issues now. Other than to harbour a very real concern for the future safety of our younger folk.

All the best...sungwu.
Posted by o sung wu, Saturday, 5 May 2007 9:40:24 AM
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