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The Forum > General Discussion > Progressive? or simple censorship

Progressive? or simple censorship

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Sry Houellie, I'm afraid you're talking through your bum.
Posted by Antiseptic, Monday, 28 November 2011 9:39:07 AM
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Well it wouldn't be the first time anti.

Seriously man, all that stuff about comments linking to Emily's list linking to this. Man it was like reading Gerard Henderson waiting for the last paragraph where it all leads to a chance to slam the ALP.

I get it, I sympathise, but there are too many long bows. You've been screwed over, people who make this legislation are with an agenda, yes, but it's not a conspiracy. Like I said, it's an attitude of help the victims (women) without any thoughts or care to how these things can and are misused.

There is only one victim gender man. It's life. Move on.
Posted by Houellebecq, Monday, 28 November 2011 9:42:59 AM
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I think this is a shortcut with penalties. If you lie under oath, you are up for perjury, another court case, and possible jail.
With fines being struck for telling lies, no court case and no jail, for a mother that is possibly lying to protect others.
Sounds fair to me. In these cases there are lies all along the way, I do not see it as a license to tell deliberate lies.
Posted by 579, Monday, 28 November 2011 10:12:48 AM
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Yeah, fair enough. I'll put it down to the hour of posting and trying to fit too much into the word limit. Having not posted here for a bit I've got used to a less restrictive word limit and edited poorly.

The point about censorship is a serious one, though. The ability to comment on a topic of interest is something that is at the heart of a democratic society. Letters to the Editor have been a feature of newspapers for a very long time and soap-box oratory has an even longer history. Only the worst of repressive regimes have silenced such outlets for expressing dissent and hence, gauging opinion.

The Emily's List group IS secretive - it operates exclusively for a select group and admits no male members or members who fail to commit to any of the five principles it espouses. Look them up on its web site. It continues to exert influence via "mentors" to MPs after they are elected and gives each of its newly elected women MPs a booklet on what the group expects of them. It IS unaccountable - they expressly chose not to affiliate with the ALP in order to avoid such accountability, as well as seeking to circumvent the influence of existing factions, since EL members can belong to both. It DOES use Lakoff's ideas, even to the extent of running workshops on how to use them to "frame the debate". It has the express purpose of achieving a majority of women (EL members) among ALP MPs and already owns the PM, the President (Bligh) and the incoming President. Not to mention Rudd, of course, Mr Populism himself.

The group exists, it is active in trying to manipulate public opinion secretively by using techniques such as muzzling discussion that is unfavourable. No nebulous conspiracy theories here.

The Family Violence bill was opposed by the opposition, mostly because it removes evidenciary requirments and by removing the penalties for deliberate perjury, it encourages it.
Posted by Antiseptic, Monday, 28 November 2011 10:26:36 AM
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What takes place in the family court today is a mystery to me.
I can talk for hours of the purely evil, outcomes in the past.
So very bad, a dad who lost his kids, while court orders existed saying he could see them.
Because his wife,and her then current, there has been many, took the kids and ran.
Courts never acted on the warrants.
It time she got them legal again, never had to explain why.
Stayed in hiding from the dad, told the kids he had died.
Not every woman/man is an Angel.
Courts once, I think now, like a traffic cop, fall for the flash of a leg or eyes.
Anti I will never know your story but I do know your pain.
That dad, one of many life has shown me is my brother.
Posted by Belly, Monday, 28 November 2011 10:53:16 AM
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i prefere generalities on a general forum
and exclusive forums for closed minds[heck let them pay]

so as murmerings of privatised bias
[paid forum club]..dont intrest me

i joined the twitwitters
[for an uncensored right to speak]

so im now

[i think]

its fighting post limitations..[of 35o words]
self censoring

and only 4 posts a day here..
self censoring

yet now are chosing to be further limited to 140 characters...[yep its a lol]..i hope will not be quantity

i also moved back to
the world freeman society
in limiting my words..i note
they have become unreadable

[heck i only write them]
im not reading them too..

so i started a new evolution topic there

in light of the massive trying to reply..
[using the..then 2 post limits..that then aplied here]

even with the four
articles needs the flow broken..
SELF CENSORED}..and then the delayed posting allowance...

well add in..the subscription thingy
and other matters..we most recently noted here at olo

im just taking precautions
[my twiiter..leads them back here
cause here are the bulk of my posts]

self mutilated
[self censored..into gibberish]

but in time..i plan to edit them
into some form of clarity

where im not time and space limited..
[using the twitter to advice of other topics maybe]

dont know..but its just the vibe of it

just like i de-test facebook's vibe
and other paid sites

where the converted
yap with others also so converted
moneyed their own misama..[like that ex olo posters forum]..the only agreement they have

is dislike of this one's rules

i just dont need more of that
i need people who think
or dare to dream

its we spend trillions to learn things
like mars..or the hedron colliders..1 mile array
[ie info KNOW-ledge..costs money

so sure..they pay
but it should never share a new thought

anyhow here is the link
to my first twitted..wit link topic link
Posted by one under god, Monday, 28 November 2011 11:20:20 AM
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