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Netanyahu's Secret War Plan.
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Posted by Arjay, Sunday, 19 August 2012 8:00:02 AM
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it will be at or near the us pres election
my news site tells me the people are revolting iranian words misstranslated..yet again prime minester telling the pres ""should not speak out on Iran as he is too prone to mistakes"" if it smells like a duck..quacks.. Posted by one under god, Monday, 20 August 2012 8:54:03 AM
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Arjay, is looks to me that the "leak" was deliberate.
I'm reasonably certain that the Israeli government could quickly track down the source of the "leak", so it is far more likely than not, that the whole thing is just another move in the game of stand-off. On another theme, it would be a gross dereliction of duty on the part of the Israeli Defence Force if it did *not* have such a plan tucked away in case they needed it. It is standard practice, and always has been. I recall reading an entire book back in the seventies, written by a US General, that described in detail how the Russians could invade Europe and overrun it in five days, and what the West would/could do about it. All very plausible, until you realized that it was simply WWII thinking, updated by a few decades. It's just another propaganda piece. Ignore it. Posted by Pericles, Monday, 20 August 2012 11:54:16 AM
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For the first time Arjay is behind the news instead of being in front with something which doesn't happen.
I think it's called mind games. Posted by 579, Monday, 20 August 2012 12:51:22 PM
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I would be amazed if Israel did not have a plan to attack every country in its region. They would be remiss idiots if they didn't. It takes far too long to work out a plan, after the stuff hits the fan.
I would be amazed if we do not have similar plans, yes even to attack New Zealand, although what the hell we would then do with the place I don't know, seeing how most of them live here anyway. Even the French will have plans for attacking everyone, although theirs probably involves reopening some mothballed white flag factories. Posted by Hasbeen, Monday, 20 August 2012 1:54:49 PM
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Careful, Hasbeen.
>>Even the French will have plans for attacking everyone, although theirs probably involves reopening some mothballed white flag factories.<< That gets you the "wrong answer" buzzer. It is no longer trendy or fashionable to cast aspersions on French military history - in fact, it is only wilfully ignorant folk who continue to do so. And Americans, of course. Oh, except I already included them, didn't I... Posted by Pericles, Monday, 20 August 2012 2:57:55 PM
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Come on Pericles, some jokes never go out of date, & French military expertise, at least in the last 100 years, is about as funny as it gets.
Even if you are a bit of a French lover, that does not change the fact that the Israel military would be totally remiss if they did not have such plans. Posted by Hasbeen, Monday, 20 August 2012 5:57:20 PM
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Pericles,you again try to down play an evolving reality.Israel is intent on attacking Iran which will be a disaster for everyone on this planet.The Israeli Oligarchs are psychopathic and out of control.With this recent meeting in Tehran,the battle lines of WW3 are drawn and the West and Israel are the criminal aggressors.30 countries which represent half the world's pop do not want their New World Order.
The elites of the West have had this dream of their Global Govt for many generations.Now it seems that their grand plans are are doomed but they will risk WW3 and a nuke war so their childish dream will have some hope of realisation.They are stark raving mad! WW3 will be short and reduce our humanity to a new dark age,if we are lucky.The elites have all these underground nuke shelters to live like the cockroaches and rodents they have become.Either show some courage and speak the truth,or we are all going to hell in a hand basket. Posted by Arjay, Monday, 20 August 2012 7:01:30 PM
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Did you know that Elvis was seen in Iran; he's the guest of Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. Google Iranian media sites - its all over their news. The US sent Elvis over as a 'good-will ambassador'- but in actual fact, to influence the regime to halt their nuclear program. "Music has charms to soothe a savage breast" … an all that jazz. According to analysts, however, Ahmadinejad is nobody's fool and knows that Iran will not be attacked whilst Elvis is there. I predict we won't be seeing Elvis during our life-time. Posted by Danielle, Friday, 24 August 2012 1:42:11 AM
Silverstein goes onto say that Israel has new stealth technology that even the USA does not know about,but Israel don't really understand how technologically advanced Iran become in weaponry.
Recently in Tehran 30 countries including China,Russia,Iran,Pakistan,Indonesia etc met with a resolve not to let an attack on Syria happen.This represents almost half the world's population.
Even people within Israel are horrified about this irresponsible march to war by Israel,yet our Western leaders seem to be giving it tacit approval.
I think Russia and China have drawn a line in the sand,since they know if Syria and Iran go down,they could be next.