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Kind of proves my post on another thread.

You have to stand back for a while, [a few years], & watch what any new party is prepared to do to get a raft of candidates.

Clive has certainly blown it, in wanting to get his party registered, in a hurry, the easy way.

On the deficit, this proves we can't afford a NBN, which is not included in there, or the NDIS, or Gonski wild education spending, not in yet either. Bung that lot into the figures, & without overruns we're looking at another 29 billion a year borrowings.

Hell we can't pay for now, let alone all these fool money pits.
Posted by Hasbeen, Saturday, 11 May 2013 9:07:19 PM
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Lmscp, a major factor in this sort budgetary analysis just gets left out all the time. This is the ever-increasing demand for everything that is generated by very high population growth.

With a stable population or a much lower rate of growth, we might just have some chance of actually…

…getting some net improvements from all the enormous expense on services, infrastructure, etc…

…and at the same time coming a lot closer to being able to balance the books!
Posted by Ludwig, Monday, 13 May 2013 4:54:09 AM
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Hasbeen "On the deficit, this proves we can't afford a NBN, which is not included in there, or the NDIS, or Gonski wild education spending..."

We can't afford not to afford these things for our future. Swan's budget lacks only one thing, higher taxes to take us back to the Howard years level so we can afford these things without/with less borrowings. It would also be helpful if Treasury could forecast better (oh, that's right, Treasury is a pawn of Government right?). As it is, any borrowing necessary (i.e. to pay for the forecast budget deficits) will not put Oz into anything resembling a catastrophe.

I comfortably owe 20 percent of my annual income in interest on 12 percent of the value of my assets. What's the big deal with Government investing prudently in ensuring a stronger taxable national income stream in the future? Do we have to revert to years of low infrastructure spending as we did under the Howard Government only to have to make up the shortfall some time in the future as we have had to do?

The only real difference between ALP and LNP approaches are timing, priorities (how quickly to reduce a deficit, where to spend money) and who gets the cream (capital or labour). All tugging about over income/expenditure evolves from this.

Australia's economy is the envy of the world while we scare ourselves over relatively minor details when compared with most other countries.
Posted by Luciferase, Wednesday, 15 May 2013 11:31:23 AM
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Garbage Luciferase, the only effect Gonski will have is to put more money in the education unions pocket. How can you say even one damn kid will be better educated, when they have no idea of what they want to do.

The NBN is all ready starting to look like a white elephant, & a money pit at that, & this is before recent announcements of research successes tell us fiber will be obsolete, even before this lot of numskulls hired to build the thing, get it finished.

As for the NDIS, they don't even know what they want to do with the money. Doesn't matter to Julia & co of course, once it has bought a few votes they don't care.

Of course, just like more money for the disadvantaged suddenly generated a whole lot more so called disadvantaged, the NDIS will have a whole lot more disabled coming out of the woodwork, with their hand well out.
Posted by Hasbeen, Wednesday, 15 May 2013 3:14:48 PM
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Heard Clive Palmer say that he put in a membership list of over 700
members but the application was knocked back because he did not submit
500 members !
Apparently he reduced it to 500 with an extension of time.
Sounds like a bit of burocratese attempt to keep him out.
Posted by Bazz, Wednesday, 15 May 2013 3:55:17 PM
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Garbage back to you Hasbeen. You have a right to your own opinion, but not to your own facts.

So, fibre has been superseded, by what? Please don't spout about wireless, that's a total furphy. Is there something I've missed, apart from Turnbull's fatuous claim about copper delivering 80 Mb/s to us all on the NBN he's not going to build?

Nice to think that in life's lottery those with a child born disabled will not be left to cope alone, as you would prefer they do. Nice also that we are going to try to ensure every child has equitable access to becoming educated, but you don't care for that either (this is not entirely a money issue, but money is a part of it).

Just what do you care about, Hasbeen? All I have read from you is spend nothing and tax nothing. Have you thought of living as a hermit on a small island (with broadband access, of course)?
Posted by Luciferase, Wednesday, 15 May 2013 8:32:05 PM
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