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The Forum > General Discussion > Is Michael Coutts-Trotter the best available NSW Director of Education ?

Is Michael Coutts-Trotter the best available NSW Director of Education ?

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I applaud the notion of allowing former criminals to make the best of their lives. Michael Coutts-Trotter did his time for drug trafficking and the slate is now clean.

In light of the fact that he has no training or qualifications as an educator, a further important question remains unanswered namely..

By what selection process did the NSW State Government appoint this man as the best qualified candidate to be the NSW Director of Public Education?
Posted by tapdog, Friday, 13 April 2007 9:59:42 AM
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He may well bring a new vigor to our education system,but does he have the power or energy to change that fundamental bureaucratic psyche of being unsackable and unaccountable?

Morris Iemma has created a new protected species in our state that idles away their hours by creating more regulation for small business to die by.

Why should anyone in the PS have total job security when the rest of us have to fight for every dollar,pay taxes to keep them and lose our income on the whim of a Reserve Bank interest rate rise?
Posted by Arjay, Friday, 13 April 2007 10:46:28 PM
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I suppose one of the perceived qualifications is that he has managed to turn his life around quite remarkably. So I suppose he has a bit of life experience in regards to troubled youths.

He apparently, has been working in Government at senior levels for a considerable period of time.

He sounds interesting.

I'd give him a go.
Posted by Liz, Saturday, 14 April 2007 12:50:55 AM
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I do wonder if I had a relationship with Rudds right-hand red-haired girl could I end up being a Secretary to a Minister in the next Federal Labour Government some time down the track and what positions will Darcy and Wright be given after they have served their time and wiped the slate clean. Not much different to what we have now in Qld. If this clown was so competent he would be in private enterprise or providing a service to the people he sold his vile filth to who are more than likely long gone and buried but why should he care about the harm he caused, he got into bed with one of the members of one of gangs who run this country. Now we keep this highly paid parasite hanging off the public purse for life.
Posted by Young Dan, Saturday, 14 April 2007 2:17:29 AM
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Young Dan

I think your words are highly emotive and a reflection on your ability to judge objectively or not.

I like the idea of people being able to reform their lives and use that wisdom in public service to support others through policy and governance.

They're the sort of people we need in politics these days. Those with life experience. Both good and bad. Not the minority whose privileged lives have lead them to consider their own achievements are because they are superior type people, rather than fortunate not to have experienced the hardship others have.

Those sort of people make poor policy makers. Those sort of people make inferior policies that impact negatively on others and set others up for disadvantage.

There's no doubt that who you know or who you are married to can open doors. But only so far. He would not have reached this pinnacle height if he didn't have the ability and the confidence of others who put him in this role.

He is spoken well of by those who have known him on a professional level. He is tertiary educated.

By the way, Sophie Mirabella's husband was given a taxpayer funded job. Every Liberal MP in Queensland appears to have once been a member of the Young Liberals. I hardly consider that makes them qualified to be endorsed as an electorate member.

Does that make them a parasite by the way Young Dan?
Posted by Liz, Saturday, 14 April 2007 11:30:45 AM
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Committed a crime, done the time. The slate is clear.

There are many examples of people who have turned their lives around and become shining lights in areas that they once were demons.

They are generally much more highly motivated and focussed as a result of their experiences.
Posted by Ludwig, Sunday, 15 April 2007 11:43:34 PM
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The more I look at this question, the stronger becomes my feeling that the old criminal conviction is very much a red herring which is diverting attention from the most important issues.

We have excellent, explicit guidelines covering the advertising, selection and appointment of public servants. In the case of Michael Coutts-Trotter, no such process has apparently taken place and the appointment was made without being advertised and without any search for qualified candidates. As a result, the man now running our State Education Department has no qualifications or experience as an educator. How does he hope to be able to direct and co-ordinate the activities of senior department staff if he has no idea what is involved in the job. Answer here, is that he cannot.

He has said he is willing to learn on the job. That's well and good, but there will most certainly be qualified, experienced and skilled education administrators out there somewhere, who would be better suited to this position. On the job training does have its limitations and our kids education should not be at risk while this man is still on a learning curve.

Then there is the question of the appointment process itself which is in clear breach of PS guidlines. This matter needs to be referred to the ICAC, whose job it is to investigate apparent failures in the observance of proper standards of public administration.
Posted by tapdog, Monday, 16 April 2007 7:04:04 AM
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Coutts-Trotter was merely punished for his criminal activities. Punishment in no way “wipes the slate clean”. He did what he did, and he was dealt with accordingly. Living a better life after the event does not expunge the crime. There must be any number of people – even in NSW – without a criminal record who could do the job. Most people manage to get through life without becoming criminals.

Try getting a teaching job with his background. You will not get one! But the moronic ALP politicians who gave him the job have overlooked that. Of course, Iemma & Co. know that they can do as they please, now that they were re-elected, despite demonstrating that have no damn right to be in government or managing a council dump for that matter.

The few sensible people left in NSW who realised that they didn’t have to vote ALP just because they didn’t like the alternative are probably heading for the borders – if they are still there.

The stupidity and complacency of Australia voters never ceases to amaze!
Posted by Leigh, Monday, 16 April 2007 5:24:46 PM
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I was reluctant to post upon this topic because of the seeming inevitability of criticism in relation to the procedure of the appointment carrying over as personal criticism of the appointee. However, a post by OLO contributor Kieran on another thread in respect of this appointment makes a most important point: Kieran observes of the appointee that he is "..., a man ...... WHO COULD NEVER QUALIFY AS A SCHOOL TEACHER because of his earlier criminal background and gaol for using and selling heroin." See

If Kieran is legally correct in his observation, what a shocking insult to the entire teaching profession, from amongst whom would normally be expected to come the bulk of qualified applicants for the position! But, silly me, I am forgetting that the position was not advertised.

Morris Iemma said on election night that he had got the message from the electorate. If this appointment is anything to go by, I don't think he has. Unless, that is, he is following the dictum of "give a man enough rope and he might hang himself". Speaking, of course, with respect to John Della Bosca, who made the appointment.

For, you see, this is Della Bosca's style. Several elections past an ALP senator who had been appointed to a senate vacancy resigned to contest the Federal seat of Robertson. It was Belinda Neale, and she lost. Then followed an attempt to have her endorsed for the NSW seat of Peats, then, and still, held by ALP member Marie Andrews. Nobody told the public that Belinda Neale was Mrs Della Bosca, but the school-gate grapevine did. The news did not go down well, for everyone knew, politics aside, what a genuinely good job Marie Andrews did as a local member, particularly for those schools.

It is generally bad karma to try to usurp a sitting member's seat. Part of that attempted usurpation involved creation of an elongated seat of Lake Macquarie, previously held by the ALP, now lost. Who was responsible? Surely not John Della Bosca?
Posted by Forrest Gumpp, Tuesday, 17 April 2007 8:11:30 AM
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Forrest, one can look everywhere for opinion on this appalling appointment, but we just see people, politicians and groups like the NSW Teacher's Federation falling for the spin of "redemption" which takes centre stage. This chap may have exceptional qualities as a spin doctor but does that qualify for the top educator in NSW? What does he know about curriculum, ways of learning, standards and assessment systems, policies, content, methodology, etc etc ?

This newly elected Iemma government looks like filfth because it did not receive a mandate to destroy recognised public processes and the trust of the people. Like, how do you tell the teachers and children of NSW schools that the top educator is a spin doctor with no educationalist qualifications and was only selected because he is someone's mate?
Posted by Keiran, Wednesday, 18 April 2007 3:51:59 PM
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The spin seems to be working quite well. The story appears dead in the mainstream media. Actually, Wednesday to Friday last week, when the story was really attracting the most attention, ABC Radio news completely ignored it. Did not get a mention. hmmm... Haven't heard anything from Barry O'Farrell

Crikey has a story

Purely as a hypothetical, if Michael needs to attend a conference in the USA, will they give him a visa considering he has a narcotics trafficking conviction?
Posted by tapdog, Wednesday, 18 April 2007 4:35:21 PM
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There is not one honest person that I know of within the current ranks of the Department of Education who could be appointed to Director-General. This Department has been treating whistleblowers shockingly for years and breaking the law relating to documents on which blatant lies appear about employees. These documents are often sent to HealthQuest, the government medical office in an attempt to have these troublesome employees certified insane as punishment for speaking up about various things. See the Val Kerrison case on and read the documents showing the trail of corruption for yourself. This is a department where all those at the top levels need to be sacked. I hope Mr Coutts-Trotter has the courage to do what has needed to be done for years. There are also a few 'teacher welfare officers' out there who have placed lies and misinformation on people's files in order to get revenge on them for something they said or did that the Department did not approve of. This is no way to run a government department. Even when the Premier writes to the Department asking for information about teachers experiencing problems with them, they have the nerve to repeat the lies in letters to the Premier to cover up for themselves. They have to go. I am glad the appointment is not of someone who would continue to cover up the corruption that is happening.
Posted by Laura, Monday, 24 September 2007 1:37:14 PM
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