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The Forum > General Discussion > how to stop the boats

how to stop the boats

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poirot: you haven't explained how you're going to get those captains to pay.

From one Simple Minder Bigot: He's a suggestion. We charge the Indo's $1M for every boat that arrives & $100000 for every Asylum Seeker that arrives in Australia & take it out of their Aid.

Oh you dirty name caller you, poirot. Now I going away to cry. I can't take it any more. Sob, sob, bwaha!

Question. What do they do to the boats? Do they still burn them? Just think of the Customs problem with the infested timber, rat, etc. I hope they burn them. They must have a great boat building industry In Indo Just to keep up.
Posted by Jayb, Thursday, 18 July 2013 11:36:07 AM
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You pedantic p**ck. Obviously it was a typo.

AS far as the boats are concerned they are burnt although we have one in Seisia harbor sunk at its moorings through wood rot.
They landed one day and asked directions to the nearest police station.

Same thing happened in Aurukun when I was based there. These blokes came marching up the main road in suits with suitcases looking for the police.

The boat simply dropped them off and headed out to sea.
Posted by chrisgaff1000, Thursday, 18 July 2013 1:12:56 PM
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Robert LePage - Indonesia may have 200 million people but 1 strategically targeted missile can kill a lot and 1 nuke in the middle of a fleet would sink every one of there ships.

If we had a land border with them I would agree with you but they have to get here. Although under Rudd and co we can't seem to find a boat till it arrives on our doorstep.

Poirot - When only 10 to 15% were checked properly the "90.5 percent of claims are found to be genuine" as you claim would therefore have to be manipulated figures.

Josephus - You beat me to his miscalculation, good call.
Posted by Philip S, Thursday, 18 July 2013 3:01:27 PM
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Rechtub give some thought to my statement here.
Abbott in fear mongering/refusing to let Labor pass legislation/ and being generally unwilling to see the problem solved .
All in my view please his red necks.
But is that not pampering to his own followers while pushing the middle away.
Elections are not one by hope.
Abbott is on the brink of pushing himself out of a job.
Posted by Belly, Thursday, 18 July 2013 4:11:59 PM
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nobody is going to catch a taxi if there is no driver, and no amount of money is worth driving the taxi if it means life imprisonment.
Posted by nessie, Thursday, 18 July 2013 4:46:05 PM
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Punishment should fit the crime not serve some other purpose. Murder and rape are major offenses which merit severe sentences. People smuggling is an offense of lesser magnitude than murder and rape and should therefore attract a lesser sentence.
Posted by david f, Thursday, 18 July 2013 6:14:24 PM
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