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Putting Aid on the agenda for the 2012 Budget
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Posted by Jayb, Wednesday, 2 May 2012 11:01:09 AM
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A few years ago (2003) Australia purchased 48 SU-27's & SU-35's for the Indonesian Air Force. Well, not directly. 3 months before the Indonesian announcement, Australia gave the Indonesian Government the purchase price of the Jets in Foreign AID to help their people. Go figure. All those children Bob Geildolf saved in the Horn of Africa are now running around in boats terrorizing the high seas off their coast. Others are running the Terrorists gangs fighting the West. Where is the AID from the rich oil Countries? There is none. It's the west’s job to supply that in the form of the Jizyah Tax. That's the Tax non-Muslims have to pay to Islam to be allowed to live. Australia need to immediately stop all non-essential Aid to foreign Countries. Essential Aid is for Catastrophes such as Tidal Waves or Cyclones. Australia’s Hospitals/Health service, Schools & School system, Trade Training, Aged Care, Road/Rail infrastructure, Communication infrastructure is in a dilapidated state. This money we are giving away is urgently needed to be spent in Australia. An old saying, "You cannot help others if you cannot help yourself." Please don't say, "you don't know that," because I damm well do know that. Posted by Jayb, Wednesday, 2 May 2012 11:03:02 AM
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There is no doubt that you have researched your suject and I suspect are able to substantiate your claims. Most people are aware generally that much foreign aid is wasted and does not reach those in most need. Hence I doubt if you will get much arguement in relation to better management of the aid we give. However you may find some strong arguements against your views that our aid should be restricted entirely to catasrophies. Have you looked at how the Iranies lowered their birth rate? simply google Iran birth rates or similar to find. Basicly it shows that Iran went from about 6.5 babies per woman to about 1.7 per woman. They did this entirely by education and the provision of the means for contraception. Imagine the difference when far fewer mouths have to share the same amount of food. I think that encouraging that sort of action in those countries of high birth rates and/or subject to famine is a worth while foreign aid objective. It seems entirely missing now. Am interested in your views on this. Posted by Banjo, Wednesday, 2 May 2012 12:10:31 PM
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Thank you Banjo. Most of what I know about the Aid we send is from personal experience, though dated now, but I suspect that nothing has changed & has become worse. Indonesia even threatened Australia when we hinted that we might cut down our Aid to their country. (about the middle of last year.)
Education for third world countries is good. Let them provide it, not spend it on a huge Army buying Tanks & Aircraft they can't afford to run. We provide Aid to set up schools in Indonesia & they set up Madras’s. (Religious schools that teach about death to the infidel, us.) These countries Leaders squirrel away millions for themselves through not spending their own countries money on the people & bribes (fees) to distribute our Aid. Banjo: However you may find some strong arguments against your views that our aid should be restricted entirely to catastrophes. Why? These people put their heads in the sand. Mostly Greenies/Feel good types that don’t want to know the truth because it would hurt their sensibilities. Posted by Jayb, Wednesday, 2 May 2012 2:30:49 PM
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Banjo: Imagine the difference when far fewer mouths have to share the same amount of food. I agree. Do you remember there was a survival strategy game came out many years ago. Basically it was about humans, Deer & wolves. (Conservation for the Greenie types) If there were too many Deer they ate the crops of the humans & they starved & died. If the hunters killed the dear then the Wolves attacked the humans for food. If the wolves killed too many Deer then they starved. If the humans shot the wolves then the Deer multiplied & over populated & got sick & died. The object of the game was to keep an equilibrium. It was very hard. Thrown in extra was Fire, Floods, Drought, etc. Well it works in real life. We save the starving Africans they breed more & then we have twice as many to save, ditto, ditto. Then wars start over scant resources & any Aid we provide. Any Aid provided adds to the problem exponentially. Meanwhile we are draining our own resources for no real effect. We will end up where they are in a few years time. This is so sad, but unfortunately, that’s real life. Posted by Jayb, Wednesday, 2 May 2012 2:31:21 PM
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I would be interested in how you got your first hand experience, if you can do that. The opposition to your views on foreign aid would come from bleeding hearts and a wealth of bureaucrats and current/former ministers who have enjoyed the first class travel and accomadation, the UN social events and cocktail parties, etc. They are reluctant to forgo all that. Relating to education, I was specificly referring to sex education/family planning in Iran and I hope you would take a little time to aquaint yourself, I found it interesting about what can be achieved. Yes the survival game works in the real world. The more we feed people the more they breed. So we are making the situation worse in the long term. Family planning is the key. Can you provide media links to the Indonesian threat and any other matters pertaining to this suject. Posted by Banjo, Wednesday, 2 May 2012 3:36:36 PM
AID: money we give to poor countries to help their people. Well that's the theory at least.
How is your AID money spent. Paying for CEO's to live in 5 star Hotel, Fly first class, Hire limousines, Bribe Foreign Government officials, Pay inflated Import/storage/trucking fees. Pay off warlords & terrorists highway check points, pay the village head man the balance to distribute the remainder. remainder... what remainder. Of course he get to keep most of the aid for his family first.
When you see TV/Photo shots. Remember these are staged in order to tug at your heart strings. It is vital to keep the funds flowing so these agencies CEO's can live in luxury.
Western Government AID: Here's an example. Where is all the Aid for Haiti? It's sitting on the Dock still. Why? Because the Government of Haiti won't release it, because the Agencies refuse to pay huge Bribes to the Dock workers & the Haitian Government (the President)
When Aid is given to Bangladesh for flood victims. "Imagine if YOUR house was washed away in a flood." That's what the ad says. Except that their house is about 4 meters square & made of grass & saplings. Not Bricks & mortar like your house. It's the Government officials that pocket all the money, except for the photo opportunity for our TV.