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Proposed data retention a necessary evil?
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Posted by scribbler, Wednesday, 5 September 2012 8:20:13 AM
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Yes it is needed.
Is freedom served by letting criminals murderers and terrorist have the protection of our freedom? So my e mails and lots more are to beheld, OK by me. Posted by Belly, Thursday, 6 September 2012 4:44:25 AM
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Belly wrote: “Is freedom served by letting Is freedom served by letting criminals murderers and terrorist have the protection of our freedom?
So my e mails and lots more are to beheld, OK by me.” Dear Belly, I think you have a lot to fear. Governments use information to keep tabs on dissenters. Police don’t confine their attentions to ‘criminals murderers and terrorist’. They go after anybody the government tells them to go after. They will find reasons to shut them up. Under Jo the Special Branch of the Queensland Police kept tabs on unions and worked to limit their effectiveness. As a good union man you would have been an object of surveillance. I am not a criminal, murderer or terrorist , but I have been active politically in opposing government policy. During the Bougainville War I supported the Bougainville rebels against the PNG armed forces. This was legal, but there was a car sitting at the edge of my driveway. I asked the men in it for identification, but they made excuses not to reveal their identity. I suspect they were ASIO. Freedom is served by limiting government access to private communications. It is not OK by me that the government should have access to my private communications. A man’s home is his castle and so are his communications. Posted by david f, Thursday, 6 September 2012 11:36:20 AM
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Not okay by me. I just wrote a bigger piece on the Julie Bishop article on this so won't repeat all of it here.
This is a bridge way too far and is indicative of growing disconnect between the State and the citizen and what it means to be a democracy. As one friend puts is very well "Animal Farm" was never meant to be used as a manual. Posted by pelican, Thursday, 6 September 2012 11:40:52 AM
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I think it's naive to think criminals have no idea about encryption or VPNs.
It's the same story with internet filters, it's only going to affect luddites. Posted by Houellebecq, Thursday, 6 September 2012 2:12:43 PM
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This time I agree with you. Once again the nanny state knows best. As with the internet filters, it is not difficult or expensive to completely bypass any surveillance. For $5 a month I can get a false IP address to block tracking of bit torrent and site surveillance, which makes the 2 year data storage worthless and for $10 - $15 a month I can get fully encrypted data transfer rendering even live surveillance useless. If I had evil intentions and knew that my internet was permanently monitored, this is the very first step I would take. If big brother wasn't watching, people might not feel the need to take precautions. This is yet another Labor initiative that costs taxpayers money, and gives no benefit. Posted by Shadow Minister, Friday, 7 September 2012 11:04:48 AM
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its only too easy to set up a dirt unit
the trouble then becomes..on who' dirt they going next hey its you* first they came for the old sick feeble and insane then the poles got their..then the bolchovics got 25 million..then the natzies got 6 million 'jews'[jew mean indigenous/aborigonal..etc..not just judean.. never the less after the jews they too the money..the factories..enslaved re educated deleted histry.. put huge burden on the natzies/nips now we are all equal,,now were all jew..[except for the few,..that hold the dirt files..but why bother i been in and out of em since my teens i couldnt care that they hold emails i know its allready being dun..when bushe and howard rewired the exchanges..but what?..nop one told to know only so they allready got more than they need..whats this issue hiding red herring? Posted by one under god, Friday, 7 September 2012 2:50:53 PM
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i think they need to control data
so people dont find out things like this Some of you may recall me going on and on about the DTCC. Here is what got me going on the DTCC I just plucked this off their site... It goes like this... "DTCC issued a white paper to the industry in July 2012 outlining a plan to fully dematerialize the U.S. capital markets. The paper, Strengthening the U.S. Financial Markets: A Proposal to Fully Dematerialize Physical Securities, calls for eliminating physical certificates as well as the processing of physical certificates in order to reduce risk and costs, boost efficiencies and enhance the competitiveness and security of the U.S. capital markets." What do you think about that? Destruction of all the evidence one needs to convict them. The banks are getting rid of the damning "paper"'. No paper. No evidence. No evidence. No conviction..... Business as usual. No ifs, No ands, No buts. Or how about this? Fails Data Chart U.S. Securities Trades Excerpt: "What do these charts show? Posted by one under god, Sunday, 9 September 2012 6:17:17 AM
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links dont work? What do these charts show? They show the value of U.S. Treasury securities that were not delivered to fulfill a trade contract. “Failures-to-deliver” occur when either sellers fail to deliver or buyers fail to receive securities in time to settle a trade. Settlement of a trade is the point at which the seller is required to deliver the securities agreed upon in the trade and the buyer has to deliver the funds to pay for the securities.......* new new promises more paper over paper..till in time hyper devalue our coin yet further..coin used to be wothy their metal it costs 5 cents to mint a one cent coin..too clever..stealing our gold coin...making paper how many time jesus kick out the traiters [money the much should govt moniter criminals..and tax them EVERY TRANSACTION..why cause paying tax is volentary.. GOVT CANT FORCE us into commerce.,.YET we got compulsory super/union fees/banking fees/taxes..WE ARE FORCED TO DO COMMERCE TO KEEP UPTODATE*..with basic teqnoligy we are now FORCED to TROWAWAY..perfectly good tv's..NOT DIGETAL FORCED COMMERCE..and while govt has been mandating..lighter deesign because two drunks killed them selves 'smoking in bed..deead drunk'' so much spin..they need to put out there unquestioned so what if old smokers with arth-ritghioususness..who's fingers cant get past a child proof lighter..its mental cruelty..govt become nanny..become master over the taxable peons yes we must shut this down is it to be free speech..or govt run by lawyers and public servants for their mates to do business as usual*..[cva[pitalists..seeking bigger capital gain.. FOR THEM..the bigger the numbers the better stuff values,..grow growth green growth capal lists get shorter as their demand for higher numbers gets more destructive..let make money from sick people lets exploit the dying..heck make war victims pay for thye bombs that destroyed their CIVILIsation back to the stone deeluded power brokers wanting to return to the golden age master servant your one of the other Posted by one under god, Sunday, 9 September 2012 6:31:19 AM
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first link ok i think thats all enough to fill out a clear picture why they need ultimate control TO CATCH THESE DUDES*>>? or..? read the Fails Data Chart U.S. Treasury Securities Trades Excerpt: "What do these charts show? They show the value of U.S. Treasury securities that were not delivered to fulfill a trade contract. “Failures-to-deliver” occur when either sellers fail to deliver or buyers fail to receive securities in time to settle a trade. Settlement of a trade is the point at which the seller is required to deliver the securities agreed upon in the trade and the buyer has to deliver the funds to pay for the securities....... Are there consequences for a failure to deliver? Yes. Not only does the original trade fail, but the party that bought the securities may have already pledged them in a subsequent trade, and now that trade too will involve a failure-to-deliver, thus creating a cascading effect." They even plan to add 2 hours onto the closing time to help facilitate delivery. Failing that the DTCC will step in and make an interm loan available. You got that ...right? Someone is going to get caught holding an empty sack. The US Administration and Federal Reserve included can not meet current delivery dates of their T Bills. To the tune of 8 billion a day. World trade is failing. Fast! Posted by one under god, Sunday, 9 September 2012 6:39:13 AM
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*socialising capitalism..hurt'$..the rest_of_us
*govt borrowing from bankers..AT_INTREST>> insane fed's..monetising how bankers*..EMPTIED the worlds TREASURIES*...[you recall them,dont you..great vaults where GOVT held our gold/silver copper COIN*..our common wealth*}..bankers sold....our wealth whats wealth?.. recall the COMMON wealth? not the con-man wealth... we' MAKE..*LAWS we call for sepperation of lawyers making laws..TO DO WHAT? by their works..are the revealed/reviled.. make ever more burdens while ALLOWING plunder*..of our peoples/lands/COMMON-wealth.. is juliar..going to play..the same insane rocks/on game? finding out..prooved bad for her fathers health..[and so it is as many graduleasy..get to see..*that govt isnt there FOR you.. its there to tax..every last cent from you/common it can get..>*its there to give us "free" lighgtbulbs..with mercury..put lead in our fuel to dumb kids down...rot teeth/vacinate kids/passify us through the fleurided/water..and sell off the silver in ya filling they need..silver/gold..THE REAL LEASED it..TO THEMSELVES..thus..stole from our coin-age... lawyers now govt..making law..allow specialist..LISTS..industial scale polution..for more capitalist gain.. NOT them..PAYING THE COST OF REPAIR no govt/..poor/conned out of..their wealth..will the world..has many problems but the workers fix..the REAL CRIMINALS are too busy..*protecting them*.. police policy,,not crime! and in policing policy..making policy processing/by say the least. so much so..they do FREEBIES for mates! [i think thats when dad caught on..but policy policers..are too busy kicking smokers from mals..sending kids to jail for stealing two botles of water[uk..or a kiid to jail for life..for stealing cookies[wa/three strikes..TO POLICE..THE TRUE*CRIMINALS..NOW stealing our future/wealth/health..etc/et'al. but heck/..steal thousands of people's super/savings or be a name..heck a token slap on the lue of your new years honour.this year..and a bored seat..shares in the next grand fleec the COMMON of their wealth WE KNOW! WHAT THE CRIMS LOOK LIKE! they just love photo's..with their mates.. solution..get rid of the photo/archive.. and in case any get out..we got this NEW thing our lawyers have come up with..ignore the karma..were only here for a short_time..then we can blame..*the new/guy so here's..the scam..the new sceme we 'protect'..the leaders 'families'..who going to argue...right*...THEN..they....& OH..SOMEONE allready\doing that..oops Posted by one under god, Sunday, 9 September 2012 7:19:58 AM
But he won’t be alone.
The proposal for internet and telecommunications companies to retain and store sensitive user information for a period of two years, effectively ‘tracking’ customers under the guise of increased national security and criminal investigation, is ringing alarm bells around the country.
While it may be argued that such measures will assist police and other more shadowy entities like ASIO to keep tabs on what is being said and done and by whom (think suspected paedophiles, terrorists, etc), it is considered by others to be an invasion of privacy and, possibly, counter-productive, as storage by companies ill-equipped to protect such data for long periods of time is like red-rag to a bull for cyber criminals.
As was proven by the hacker group Anonymous, who gained access to AAPTs data (see ABC news report contained within the link provided), anyone with the know-how could use and abuse the sort of data the report is calling to be stored, putting at risk hundreds of thousands of personal and financial records.
And while the AFP states that content of private emails and searches is not what is at issue, they have also admitted that extension of the report to include such access would, in an ideal world, be what they would like. On a more alarmist note, what are the implications for any kind of internet political dissidence?
How valid is the government’s claim to need this sort of access to people’s data and how far will it extend?