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The Forum > General Discussion > Juliar - get your priorities right

Juliar - get your priorities right

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The Government is potentially going to close dozens of military bases and army reserve depots in a drive to save money amid a $5.5 billion cut to defence spending.

BUT they are going to spend money to to strengthen and lengthen runways in northern Australia and the Cocos Islands for use by drones and other surveillance aircraft.
These are considered essential to scanning waters to the continent's north, and could be used for drones Australia is likely to buy, as well as US unmanned craft.

They essentially want to spend more money on the FAILED border protection, all this will do is give the illegal welfare for lifers a greater sense of safety when they come here, it will not stop ONE boat, the only thing invading us are economic refugees.

Here is the irony we cut back $5.5 Billion on the military BUT are happy to accept the welfare for lifers which are costing us MORE than $5.5 Billion per year.

Rudd if you had not stuffed up a working deterrent and let in THOUSANDS of welfare for lifers we would not have to potentially decimate the military.
Posted by Philip S, Tuesday, 22 January 2013 10:29:00 PM
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Well yes Philip, I guess the real problem is that YOU do not have the money !
Posted by Bazz, Thursday, 24 January 2013 6:44:43 AM
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If I had $5.5 Billion I would have a bigger problem, working out what to spend it on.
Posted by Philip S, Thursday, 24 January 2013 11:22:26 AM
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Come on mate, Julia, priorities? You must be kidding.

The only thought the twit ever has is some new idea every few days on a new way to buy a few votes, using our taxes to do it.

The mere sight of her, just on TV, is enough to make my skin crawl. She makes me feel dirty, just being in the same country.
Posted by Hasbeen, Thursday, 24 January 2013 1:36:18 PM
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It is said with the withdrawal of troops from Afghanistan there will be many more refugees.

The Government should do what other countries have done (New Zealand & Israel) just tell them they are NOT WANTED or like European countries give them FAR LESS in money than they give there own citizens.

We now have more than 48 from Indonesia taking us to court for compensation that will raise the total bill by hundreds of millions of dollars.
Posted by Philip S, Thursday, 24 January 2013 1:52:50 PM
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Here’s a couple of additions to your list:

<< A ONE-WAY ticket to ... Nauru is costing taxpayers up to $10,000 for each asylum [scammer] - and the jets are flying half-empty.Immigration officials have confirmed they are sending only 20 to 40 asylum seekers on the 737 and Airbus flights that can carry up to 120 people. Government tender documents show the charter flights are costing taxpayers $2.8 million a month>>

<< TAXPAYERS are paying more than the average rent in Sydney, and every capital in each Australian state, to lease private homes for immigration officials in Nauru.Nauruan families are being paid between $522 and $687 a week for basic two to four bedroom cottages.There are also 31 rooms and a conference centre at Nauru's run down Menen Hotel which are being leased for $331,500 for six months to provide beds for staff working on the offshore processing centre for asylum seekers. The rental rates are high in comparison to other homes in Nauru - a country where wages are low. An average mid-level public servant earns $150 a week and lower paid workers get by on $75.The average rent for a home in Sydney is $480 a week for a house, $360 in Melbourne, $385 in Brisbane and $330 in Adelaide, according to the latest RP Data statistics.The rented Nauruan homes are each accommodating up to 12 government staff and contractors>>

The Gillard govt's spending on the asylum scammers appears to closely mirror the careful prudence and planning of Blackbeard and crew, on shore leave after capturing a flotilla of Spanish galleons.
Posted by SPQR, Friday, 25 January 2013 8:03:35 AM
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SPQR - You are right, I have stated many times the TRUE COST is being hidden by having charities etc look after them and there are many more costs to the taxpayer that are hidden or not accounted as applying to asylum seekers.

Crazy thing is Abbott must know this but does not bring it up in Question time in parliament.

Also I would love to see the statistics of how many have stayed on welfare for the whole time since they arrived. I bet that would be a lot of the more than 32,000 that have come in the last few years
Posted by Philip S, Friday, 25 January 2013 2:49:55 PM
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So far in 2013 seven boats have arrived with 350 or so people, of that only 1 was reported in the mainstream media.

Juliar how did you get them to stop reporting every boat?
Posted by Philip S, Friday, 25 January 2013 4:41:40 PM
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Here you go people....

Our Young Australian of the Year - and not just a token gesture.

Imagine if we encouraged a few more like this - instead of damning them and their families.
Posted by Poirot, Friday, 25 January 2013 8:00:38 PM
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Poirot - Not a very good argument in your favor because only a very small percentage are school age children (11 YO) with there family. This group tend to assimilate better.

95% on most boats are men aged around early 20's to late 40's.
I could include a nice list of crimes committed by these ones, but I am sure you have seen a lot of them.

Since August 13th over 10,000 have arrived.
Posted by Philip S, Friday, 25 January 2013 8:32:31 PM
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OPPOSITION Leader Tony Abbott says new Australian citizens are changing the country for the better.

Offering a message of empathy to those feeling anxious about change, Mr Abbott said it should be in accordance with Australia's customs and traditions.

"Sometimes, those of us who have been here for a long time get a little bit anxious about the changes that are taking place in our country," Mr Abbott told an Australia Day breakfast and citizenship ceremony in Adelaide on Saturday.

"It should be change in accordance with the customs and traditions of our people."

Mr Abbott said he cherished the cultural diversity of Australia.

"Above all else I cherish our unity," he added.

"And by looking to become Australian citizens you are celebrating that which we have in common.

"It is a proud people that you are joining."

Mr Abbott said Australia had come a long way from its convict past.

"We have demonstrated to the wider world that is possible to bring unity from diversity," he said.

"It is possible to have harmony in a very diverse multicultural society."
Posted by 579, Saturday, 26 January 2013 12:50:34 PM
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SPQR - They ever chartered a plane to bring ONE sick refugee from Christmas Island to Australia - Bet they would not do that for an Australian citizen.

Also those planes have lots of Federal Police on board hate to see the bill for there overtime.
Posted by Philip S, Monday, 28 January 2013 3:03:44 PM
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Julia, and her criminal cohorts, have near destroyed Australia. Bring on the voice of reason, bring on the election.
Posted by Dell, Thursday, 31 January 2013 4:32:40 PM
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