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Barrel O'Farrell pulling the wool over your eyes.

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If you want to justify making big cuts on essential services like education, health, etc., just hide lots of money from the budget and tell everyone the budget is in the red and that you have to go without.

What a con! I wonder if Barrel is expecting to win the next election. I suppose he is hoping that by the time the election comes around that NSW voters will have forgotten that he tried to steal from them.
Posted by Mr Opinion, Thursday, 1 November 2012 4:35:25 AM
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Mr O'Farrell is a politician.

Any politician's key objective is not to actually perform, but instead to concentrate on maximizing the benefits they receive from occupying public office. Pay, perks, superannuation all need to be preserved for as long as possible. Re-election usually fits in there somewhere, but I suspect that may not be front-of-mind with this lot.

And when it does look like the gravy-train might be reaching the terminus, the astute politician will prepare a path for themselves into private enterprise, using whatever means available to them at the time. Bob Carr was probably the most blatant example of this in recent times, but there have been many, many others.

Actually doing something for the State is going to be hard work, and politicians don't like that. The NSW government has for a while been in a no-win situation on practically every topic, from urban transport to water supply to the second airport to high-speed rail.

Which in its present incarnation, goes a long way towards explaining the otherwise inexplicable passage of Packer's casino proposal. I have no idea where Mr O'Farrell might fit into the Packer empire, but I suspect a cushy "retirement package" might await him.

He'd make an impressive casino doorman. That uniform...
Posted by Pericles, Thursday, 1 November 2012 10:24:20 AM
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"Re-election usually fits in there somewhere" That is the most important factor for new members because I think they have to serve at least 2 or 3 terms to get the indexed pension for life.
There real benefit comes after they leave and receive payback from the big companies they helped - directors seats on companies - massive consultancy pay etc.
The only thing lower than a politician now is a ambulance chasing lawyer.
Posted by Philip S, Thursday, 1 November 2012 11:18:33 AM
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Pericles, there is one other path you neglected, that of failed, very bad, state premier.

When the electorate has finally woken up to you, you can parachute into the federal cabinet, achieve instant promotion, & become a very bad foreign minister.

All you have to do is to continue to support a disastrous PM, & it can happen. We have living proof.

Having watched said foreign minister for a while, I'll bet Julia is not too sure it was such a good idea, & has bought a knife proof vest, with extra armor in the back.
Posted by Hasbeen, Thursday, 1 November 2012 1:15:41 PM
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Bailleau in Victoria stole from Victoria's future fund (set up and resourced by Brumby) to show a surplus on paper whilst doing sweetheart deals with crooked cops prior to the election, whom now act like some sort of private police force. O'Farrell's fraudulence is no surprise and no different to the hillbilly Campbell Newman comparing the Qld economy to Greece. All are driven by the very same wrong ideology that Howard used to destroy the Australian way of life.

If these keeps up all the working people will be living of tips and charity like Yanks. And these new breed of Tea Party LNP leadership like nuffies they are, are also actually much more dangerous than that, because they lie with purpose, planning and forethought and deliberately mislead in support of an ideology that is actually a myth, because there is no competion between corporations only the cartel.

They (the corporates) can do no wrong, they control monopoly essential services institutions that they bought for a song and can charge what they like, free from regulatory constraint and now they control the media as well, thanks to Howard removing cross media ownership laws. When they overcharge you it is your fault because you trusted them and signed their contract.

Such is the Australian way of life. O'Farrell's worst crime so far is using deception to stand in the the way of the peoples NBN. They are already planning to sell it to their buddies if they cant stop it from getting up and effecting their Telstra mates monopoly business.

I'm moving to New Zealand if Abbott becomes PM because the Dark ages Howard brought took us back 20 yrs. The ideologues have already pencilled in about 50 years of anal regression to an Australian way of life before education and exposure to the rest of the world. It's already an International embarrasment when people talk of turning the boats of asylum seekers back out to sea.

What a pack of barbarian hayseeds we must appear to the rest of the world.
Posted by thinker 2, Thursday, 1 November 2012 2:19:32 PM
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When a mistake of one billion $ is made there is something fishy going on. i say it was a deliberate mistake to show how bad things are.
Abbott is pulling the same stunt by saying his surplus depends on the state of the books.
A deliberate ploy as Newman, and O Farrell.
Posted by 579, Thursday, 1 November 2012 2:21:15 PM
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thinker 2 - Quote "to the rest of the world. It's already an International embarrasment when people talk of turning the boats of asylum seekers back out to sea" Your statement is ludicrous EVEN NEW ZEALAND TOLD THEM THEY WERE NOT WANTED. Even Israel has been building a fence to stop them Even going so far as to say "We are determined to stop the flow of the infiltrators"

The world sees us as stupid for this year alone having over 14,000 welfare for lifers arrive, which the taxpayer has to support. NOT ONE IS HOMELESS OR GOES HUNGRY THOUSANDS OF AUSTRALIANS DO.

The figure for boat arrivals was estimated at 450 per month for 2012 to 2013 we get over 2,000 per month at present. The cost of keeping arrivals on Manus and Narau is estimated at $5.4 BILLION with a top of $6.6 BILLION.
Figure are used by people saying EACH boat arriving costs us $12 million dollars so just to keep the ROYAL AUSTRALIAN TAXI SERVICE there to pick them up.
They are costing BILLIONS at the moment and there is in reality no top $ figure what if next week 25 boats turn up with 100 people on each then again the next week (after all the Government arrivals estimate has been blown out lately by 500%) THERE HAS TO COME A TIME WITH ALL THINGS MONEY RELATED YOU SAY ENOUGH IS ENOUGH.
Posted by Philip S, Thursday, 1 November 2012 5:58:16 PM
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I thought these people claimed to be sound econonic managers.

I also thought that the independent assessment of the NSW economic situation after the election found the State to be in good shape.

This is just party ideology masquerading as economics.

Cut essential services (because it's part of your agenda) but try to blame it on the previous administration - the oldest trick in the book for every incoming government.

Expect to see much more of the same.
Posted by rache, Thursday, 1 November 2012 7:04:20 PM
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I must admit I haven't read many real newspapers lately, the news on the internet does not specify areas that are very cerebral, nor does it go to any local detail in NSW as most of the news is written in another country. Unless there are links to our papers, but the choice of topics and links is basic. I don't think the topic has made it to the news on the internet. I didn't know that Unsworth, I mean, O'Farrell (see, wrong Barry), was appropriating figures that could be seen as misappropriation. But lets face it, we have has such a bad run of leaders in NSW. Business prospers in this state, it can't be that hard to balance the budget and go back to the basics and just be efficient and prudent and not too entangled with corporations. That could be seen as corruption. They don't seem concerned about this image. I'm sure Kerry Paker is very happy. The only question is, how big will Crown Casino be in Sydney?
Posted by saintfletcher, Thursday, 1 November 2012 10:47:13 PM
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I just heard on the radio that they have just uncovered another $2 billion that had somehow seemed not to have been there.

My dear saintfletcher, it's Barrel not Barry. Barrel O'Farrell's waistline is the equator.
Posted by Mr Opinion, Friday, 2 November 2012 10:43:32 AM
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O'Farrell is a dud, he was a dud in opposition and he is a dud as premier. Look at the list of lies he has already accumulated since the election. Saying all of that, NSW Labor was and is worse.
Posted by sonofgloin, Friday, 2 November 2012 12:56:31 PM
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