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Is Consumerism An Illness?
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Posted by Belly, Monday, 19 December 2011 5:48:11 AM
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dont worry about the fatique ol mate
we all got that...and the purple bloches bruises i would have thought to be a sign of lucimia but at least you know so dont sweat on it dont get into comfort eating many comfort shop we dont like the consuming we like the shop [in hell.. there is many shops] its rather funny to know that these shoppkeepers..keep selling the same stuff... [i would quote it].. but will summerise it the shop keepers say as soon as i sell it it goes away then they forget it and it comes back look in your cuboards full of stuff ya never eat i just used up the last of my coffee hoard some of it 5 years out of date i saw i wanted i bought it then simply forgot it and bought it again and again and a gain then forget get sad and buy it again but look where that leads read the titles at least! so forget ya sick dont comfort eat never comfort shop unless it feels you comfort eat..from mate/main stream media/newspapers try eating truth dont just blindly follow the feel good data confirm it how seaty are you this summer 3 days..?[its half over] Posted by one under god, Wednesday, 21 December 2011 8:17:19 AM
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think mate cor it aint half hot how sweaty are you this summer 3 days..? [its half over] isnt it about time the consumption of lies ends you buy their papers [ feeeds you makes you feel rightious...feel good] comfort eating confort reading comfort consuming same things you pay for the news papers comfort consuming yet ignore and refuse to even consider... my free info lol why? cause it hurts? cause you might feel un comfortable consuming is comfort eating same same so is built in obsolesance the link i was looking for when i found all them other links yet cant find now its at that what really happend link you would look at..if you really give comfort not just buy into it con-summer isms your as healthy as you let yourself feel this was funny so is this [im still looking for that other darn link] found it GOOD! Since Mssrs. Hewlett and Packard left, HP has been the leader in planned obsolescence, with some of those Hungarian-manufactured CD-ROM drives we started our animation shop with back in the 1990s failing in as little as two weeks. HP's printers are notorious for the built-in self-destruct noted in the documentary "The Lightbulb Conspiracy" The Pavilion I had kept locking up due to faulty chip designs. I will never ever again buy an HP product and I will gladly dance on their grave when they collapse. Posted by one under god, Wednesday, 21 December 2011 8:36:49 AM
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Thanks OUG I am ok mate.
Had Q Fever and it shook me for years,but rode it out. Type 2 Sugar, brings, at my age, blood pressure and heart concerns. Three weeks ago, after 3 off trying to get a result on what was wrong would not have bet I would be here today. I have felt like a bag of bones every one on fire,tough old rooster but it hurt. Every day I get better, some days am real good. Took two days to mow lawn. The blotches are a symptom. I will be around for a while mate next two elections maybe. Operation to have a look at the other thing March. Seen the papers/TV media telling us to be aware of online shopping? theft not arriving or not on time. Some times think we are too trusting. Along with telling holiday makers the fish are about knowing they are not. We now see subliminal adds, such as those story's, telling us to get out and buy imported goods from our shops not same but cheaper on line! Posted by Belly, Wednesday, 21 December 2011 10:42:15 AM
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belly quote/..""I will be around for a while mate
next two elections maybe."" initially i thought great another 7 years with a good mate but then i ran the numbers next year election one and the re-election by double disolution at least before next xmass so tops of 2012 yeah same for me [lol i should live that long] but mate *we tried and posted..only things we really believe not only what adgenda..some paid to post ""Seen the papers/TV media telling us to be aware of online shopping? theft...not arriving..or not on time. Some times think we are too trusting."" mate too much trusting or suss on everything[we cant have it both ways your faith/trusting thats no problem..its why we love you ""telling holiday makers the fish are..knowing they are not."" mate some times things change yesterday was great...[lol]..a fisherman told me ""We now see subliminal adds,""' no mate the clever 'b'...follow us online feed us adds according to what we for like i googled up red heads now every add..has red haired people in it sublime indeed..""such as those story's, telling us to get out and buy imported goods""" but mate if i dont got a harley my peerrs wont think im cool ""cheaper on line!"" yeah i bought a toner for one quarter the retail cost..[ok it only lasted half as long so i bought 4 more....they lasted 500 copies..and 800...the third killed my copier] but mate they came on time and was what i wanted [and truth is i will do it again] except if ya note from previous links i put up withholding full payment..for 3 months things are going pear shaped and paypal...wants to know its FOR if only 3 least protected...[holds more than it owes]...just like most of us oldies we were luckey in the good cuntry thus owe and pay back...give something back even if its only ol mens opinioons but life im over fighting to hangon to it.. Posted by one under god, Friday, 23 December 2011 8:57:46 AM
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OUG have a great one, but I intend to make those 7 years.
by then a return to Labor by a landslide. Wait for headlines saying Christmas spending exceeded expectations. After we have been driven out to spend spend spend. Posted by Belly, Friday, 23 December 2011 4:37:50 PM
I diverted my own thread.
It had for along time, been my intention to start such a thread.
About spending unwisely.
But also about the prompts to consume at such times.
I celebrate what was a Pagan festival, just for the joy of it.
But media is reporting ,right now, Christmas shopping is slow.
About a week in to the new year we will be told it has been quite good.
Local and City papers, are running story's, saying how good the fishing is.
Locals know the fish co op is the most likely place to get them.
By not falling for the mutton dressed as Lamb, you can put enough away to buy what you want/truly need.