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Federal or unitary govt?

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I would like to further explore what this means?
I have for some years decided that the French electoral system was better than ours.
Would someone care to take up the challenge? to educate me I mean.
If we were to become a republic would this facilitate a
change to"a unitary" system?
Posted by fluff4, Tuesday, 1 May 2007 12:39:59 PM
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Well fluff;

I dont know about a unitary system, because that will never happen. Labor has helped to polarise the nation at work over the years, and won't allow anything like unison.

As for things like French socialism and that, you could ring the ACTU. There, they have this fella called Greg Combet, of i think French origin.

Seeings how he will be installed in politics soon ( a Political appointment across from the Unions), and is the architect of Labors socialism at work, you could ring him and ask him your questions.

Im sure he'd tell you all you need to know.
Posted by Gadget, Tuesday, 1 May 2007 2:15:19 PM
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fluff, go to wiki, see 'democracy'. the part about 'direct democracy' and 'swiss democracy' seem to me to be the political structure oz should strive for.
Posted by DEMOS, Tuesday, 1 May 2007 2:37:01 PM
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We are already a republic and it has noting to do with the incompetent selected and elected members of our Parliaments. The bureaucrats and the law makers (The Bar Association and the Law Society) have all of us under their total control and the elected politicians, who are not members of the bottom-feeders profession, are not competent or have the capacity to do anything about it even when they are presented with the evidence of how it is being achieved. When the rule of law is thrown out the window and only govt policy prevails in our pretend courts of law (tribunals of Govt policy) and enforced at the barrel of a gun by the fascist regimes in Brisbane and Canberra we nolonger live under democratic system which we have been led to believe existed since 1901 when the Australian Constitution Act allegedly came into force. They have no intentions of changing what they have created as they are only trying to get its rubber stamp of approval from the govt educated peasants who have no real say anyway. If the labour party get elected in the next Federal election we will be heading into very dangerous times because the peasants will eventually revolt as they did in 1688. If the other bunch of clowns remain we still stand a chance of creating the system we are entitled to that provides for our basic human rights in accordance with the International Convention on Civil and Political Rights.
Posted by Young Dan, Thursday, 3 May 2007 2:53:13 AM
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Young Dan and others,

Having successfully defeated the federal government in a 5-year legal battle concerning numerous constitutional issues, those lawyer left UNCHALLENGED, in electoral matters, the issue is not that we are a republic but that the federal political parties all are pursuing this as to be in their interest. After all, rather then being restrained by the constitution having a “constitutional parliament” they devised to replace the 1900 constitution with an identical constitution just that now we have no longer, so they argue, a “constitutional parliament” but a Parliament that is above the Constitution, as it now created the constitution!

I opposed to vote in the purported federal elections and proved in court that not only is it unconstitutional to force anyone to vote, but no one is going to dictate me how I have to vote either.
The lawyers of the federal government lost the case totally!
Copies of the relevant court orders are included in my 28 March 2007 published book;

INSPECTOR-RIKATI® & How to lawfully avoid voting
A book about Australia’s federal election issues & rights
ISBN 978-0-9751760-4-7 was ISBN 0-9751760-4-8 (CD)
ISBN 978-0-9751760-3-0 was ISBN 0-9751760-3-X (Book)
ISBN 978-0-9751760-9-2 (Book-Colour)

We, the people, should take back our constitutional rights and ensure that Members of Parliament represent their respective constituents and if they don’t they get kicked out, so to say, not after some years but we should petition the Courts that their lies and deception should disqualify them from sitting. Then we can put other lairs and sheets instead in power and on and on it goes, unless we simply get sick of it all and we get rid of political parties (Apply WorkChoices to political parties also! Now that would be fun.) and we finally may get a true democratic government!
See also
Posted by Mr Gerrit H Schorel-Hlavka, Tuesday, 8 May 2007 12:40:44 AM
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