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Sex, Lies and Slush funds.
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Posted by Shadow Minister, Friday, 23 November 2012 12:27:58 PM
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This now demonstrates that she is morally unfit to hold the office of Prime Minister and should resign immediately. The quicker she goes the better off we will all be.
Posted by Mr Opinion, Friday, 23 November 2012 1:22:43 PM
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Good work Nancy.
Good to know our very own Gerard on OLO is still on the case. Posted by Houellebecq, Friday, 23 November 2012 2:43:09 PM
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What is the link to sex?
Lies? any evidence? Slush funds, well actually it was a theft. Today such election of union oficers is funded by weekly subs from wages by those to be elected. They take their holidays to electioneer. From what has been uncovered, and is known, these two thieves got a dirty fund and the union knew nothing of it. Gillard is not my cup of tea,actually do not drink the stuff, but sex? Naughty girl! who with her boy friend? gee thats unusual. SM you are out standing, any chance to throw mud and a hissy fit is never ignored. Leave you to your sand box. Just maybe a question should be asked, WHY did Thiess give %70.000 to this so called fund? why did they not press charges on its uncovering as a fraudulent fund. Posted by Belly, Friday, 23 November 2012 6:40:39 PM
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I notice that Shadow Minister ALWAYS remains silent regarding criticising coalition stuff ups, flip flops and scandals.
Hmmmmmm! Posted by DiamondPete, Friday, 23 November 2012 8:36:41 PM
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I notice that Shadow Minister ALWAYS remains silent regarding criticising coalition stuff ups, flip flops and scandals.
DiamondPete, Perhaps he doesn't think it worthwhile after all theirs are petty in comparison to Labor's. Posted by individual, Saturday, 24 November 2012 12:54:38 AM
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Arjay and SM have the same logic. If it ain't sensationalism it's not worth talking about.
Abbott spreads rhetoric and B/s. Carbon tax. Crap, and cht happens. Posted by 579, Saturday, 24 November 2012 6:55:17 AM
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You know, I saw on a TV show that some experts believe that some desperate spinsters will do almost anything to get a boyfriend.
Then again some experts tell us that burning coal makes it hotter. Can you believe that? Posted by Hasbeen, Saturday, 24 November 2012 12:34:50 PM
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"I notice that Shadow Minister ALWAYS remains silent regarding criticising coalition stuff ups, flip flops and scandals." Mostly because there are so few. Secondly because the moment that there is the slightest innuendo of a slip up by the coalition you and your ilk are out with megaphones. Thirdly the government that lies to the voters and stuffs up nearly every major policy that affects the man in the street is Labor. Finally, because just about every major fraud and corruption scandal in recent memory has been labor or union based. Now that every major news organisation including the government supporting ABC has picked up the story, because of the documentary evidence that Juliar's previous statements had been false. Juliar's statement that she did nothing wrong is now also a lie should be modified to "I have done nothing that can be proven to be criminal". Posted by Shadow Minister, Sunday, 25 November 2012 2:06:24 AM
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Julia should have a go at Blewet and find where he is being financed from.
As for SM He is a sensationalist as with Thomson, cut and dried guilty, what's the hold up. Posted by 579, Sunday, 25 November 2012 7:22:56 AM
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Shadow Minister = YAWN !!
Posted by DiamondPete, Sunday, 25 November 2012 10:36:08 AM
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Actually, 579, SM and his ilk, if they formed government, could potentially save Aus a lot of money - they could dispense with courts of law altogether!....
.....thus saving the taxpayer positively "oooooooodles" in police time spent "gathering evidence". I surmise they'd also staff a department called "Guilt By Innuendo and Unproven Allegations" (that might cost a bit, but, well, so what? : ) Posted by Poirot, Sunday, 25 November 2012 10:44:42 AM
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That is probably one of the cost cutting measures. Prove your innocence at your own expense.
The Kangaroo court is alive and well among the believers of the 1% rule. I can not get over how it is taking to hang Thomson, he was convicted at least two years ago. Slipper was another case which has been delayed, after absolute proof of guilt. I suppose it is just as well there are some in society that ere; on the side of caution, just in case there is a mistake. Where does the Gillard sex come into it, or is that a sensationalistic headline. Butch is going to PROVE beyond doubt again something or another. Somehow he does not quite fit into the kangaroo court jury. Abbott is lost for words, must be out of his depth again. The floor mop is like a snake with no teeth. The fat boy is counting calories. It's hard to know there is a country to run. Just as well we have Julia and Wayne at the helm. Posted by 579, Sunday, 25 November 2012 11:21:06 AM
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Juliar admitted that she knew of the rort 8 months before the AWU did, and said nothing. Juliar told her partners that she knew nothing of the mortgage loan, yet was in charge of conveyancing it. Juliar deliberately avoided opening a file on the slush fund, in spite of knowing that it was standard policy. I have never accused her of fraud, however, none of what I have said above is in dispute, none of this was in any way ethical, and Juliar's changing story, looks at best shifty. Posted by Shadow Minister, Sunday, 25 November 2012 11:41:49 AM
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None of Thomson's evidence was in dispute either, according to one side of politics.
Bluet's first agenda was to claim indemnity for his story, i suppose that means he could say whatever he likes. Would this have anything to do with the libs, or is Blewet's concience getting to him. Whatever it is we could be assured he will be a trustworthy story teller. At least the libs will believe him. Posted by 579, Sunday, 25 November 2012 12:00:42 PM
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Prove your innocence at your own expense579,
Isn't that what's happening here now ? In our village you can't even call the police & the magistrates mollycoddle the little crims while we victims have to pay to cover our losses. The Kangaroo court is alive and well among the believers of the 1% rule. Well, if you insist we can call queer academics Kangaroos. Fine by me. Posted by individual, Sunday, 25 November 2012 7:36:02 PM
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So few coalition scandals?
Really? I recall Howard lost 8 Ministers in his first term due to various improprieties and there were been many in the years following, until he put some clamps onto media reporting and tightened up FOI access. I would be happy to provide a list. As for the media this is looking more like the faked Godwin Grech "Utegate" fiasco, the stripper paid to falsly testify against Thomson, the non-existent Latham stripper tape story that ran for days, the faked ComCar travel logs used against one Judge and also a Minister and all those other smear schemes that have been rolled out. Advocates are looking more and more like the fanatical US Tea Party "Birthers" who are still in denial over Obama's actual birthplace. Apparently proof doesn't count in such cases but innuendo does. Abbott said it was going to be a dirty personal campaign but forgot to add who would be throwing the dirt. Just because his handlers have told him to hang up his fluoro vest and hard-hat for a while doesn't mean he has come up with any new ideas. LNP=Lies Not Policies. Posted by wobbles, Sunday, 25 November 2012 7:56:01 PM
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wobbels you and I know the rot is just as bad in the coalition ranks.
You have got it quite right, left some out in fact. Right now, in QLD and Victoria, I hesitate to include NSW it is quite apparent questions must be asked of both sides. IF the Packer casino was on Labors watch it would be done. Interested posters,could do far worse than research the 1972 to 1975 newspapers, with hindsight. Those days have returned. A Labor party prepared, by its dumping Rudd, BUT not a decade ago dumping the SUSSEX STREET MAFIA. Assists a biased media, sometimes an uniformed one, to drag us all down. A blind man,will know I dislike Gillard, watch uncertain, I can ever forgive those who back/backed her. So truly would like her to fall, on any issue, including this. BUT Police for all these years have not been able to charge anyone. SM, like the totally unlikable Bishop, and those who support them, blindly, should know. Support for a party no matter what it does Liberal trash buckets, leads to what took place in NSW. Abbott is not john Howard, far far from it. American Republicans lurched far from their followers, continue to do so. Followed by an inferior Abbott. Much pain ahead for true Liberals, but Labor in the long run, is best served by scaremongering and in many more cases, pure dog whistling. Our day is coming. Posted by Belly, Monday, 26 November 2012 9:38:25 AM
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Please feel free to provide a list, then try and compare it to the rampant fraud and corruption in the ALP. I can more than match anything you throw up. We have a multitude of ALP MPs and the ex ALP president facing charges for large scale fraud. At least the coalition gets rid of MPs that are implicated, the ALP with Slipper thought this made him perfectly qualified to join the ALP ranks, with Thomson, Obied, and Gillard. Posted by Shadow Minister, Monday, 26 November 2012 11:52:45 AM
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What an excuse for having a bunch of crooks & con men in Labor leadership. The other lot are bad too.
God help us. When you blokes can point to a leader & a deputy leader, locked up for pedophilia, in the other lot, come calling, meanwhile try cleaning up the dung heap that is your party. Posted by Hasbeen, Monday, 26 November 2012 12:51:13 PM
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lest we forget the spin
recall yesterdays the army brats raped WHY WAS NOT ONE INVITED*..cause it was deecided the night before >>to head off the questions of by what right..the setting up of the means to defraud..unionists? made worse by rep/union members not complaining allowing justice to faail to do its the dissapearance of the content of 3 files..that are supposed to be the witness to the crime..its all juswt too clever by half but the paid to blog crownd aint just silent on it so many media destractions.. we know something stinks and its not just one party its all parties serving the monied elites.. special adgendas or usefull all ends bad...and still the rich get richer..using the same tole/read lies spin/slush puppies. lawyers shouldnt writ law. banbkers shouldnt leverasge money that govt cant even do to taxes yet the dogs do as they will cause lawyers are the real problem..LIARS..the lot of em Posted by one under god, Tuesday, 27 November 2012 8:39:22 AM
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OUG just this.
No trade union members money was involved, not a cent. At the heart of this CRIME , are these truths, a union head, and his thieving bag man set of this fund miss using the unions name, not the only case, you can be sure of that. But the fraud was against those who donated cash. Thiess it is said gave $70.000. Now why did they give that much? Why did they never complain? Behind this West Australian donation, a truth is being over looked, the con men, thats what they are, may have let donors think they had bought a friend in the heated fight against the CFMEU and another union then behaving badly as they always do. It is remarkable, extraordinary in fact, how you and others so often get the bull by the horns. You know me, you have seen me demand, ACCOUNTABILITY FROM BOTH UNION AND ALP. Do you think I would cover for any one thieving from members? Posted by Belly, Tuesday, 27 November 2012 10:52:42 AM
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that is nitpicking belly
""No trade union members money was involved, not a cent."" it was payed to unionists.. intended for unionists..thus stolen from unionists payed to stop unionists abusing their power/ stike.. when the union man says strike..or go slow..or work to rule..the mug workers used to simply do.. say it aint so its money in the key/unionists bank when its control the rest of the muggins letting thieves steal union dues..on top of payoff bribes.. mate..its thieving decietfull lies..n ow being clever spin meisters...many ex union shysters[but mostly guilty polies..being blackmailed by the sins of their last. you think those paying into the fund/slush.. et'al.. dont got the dirt!,,on those who took dirty money?.. really think..that they ten..cant then leverage that into blackmail.. into govt grants/govt favours..[dogs eat other dogs poop..thats just how this mess age really is..lie down with dogs ya get fleas..let a dog lick your just know where that tongue has been..or the nose has been sniffing. those who set up criminal activity are more they set up the crime..!! [or ratrher the means to be judged by their criminal act [a thing not able to be done..but by lawyers..playing funny games.. its not in the least defensaable nor funny. its sick..perverted..criminal.. those defending dont even fully know.. what egsactly they are defending! \bah..lawyers defend criominals then work for them..ever after..inewvitable scum rises think what it boils down to ''in confindence''is a double intendra..[read spin] those working for criminals..are themselves accountable..for facilitating criminal act..and worse avoiding it being ever heard... getting off scott free..the union way ya cant get her..she works for a unionist..doing treason to unionists justice or just us? Posted by one under god, Tuesday, 27 November 2012 11:21:11 AM
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You are splitting hairs when you claim it was not the union members' money. The reality is that it was donated by companies to the AWU for the furthering of the interests of its members at the request of senior AWU officials. Legally and in every way it was money that was stolen from the AWU members. Yet again Juliar has set up an impromptu press meeting that the prime investigative journalists didn't have time to get to, and once again completely failed to answer the crucial questions. Posted by Shadow Minister, Tuesday, 27 November 2012 1:04:19 PM
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I make a note of those here who continually go off subject and tangental to the post; When I have a good list [ those that are full of bodily excrement ] I will put it here
Posted by pepper, Tuesday, 27 November 2012 2:30:42 PM
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yes belly i missed the thiess thing[it didnt look right when i wrote it
but yes they got a case..but they dont got the clean hands/law requires[neither does she..the pm funny pepper reminds me how pm couldnt quit question time fast enough .today.. just as the one the pm repeatedly called she..was at the box ready to just looked weak[she can face the soft core press all day..but cant face a extra question from a fellow female we often talk in politricks of who is in bed with who and i seen enough groupies sleep their way to the top by collecting powers for fringe bennifits..or just helping cover things up.. [and she..the weak yet attacks tony [who has seen enough of life not to get into a cat fight.. how poathetic the ones in bed with our pm ..saying toney say something..weak as what intelligent guy dare's.. gets between two she cats one of who has allready played the missogenist card.. too clever by half these con men [sorry lawyers she's..and her she males what i see is a corrupt lawyer..with fellow corrupt lawyers sorry she/lawyer$$..grubbing it out in our parlement..via copping out ''to the best of my recollection..'' a thing we saw with asbestos/smoking etc but lets recall anopther criminal..[allen bond bondy used the same defense ..miss pm..: has she or her partners..ever 'advised' bondie..? Posted by one under god, Tuesday, 27 November 2012 3:16:08 PM
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Maybe the question that Juliar should answer is.
If Gordon and Slater can't trust you, why should we? Posted by Shadow Minister, Tuesday, 27 November 2012 3:32:05 PM
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We have been paying the floor mop to interview Blewett.
A convicted fraudster, is worthy of an interview from the coalition. That mob are beyond being realistic, not an ounce of credibility. Apparently the interaction with a fraudster is the most important item on their agenda. Abbott is a dumb ass, not one word out of him. Maybe that is to stop the foot in mouth disease. Posted by 579, Tuesday, 27 November 2012 3:42:29 PM
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579 I often wounder why you bother.
You will not make headway in such threads. A perfect stranger would see through the dog whistling here. As sex plays a roll in the title. But has not been seen here, can the reference be to some self amusement practiced by a few contributors. Posted by Belly, Tuesday, 27 November 2012 4:00:02 PM
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The opposition will plummet in the next few opinion polls, as a result of their immature whinging in parliament. Did anyone see their behaviour in parliament today? They were pathetic .... and Abbott isn't even man enough to ask the dumb questions himself.
Today, not ONE question from the opposition regarding policy. Yesterday, not ONE question from the opposition regarding policy. I think poor Chrissie Pyne is about to burst a blood vessel, judging from his ranting parliamentry performance. The opposition politicians are about as immature as it gets. Posted by DiamondPete, Tuesday, 27 November 2012 4:25:12 PM
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It appears the opposition is doing its best to come up with something that will deliver them government.
This exercise in futility takes place on average once a year. Nevertheless, it's become such a ritual for those with no policy initiative that the annual "Godwin Grech Award for Baseless Accusations and Funny Business" has become one of the highlights of the conservative year. All round entertaining in a "watch Pyne pop hysterically" kinda way. Posted by Poirot, Tuesday, 27 November 2012 5:26:10 PM
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And we get a new candidate for that award every day the house sits Poirot.
I feel humble pie coming my way. I dislike Gillard intensely still. But she is growing daily under assault from the Tea Party right. To hide Abbott,s total inability to lead. She may well win the election. Posted by Belly, Wednesday, 28 November 2012 4:51:30 AM
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I heard a good quip,
Gillard has a very broad definition of misogyny, and a very narrow definition of wrong doing. This issue was not raised by the coalition, but by the union movement and then followed up by all the mainstream media. Juliar has not been accused of a criminal act yet. However, it is clear that while there is no proof of criminal activity, much of what she did was far from the right thing. Her defence that "she cannot recall...." is feeble in the extreme, and is the standard defence of fraudsters. The question whether we can accept her word was answered with the carbon tax lie. Posted by Shadow Minister, Wednesday, 28 November 2012 7:23:06 AM
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the curious point for me is..lall the high level whinning
*re the opposition member phoning and meeting a criminal..for 10 minutes i suppose the real hue and cry is that major difference being these crooks took advice from our pm..she advised them*.. how to set up a secret missnamed slush trust fund.. the other chick is only asking about it.. we are seeing oh one here too at least the oposition isnt sleeping with the admitted creeps. i still note especially..the fast shut down as oposed to>>talking as long as it takes to the soft press...what a joke. there is real fear there im seeing it as the faces behind her./.as the show females..look ever more grim..and all them she/he males defending her..well thats what they do..defend criminals..same/same..its basic stuff lawyers are paid by crooks to do.. its conveniant no-one keeps their records but we know at least 5000 was deposited in her bank account was that used? much intrest was collected.? .its just we know liars lie. its simple fact. now its only getting at the truth..the truth alp lnp/lap dogs cant handle..lawyers defend the sure as day follows night. Posted by one under god, Wednesday, 28 November 2012 11:59:01 AM
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Come on Folks.
We all know what she is. We all know you would never take someone like her home to meet mother. What else is there to say about her, that would not get you suspended from OLO? Not much really. Posted by Hasbeen, Wednesday, 28 November 2012 12:54:07 PM
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Pushing it uphill, not relevant at all. Just a waste from a mob with no policies and no idea. Making an absolute ass of themselves.
Fast becoming irrelevant in every which way, Abbott has got to be talked about, within ranks. The backbenchers are disgruntled. Posted by 579, Wednesday, 28 November 2012 2:44:46 PM
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Gillard is finished.You can see it in her eyes and the paristes who surround her.
It is just a matter of which ,impotent,lying,scumbag,puppet will re-place her. This has to be the lowest ebb of political leadership in this country's history. Posted by Arjay, Wednesday, 28 November 2012 9:15:27 PM
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correction "parasites".
Posted by Arjay, Wednesday, 28 November 2012 9:18:53 PM
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Suddenly the left whingers have fallen silent as more documentation is uncovered showing that Juliar has lied again to the community and parliament.
It is clear that she was far more involved than simply filling in the forms as she previously claimed. While there is no evidence she was directly involved in the fraud, we have only her word that she wasn't. it is clear that her word is worthless. Posted by Shadow Minister, Thursday, 29 November 2012 11:27:07 AM
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Gee eyes, is that what they are Arjay? When I saw them on TV last night, something I usually manage to avoid, I thought they were two pools of hate.
I reckon if looks could kill, three quarters of the parliament would be dead right now. Posted by Hasbeen, Thursday, 29 November 2012 1:01:59 PM
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i feel the premption today missfired on the redhead,paying lip service to truth..fact is she was involved..and but for her involvement alternate trust/forms and permissions would be on lue of missing files abounding.
she is arquing the lack of fact to..add up to innocent but lack the clean hands on more than primafacia..she has missdirected the substance as without fact base..yet refused to state definitive facts..which would clarify.. her hands are all over this even admitted reciept of funds in her account plus advantages of that obtained by criminal being discoverd. the clear extention of a liar lying company of old men..who will do anything to gain favour serrvices off a scarlet woman..revealing more cleavage today for her you tube clip..or her she/males lawyer unionist..redirections thank god its over..[fopr me at least lawyers witness hundreds of documents..[so much so they are kept in files ..the lack of files indicates much..just the dissappearing of them becomes proof of what..we wont ever be allowed to know.. but know the dog by its fleas..and there are flea$ lies and slushfunds our own red head lawyer...CLEARLY..serving her mates avoiding of justice.. thus reaping injustice upon unionists[..her true master's. lies being nice..[pants on fire reveal; the liar. Posted by one under god, Thursday, 29 November 2012 2:10:04 PM
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Foot in mouth disease continues. Abbott openly accusing the prime minister of wrong doing on TV this morning. His assertions were false. as the paper corrected their story, twice. This has left Abbott holding the bag, of false allegations on TV.
Allegations outside of parliament can be serious. Posted by 579, Thursday, 29 November 2012 2:33:37 PM
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Mate seems you wander in strange paddocks at times. I despise Gillard, but your description is apart from fantasy offensive. She will not fall to these lies. But watch this space! Abbott may well go just because of this beat up, and soon. His front bench looks more rehearsed than world champion ship wrestling. Tag team both Bishops is enough to frighten little kids. Big Joe Hockey, the North Sydney beach ball,has less impact that them but good for a laugh Any chance you an SM can put in an appearance as a tag team? Posted by Belly, Thursday, 29 November 2012 3:47:38 PM
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I do declare...I believe OUG is chanelling SM. (Had to happen one day:) Posted by Poirot, Thursday, 29 November 2012 4:01:06 PM
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it reveals ammoung other much gdp spending was spent on german submarines..[3 billion]..but what is key here is the CORRUPTION*..the bribes this involved or rather..THE SLUSH funds the bribes got cleaned up by slush funds set up by many lawyers GLOBALLY* hide dirty money she is a sign..of the scumm comming home to roost at its heart here is tax avoidance/treason..corrupt dirty money being launderd by lawyers.. anyhow got to get back to the far but note how it relates globally..many juliars in govt serving the same crooks..our tax funds./.unleveraged..while bankers and their mates move the stolen cash arround..via unseen trusts..made by nobodies..but one of which at least is now pm who has the dirt on her,...control's her get it..thies has a secret get out of trouble card..dirt on the pm but see how huge it goes globally..war diamonds.. think of the lawyers who deffend the that chemical india..[bribes gone into trust slush funds..for sure follow the money sack the monery changers..[and jail their lawyers...who make theft too easy. Posted by one under god, Thursday, 29 November 2012 4:44:02 PM
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At least Abbott took his minders' advice not to hide behind the cockroach today but he still failed to come up with any evidence despite being given every opportunity to "put up".
Politics has always been about impressions rather than facts and the longer it goes without evidence on the more likely that Abbott will become the exposed victim before Gillard. Posted by wobbles, Thursday, 29 November 2012 6:21:56 PM
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This link is both near the truth. And a warning to Liberals and the very term Liberalism. Watch the rabid right and those who follow any anti Labor theme, but ignore them. Their vote is all ready fixed, no chance ever existed they would vote Labor. The link should back my warning. Dog whistling, not politics is yesterdays vote winner. As the personality make up crew move in to remake Abbott, they already have, he has too already failed to remain out of the slanders. Loath me if you must,even as much as I loath Gillard. But she has grown stronger in this mud bucket. Confronted by Abbott in an election? She is favorite! she would beat him, with little doubt. Posted by Belly, Friday, 30 November 2012 6:08:12 AM
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Julia certainly one the day. Abbott's attempts to make a case dismally failed.
SM should offer an apology to all on-liners, for such a defamatory headline. They tried to make allegations beyond written proof. Their association with Mr Blewett, is the level of company they keep. Their actions have got to be very damaging, in the name of liberalism. The complete front bench needs disbanding, this is the worst opposition in history. Tea party tactics have failed, and in need of a fresh approach. Mr Howard will not be seen in public today. Posted by 579, Friday, 30 November 2012 6:27:40 AM
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And this link, from what I see as a reporter who is no friend of Labor. Two other links from that paper could have been posted. I no longer read Murdock,s stuff, but enjoyed the British report on his mad news papers/Mafia there. Do we see the twisting of our Parliament. It mostly resembles a poorly supervised school yard, for very young kids. Again and again, contributors complain about it, we all do. But in a year that has seen very few questions in question time, from the opposition, not purely muck raking, who is to blame. FACT Carbon tax fear is proving DAILY to be a fraud, no one going broke mounting evidence we are not alone in acting, or needing to act. Abbott and his close supporters are looking shaky. Posted by Belly, Friday, 30 November 2012 6:30:11 AM
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belly last i heard carbon tax is expected to go up every year
might even be indexed..and in two years goes onto fuel/gas/oil etc.. then you may change your mind see how clever lawyer scum is? you gotta realise blood diamnonds..thieving 6 billion from the iran all 'traceable cash'..and what these grubby lawyers do is set up hide it mate if..*i put 5000 in your bank tell me a good reason why..i didnt put it in mine!*! [or gave to my mate..who put cash into juliars bank.. that alone is proof..of money laundering..or deecieving someone. and as both sides are lawyers BOTH sides can be been guilty the libs cant go there..WITHOUT EXPOSING THEMSELVES!>! ya seen ol mate how julie bishop..asks ''for this document to be 'tabled''' and albeing sleazey says no ..and insatead put's in this one with you mz bishop..doing instead. he is in the open threatening they got dirt too YOU CANT GET INTO POLITIC"$..without thery got the dirt on you..too. trouble is its global [you saw thatchers son giving guns to african mate lawyers are corrupt..they wash dirty money..see as lawyers can only go so far..we can asmume sm to be a lawyer as well hence he may have gone away..letting you think you beat him lol..with fact..but if he cant reply without..incriminating likely fellow lawyers..[ie likely his mates..he wont/cant push it.. just as globally other lawyers running govts dont get into it either.. and thats why im over it.. Posted by one under god, Friday, 30 November 2012 7:00:12 AM
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but not quite yet
we swallow their lies.. finding our fears/hopes..only feed the beast ideas.. i begin with the sure knowing that lawyers ride the fine line between sending..that famous basetballer to jail..for murder..and him getting his blood soaked leather gloves are now..too fit even his sweaty fingers into the lawyer in that case made sure he left the gloves dry when he was allowed to test it..cause lawyers are too clever by half. you cant beat blackmail..via laws prison and police but the big one..for the lot of them is ego..they so love their 'honoiurs'..meetings with fellow criminal lawyering types[the demonic can smell the sulferous fumes emmiting from their souls..see the darker hells in their eyes tell me..who gets up one morning saying im going to become a lawyer.. to work for free getting the innocent off.. [or rather im going to become a lawyer.. to send the guilty to lawyers are there for the cash..honour/sex with the clerks or to mix with the scumm that allways seems to float to the toff at the top wether hiding it'$..*$ at the bottum of the harbour..or in the partners account..WE KNOW her fellow lawyers her facts..judged her..and told her to go..[too dirty even for swallow. and i trust their judgment..she did something criminal ok i cant prove it..but i know it.. so do you.. and if others cant prove it..the scum wins yet again thus im over being nice to those supporting the lies..of liars.. she is just too i will leave judging her to so over thinking about it. by loose Posted by one under god, Friday, 30 November 2012 7:07:32 AM
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Belly old mate, the tsunami that is the carbon tax, & the mining tax for that matter, is merely a dot on the horizon at present. But do not kid yourself. It is building up out there, into a force, which will, when it hits, wash your party into a pile of rubbish, more stinking than anything seen in Japan.
If they are unlucky & actually win another term, it will be their last ever. God can you imagine the red head trying to defuse all the land mines she has been scattering in the path of our next government? If Labor are lucky, & loose, the Libs will be in power, & cop the full force of this stupidity, some of the mess will rub off onto them. In this case Labor may just survive. You had best start working hard to make sure the Libs win the next election. Another term, with the bunch you have in power, will be terminal for your party. Posted by Hasbeen, Friday, 30 November 2012 11:05:48 AM
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You have to be joking. So the carbon tax is going to have a mind of its own. Sounds like something Abbott would say.
The carbon tax race has been run and won. That was the only bullet Abbott had. Havn't you noticed it is not talked about any more. Power bills doubling being blamed on the carbon tax of 10%. It is a case of knowing how to read a power bill. Abbott has had trouble before with written words. The ones he says he reads ,but does not read. Pure kindergarten stuff. The latest is Abbott is trying to read something on a document that is not there. That is unbecoming of an opposition leader. Posted by 579, Friday, 30 November 2012 11:23:34 AM
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Barrie Cassidy on similarities to the Clinton Whitewater case: Posted by Poirot, Friday, 30 November 2012 1:34:54 PM
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Hasbeen not being rude, truly have a soft spot for you.
I have had less than 25 mm in three weeks. Hope you are doing better. But boy some of those day lilly,s have stood up and done well. Soft spot is not my head. You will not find hope driving my views, gut feellings yes. Carbon tax has badly damaged Abbott. Near 12 months and he knows it, he desperately needs an earlier election, no matter how. Mining tax? nothing? hardly breaking them, and your view is a minority one there. I question this mob, Gillard? ok but who else? Labor is outstandingly better than the cry wolf other side. No leader is assured can be sure of leading at this election, Australia will smile if both fall before it. Time is Liberals second worst enemy, it will if let run,weaken the party. Abbott,s right of the middle stance, like him is the other. Posted by Belly, Friday, 30 November 2012 2:35:12 PM
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I remember back in 2003 Tony Abbott set up what he himself called a "Slush Fund" specifically to get rid of One Nation.
Afterwards he was caught out lying to the ABC, the Sydney Morning Herald and also the Australian Electoral Commission. This was not when he young and naive, it was while he was a Government Minister. Financial arrangements of the fund are a mystery and he still refuses to name the financial "donors" and had taken steps to have his name "hidden" in the establishment of the Fund. When he was caught out his excuse was that "lying to the Public was not as significant as lying in Parliament". And he now says it all comes down to "character" and "honesty". Really? There are also questions to be answered by then-lawyer Julie Bishop and how her partner managed to get hold of criminal files concerning his political rival - files that she could have accessed. Character indeed! Posted by rache, Friday, 30 November 2012 3:17:52 PM
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Hiya rache,
Indeed! I take it you're referring to this Tony Abbott escapade: Naughty Tony.... Posted by Poirot, Friday, 30 November 2012 4:04:59 PM
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Lady's very true but you will not get answers here.
From the first few days after knifing of Rudd a Aussie thing, dislike of women in high places, mixed with my stunned views it should never have happened was on show.. Pure bigotry, took the place of truth. Current Liberal front bench is puppet like,seems Abbott has a controlling hand in places we shall not talk of. But this is true, he is fast finding out he has run our of rope, Julie Bishop is not well liked in her own party. In WA she fought to control a rebellion on wheat,and lost. Abbott knew his rope was near its end and conned Bishop to front for him, along with Pyne. Clearly both are nothing but cloths to heap the mud, mop it up after, then be thrown in the rubbish bin. Their own party is more than willing to discard them. It is my view,until this final issue, Gillard has shown none of the forcefulness she showed while Minister for Education. She has grown,and Abbott? merely dropped the many masks he has hidden behind. We live in interesting times. Polls out soon will prove my thoughts. Crying Wolf has terminally crippled the man. However we must confront TURNBULL. He will for his own good and his party,s, leave the negativity and its bag carriers behind. That makes Labors task much harder, but leaves much of our achievements NDIS Education reform Carbon tax health reform intact. As the states face the true implications of massive Liberal victory's any time spent in opposition will find Labor well placed for the future and better at its job. Current state scandals are bad but still yesterdays events . Thanks for the thread SM during its life we saw your team fall on its sword. Posted by Belly, Saturday, 1 December 2012 6:26:56 AM
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A party that refuses to have policy, and now has reneged on child care.
Led by Abbott, is now in a situation of what to do now. They have had one agenda, and that was to force an election. After much to do and say they have failed, and are left with no policy and no election. Abbott, pyne, a both Bishops, are a frightening sight. The fat boy is rarely heard or seen, there is probably good reason for that. The libs are now in a position of being irrelevant. The rot set in after the carbon tax was found to be a fizzer for them. After months of scaremongering and lies about its dramatic effects, to have the whole campaign come crashing down around them. Of course it was all designed to force an election, before the starting date. Instead of Slipper resigning from parliament, he moved camp, another downfall. Thomson was tried ,found guilty and murdered for what, know one knows. You could say they have not won a round, and now are lost in a vacuum. The libs have grossly underestimated the strength of a female as leader. Gillard has shown the ferocious ability to with stand the onslaught of Abbott and his team of pit bulls. Australia under Abbott, would lead us into a nation of poverty stricken people while the one % would flourish. No one in their right mind, could possably pick a party with no direction, and no idea. Posted by 579, Saturday, 1 December 2012 6:45:08 AM
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A Walkley Award...for exposing Tony Abbott's "vast vault of mediocrity" (thanks to Jennifer Wilson for that apt phrase), vacuity and deceptive rhetoric: And still this man continues to be presented as a viable option to lead this country..... Posted by Poirot, Saturday, 1 December 2012 11:13:51 AM
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This says it all:
Galaxy poll this week: An exclusive poll conducted for News Limited this week has found the political fight back of Julia Gillard is stalling after a toxic parliamentary year ended with political attacks, smear and accusations of criminal conduct. Just one in five voters believes she has been completely open and honest.......Of 1015 people surveyed across Australia on Thursday and Friday nights, 31 per cent said she had lied and 31 per cent said she was economical with the truth. And this woman keeps being presented as a viable leader of the country. Juliar's smear campaign against Abbott is to cover Labor's complete lack of working policies. Posted by Shadow Minister, Sunday, 2 December 2012 5:40:44 PM
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Just thought I'd run this by you, SM, Posted by Poirot, Wednesday, 12 December 2012 2:53:23 PM
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In the analysis Justice Rares concedes ''Mr Slipper's conduct in some of those text messages is capable of being characterized as sexual harassment''. The judge described the texts as ''vulgar'' Despite being dropped from Mr Ashby's case, the Cabcharge allegations are still being ''actively considered'' by the commonwealth Director of Public Prosecutions. And Nicola Roxon settled in Ashby's favour, for sexual harassment in the work place. And Notably Nicola Roxon was rapped over the knuckles for abusing commonwealth power to unduly favour Slipper. Did Ashby's SC unduly use the press (outside the court) to pressure Slipper to concede? Probably. Was material released under court privilege that would not have seen the light of day? Certainly. Were the texts etc that were published exposing Slipper untrue, and were the basis for his removal as Speaker? Absolutely not. I see that Labor is considering an inquiry to pursue the Coalition. If I were Abbott, I would welcome it, as Labor's hands are far from clean. Posted by Shadow Minister, Thursday, 13 December 2012 6:10:54 AM
"The Prime Minister, Julia Gillard, told her law firm partners she knew nothing about the mortgage on a Fitzroy property, bought partly with union money stolen by her former boyfriend, despite having been involved in the mortgage arrangements for the property two years earlier. A 1993 bank letter confirms that Ms Gillard - then a salaried partner with law firm Slater & Gordon - received an insurance certificate of currency, which was required for approval of a $150,000 mortgage provided by the firm's loan department. Julia Gillard ... told her law firm partners she knew nothing about the mortgage on a Fitzroy property. But Ms Gillard denied knowledge of the mortgage when challenged by the firm's managing partners in late 1995, after they first discovered her involvement in the work. ... "I don't, I don't think I knew that at the time," she told senior partner Peter Gordon, according to new details of the interview obtained by The Age."
The question that still have not been answered is that when supposedly found out about her lover's illegal dealings why did she not notify the AWU. It took the AWU another 8 months to discover the fraud.
Every time new evidence comes to the fore, Gillard's story changes. It is now clear to me that Gillard did do something wrong, the question is whether it was illegal, and given the widespread destruction of documentation, whether she can be prosecuted for it.