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One World Government ?

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Who's we?
"We" don't have any resources to help anyone, take away the state, which as we all agree is a proxy of the Oligarchs and we have precisely diddly squat.
My wife and I own three acres of scrubby bushland in Central Victoria ,two cars and our household goods, that's it, the house is still being paid off. Being self employed we have no savings, no super,no insurance,no private health cover and no other investments.

In relative terms an African couple who are sole traders would have access to more or less the same level of resources as we do, an acre or two of land, a house to live in, personal transport and a few small material comforts.
In fact as I've pointed out repeatedly a person from the Third world who finds that they can't maintain their normal standard of living may have the option of a better life in the West.
If a Westerner cannot support himself at the most basic level of Western society he has nowhere else to go.
In one sense the Third worlder is at greater liberty than the Westerner, but if the West is destroyed or we go into some sort of ethnic consolidation mode, cut off the transfer of technology and creativity to the Third world and kick out all the non Whites that's it for everyone, no possibility of a better life for North Koreans, that's for sure.

My point is that for everyone on the world to have a decent standard of living we have to get rid of these Parasites clustered at the top of Western societies, no healthy, productive, creative White countries means no hope for anyone else.
Who's going to give the Africans free access to clean energy?
It is to laugh.
Posted by Jay Of Melbourne, Saturday, 15 October 2011 4:51:11 PM
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Come on, obviously you agree with government control of business; right? And obviously profits are to be taxed heavily, right? That doesn't misrepresent your opinion, does it?

Also a business's functioning must agree with the government's national production requirements, right? How could it be otherwise since you oppose international free trade? Therefore production is to be on a national basis, and government is to direct what is required, what is permitted, and what is verboten. Right?

Of course capitalist financing is evil too, so that means government financing? Or is there to be no financing - people will just starve to death? No? So you prefer capitalist financing? No? Looks like you might have a real political soul mate in you-know-who.

Let's see what else. Fixing wages - you don't disagree with that, do you?

How about restricting stock dividends? Will you stand up for liberty there? No-o-o, you won't, will you?

Do you oppose a capital tax? Not on your life!

Of course it's not trendy for modern-day leftists to be in favour of forced labour - except taxation of course, you still think there's not enough obtaining people's work by coercion, don't you?

You're in favour of a policy of "husbandry". Since capitalist agribiz is obviously anathema, that means government control of farms, right?

Come on Squeers. What economic policies of Hitler's Nazis do you *not* agree with?
Posted by Peter Hume, Saturday, 15 October 2011 9:00:15 PM
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Well Jay, your two acres of scrubby land might not have much advantage
to you but if you have children or especially grandchildren they will
think of you as a rich man.
Hang onto that land for their sake, especially if it is within a
reasonable distance to a town.

Land will be the ultimate bank balance.
Posted by Bazz, Saturday, 15 October 2011 9:17:55 PM
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Sorry, no way I would want to be near a big town or city.
And while against the power the one percent have, think about it.
It may well be them who introduce OWG.
Who controls us now.
We flip around here, but the very unhappiness most talk of will be used to force this on us.
Someone introduced Jesus!
OK fair enough.
Is it a problem, that MOST of the WORLDS POPULATION is not Christian.
We must not be too sure, world government or not, that the west will always be in control, America is now but for how long.
Are we humans even close to controlling population.
Are we getting closer to Mass starvation or an end to hunger.
If we fall at hurdle one we sure do at two.
Can we see an end, or do we want to? to dictatorships.
While most of us fear it, rightfully, others look to one day seeing one humanity ruled as one in every case, that dream is in truth a nightmare.
Posted by Belly, Sunday, 16 October 2011 10:41:29 AM
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of all things I think it's nationalism that I despise the most. As I've said to you elsewhere, Hitler was part of a wave of ultra nationalism that threatened to engulf the world between the wars and was mostly the product of laissez faire and its great slump, and as a result the human proclivity to resentment, insularity and exclusion (no doubt primal drives). National socialism was the epicentre of this due also to international exactions after WW1. An aggressively paranoid and uncompromising regime was thus invoked, bent on reasserting itself both internationally and nationally; tragically, for Jews (and even the legitimacy of the human race and its posterity), bent on "cleansing" itself within, both of "Impure" blood and of those it saw as the domestic complement, leeches, to the crippling exactions imposed from without--the traditional money-lenders. After the war, the Keynesian revolution and a golden economic period put paid to global nationalist uprisings. But now, as the world again becomes increasingly straitened, and nations cast around for of a scapegoat, this kind of paranoid nationalism is on the rise again--often led by left-wing unionism--the socialism of vicious fools.
As I've often said here, if we must have capitalism, I'm in favour of free trade over protectionism and international cronyism. But capitalism in any form is for me irredeemable, rapacious and unsustainable. Thus I'm against Hitler's economics even more fundamentally than free markets, which though destructive is the lesser of two evils.
I'll just add that I find rhetorical use of fascism, and by inevitable association the holocaust, to bait people, disgusting and offensive, except perhaps when used against those who would revive it. So I'd appreciate it if you got my attention via some other aspersion.
Posted by Squeers, Sunday, 16 October 2011 12:52:49 PM
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Squeers, on no subject, no single person is all right or all wrong.
I too shudder at the crime of NATIONALISM, but do not want OWG.
I grin at your Sharpe knife in to my very GUTS left wing Socialism UNIONS!
Sorry, give you a clue, put those GOOSES in this country, the true left unions.
In one heap, look at their total membership, divide that by the magic formula truth, say by 4 and you have the true total, now do the true left test, divide buy 10 you now have the left.
No matter you disagree, call me names,spit on me if you must, but true left unions and members, would not match the country womens association.
Yet, for every reason you give, not sure what would replace Capitalism, or if we could ever find something that works better.
I have no doubt, one day for every reason you put on the table, will be ruled by one government.
My fear/belief is it will be a controlling harsh one ruling totally even in matters if birth death and work, more likely right than left.
Posted by Belly, Sunday, 16 October 2011 4:16:46 PM
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