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The Forum > General Discussion > Labor appoints another corruption tainted union crony to the FWA gravy train.

Labor appoints another corruption tainted union crony to the FWA gravy train.

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No case to answer. The FWA is made up of both union and business representatives. I know you would like to see all business representatives, and so would Toni, but that would not be fair. Your sensationalism is not worthy of a thread.
Posted by 579, Friday, 2 March 2012 7:47:40 AM
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Please name the business representatives.
Posted by Shadow Minister, Friday, 2 March 2012 8:20:55 AM
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SM my impression is that as the claims have been withdrawn there is no real legal impediment to the appointment but it's a sign of a government that really does not care how it's appointments look.

The concept of innocent unless proven guilty seems to have mixed meanings around public figures (with some validity). Just because allegations have been raised does not mean that the accussed is guilty and I don't like the consequences when we start assuming otherwise.

Ironic with Qld Labor running such an dirty campaign against Campbell Newman based on allegations which the government didn't see fit to act on in an official capacity prior to the election.

Posted by R0bert, Friday, 2 March 2012 8:39:59 AM
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The law suit has been withdrawn, not the claim. As it was a civil law suit there was never a legal obstacle only an ethical one, and labor has no problems with ethics.
Posted by Shadow Minister, Friday, 2 March 2012 8:57:42 AM
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Yes RObert, I don't think the muck raking by labor in QLD is doing them any good. Their rusted on nod their heads, but for the rest it just indicates how rotten their thinking.

A number have said that they can see that labor think Newman must operate that way, because they do. Tainted by their own brush another says.

They really do sound like they have nothing to say worth listening to.
Posted by Hasbeen, Friday, 2 March 2012 10:42:48 AM
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Politics - I'm afraid I don't know too much about it. However, I suppose I'd describe myself as a conservative. Anyway, all that aside, I do know a little about crime per se.

And I can state unequivocally, as an investigator, you can thoroughly KNOW something, but you just can't PROVE it !

That said, we all know that it's incumbant upon the crown that it prove it's case to a point beyond that of a reasonable doubt. And that is as it should be. Despite any of our personal prejudices or political aversions we may harbour against a person.

As one of the notable law lords told us ''s better that a hundred
guilty men go free than an innocent man is punished...'.

Therefore, why shouldn't this ex-union official be appointed as a commissioner. After all, in the eyes of the law he's done nothing illegal that might render him unfit for such high office ?
Posted by o sung wu, Friday, 2 March 2012 2:52:22 PM
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