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The Forum > General Discussion > Stay and face the music you whimp!

Stay and face the music you whimp!

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Just to correct your nonsense.

These two gentlemen are much loved in their
electorates. I know. I have families that
live there. However as stated previously,
your statement is a pefect
example of the sheer nonsense to which these
Independents have been subjected.

And you've got the cheek to talk about "partisanship,"
and bad governments. Ah well, please continue to give
examples to us all - of how your side of politics works.
Elections are coming up and people need to see what you
guys really stand for.
Posted by Lexi, Friday, 28 June 2013 6:00:23 PM
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Those two are as bad as that Wellington fellow who got the useless Beatty mob into Govt in Qld. Perhaps you don't care because you're sitting pretty in your library but those of us who are out working weren't at all happy with either Rudd/Gillard nor Beatty/Bligh.
Posted by individual, Friday, 28 June 2013 6:45:23 PM
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The last independent poll in RO's electorate put him at 14%, while you will find friends and family that liked him, most didn't. He got what he deserved "time to spend with his family"

TW started with a much bigger majority, but the swing against him was also huge. With campaigning BJ was likely to win.
Posted by Shadow Minister, Saturday, 29 June 2013 6:19:17 AM
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Again, to correct a few things.

According to the local papers shock has been a common
reaction on the streets of Tamworth, with many
expressing the sadness at the announcement of Tony
Windsor leaving Parliament. The man has held his seat
for 12 years and before that the State seat of
Tamworth for 10 years. He has achieved a great deal in
the electorate and is held in very high regard by most

Rob Oakeshott's seat of Lyne - the reaction was just as strong.
He is held in high regard. In the 2010 election he
had a 47.2 percent swing. As I stated earlier most people
recognise the good that has been done by these men in their
best interests. These men are considered as being reasonable
men who took their jobs seriously. Their electorates and
Parliament will be the poorer by their absence.
Posted by Lexi, Saturday, 29 June 2013 11:32:25 AM
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You must be reading different papers. I believe that many were happy to see the back of two idiots who misrepresented their electorates.
Posted by Shadow Minister, Saturday, 29 June 2013 11:59:37 AM
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Yes SM, not only did they misrepresent their electorates, but they also comtinued their unconditional support tom this government blunder after blunder after blunder.

They simply cooked their own goose.
Posted by rehctub, Monday, 1 July 2013 6:54:13 PM
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