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Electric shock

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yabby/quote..""You complain about banks earning too much, when their return on equity is nothing special,''

yes thats one of my gripes..the proffit margin
AFTER BONUS ETC THAT GUTTED IT..make as loan..get a big fat commission..make sure it dont look like your making much/despite holding near anything asset wise..'as security'

it takes your dollar..and makes it into ten
but even then dont get enough it 'someone..a nice big fat bonus

lol...""despite the risks""

yeah your bank helps set the lie-bore rate
took yoyur promise to repay..and monetised that..lest we forget credit cards astill pay ursurous intret rates,

""given our high house prices.""
is cause govt incentive[tax avoidance..where middle class inbvesters buy up all the cheaper better make comfortable middle class rental..[for those who make too much to get further subsidised govt many issues in one line

but there is more

..""But a company like can return 56% on equity and you don't say a word!""

lol return on equity*..a computer server
costing what a few grand..getring a retutrn of one grand
JUST WAIT TILL YOU GET THE CHANCE TO BUY IT>>like the facebook shares/plumiting to half its valuation*

then you return to govt bailing out the super industry with compulsory super from the 'babvy boomers reti\ring..wanting cash..not bit by bit payoff

that govt 'topped up'
and taken EVERY some mug getting ongoing commisions

BUT IN THE reveal you get it
but its against the flow of the rest

""Then you pay..!,super funds..a fortune to manage your super,! something like 9 billion $ a year,..without taking any risks at all!""

they dont
but we do...look at it in a ten year lol
yeah but look at the trend line..its going down.down and staying down

supper for the poor...yeah that will bve the day
the more you can afford to lock away..the more govt gives ya
then deeductions,..for 'investments'..great stuff cheating keaking and the blowhard ho-ward
Posted by one under god, Monday, 20 August 2012 8:41:14 AM
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Back in 1987, following bank deregulation, we introduced Moneygrams to every state in Australia. They allowed personal, business and farm borrowers to compare interest rates and charges, then go with the bank offering the best deal. By playing other banks off one against the other then going back to his original bank (Westpac), one of our first (farmer) clients saved 6% on a $1m loan for 5 years ($300,000). He was delighted with the impact of our $100 Moneygram.
Our Votergrams are achieving in the same way on electricity.
Following our initial electricity campaign (& by no means just due to us) the 10% reduction we sought has been achieved. Follow the same path as we did with banks and loans. Ring around the other electricity suppliers which you do not use. Seek competitive prices per kilowatt, paying particular attention to rates at peak and off peak times. Play one off against the other to get the lowest, if you like. Then phone your existing supplier and tell them what you have been offered elsewhere. The chances are they will offer you the same to keep your business.
Posted by Voterland, Wednesday, 22 August 2012 4:29:04 PM
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Electricity prices will fall back to sensible levels when voters make it do so by encouraging the government to play fair. At present politicians are allowing electricity users to be ripped off by hidden taxes, huge dividends and fabulous executive salary packages.
Government will listen, but first we need to speak up and say what we want.The best way is for voters to go to and support the Electric Shock campaign team for their state with a "like".
Posted by Voterland, Friday, 24 August 2012 12:04:31 PM
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