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In praise of Vittal Yachandra
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Posted by Lexi, Saturday, 17 September 2011 7:25:53 AM
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its hard to award honours
via youtube...[publish or perish?] so i visited the press room on your idols link to quote ""Learning how nature splits water PBD scientists Junko Yano and Vittal Yachandra have led an international team or researchers toward a major new understanding ..about how plants and photosynthetic lifeforms use sunlight to split water molecules into protons,electrons and oxygen, the cornerstone of photosynthesis."" all clever stuff no doudt watching..*how god does it ""Their work, detailed in the November 3,2006 issue of the journal Science,"" seems a belated 'honour' this guy isnt a jew? noting..the need for a current destraction from the goings the land of the new jew [thus this..raising this issue..5 years after the fact..?] never the less lets keep an open mind ...""seems a long bow shows"" [lol their words] ""the precise structure of a catalyst* composed of..four manganese atoms and one calcium atom"" are these in your clever math formula? i seem to recall the other jewish formulator what made E=mc2 as his claim to fame to wit energy equals mass times the speed of light times the speed of gibberish.. that gives a mass [weight][..times a distance.. to make a formulated SMOKESCREEN math formula for that 'other'..god ENERGY* here we have another MATH blinder.. ""that drives this water-splitting reaction."" so lets look at this new formula [did he 'make it'..?] [red herring?] ..with clear eyes ""6CO2"" six molecules of carbon dioxide ""+ 12H20"" [plus 12 water molecules ""+ light photons"" supplied from god..! science still cant decide..if its a particle or a wave [when clearly a photon is a] some clever gibberish""-"" then..';' is this a clever sign that means results or equals? =..""C6H12O6 + 6H2O + 6O2"" Posted by one under god, Saturday, 17 September 2011 8:54:31 AM
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""We start with + photons""
water and that dreaded POISEN[lol]..c02 ""We end up with 1 glucose molecule, 6 water molecules and 6 oxygen molecules"" heck i was taught that stuff in grade 4 ""The findings *could..[lol] researchers synthesize molecules that mimic this catalyst,"" no the catalist is the forementioned ""four manganese atoms and one calcium atom"" ie synthasised then gods photon cuts the nucleaic bond ""which is a central focus in the push to develop clean energy technologies"" lol i hate that buzzword but it got the make this guy fame-ouass ""that rely on sunlight to split water and form hydrogen to feed fuel cells or other non-polluting power sources."" “This is the first study to combine x-ray absorption spectroscopy"" does this need coal or petro energy to run? ""and crystallography in such a detailed manner to determine *the structure..[lol]..of an active metal in a protein,..especially something...*as] as the photosynthetic Mn4Ca cluster,”..said Junko Yano. More at science@berkeley lab."" forgive me for not lording up this dude or bowing before.." To quote Steven Weinberg:"" or others with adgendas.. that seek grabbing of glory or just petty [pretty pictures] lol Posted by one under god, Saturday, 17 September 2011 9:00:10 AM
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This is the link: (thought it was worth re-posting) Posted by Poirot, Saturday, 17 September 2011 9:19:03 AM
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lesie levie..quote..""Are there any studies
to improve the process of..microorganisms"" ie'study' of god created ""absorbing more carbon"" well dear yes there is it seems if we spead iron oxide attatched to a fat molicule..into the oceans the god given micro/ the oceans..absorb your c02 but you go on.. carbon..""as a contribution to the current carbon pollution concerns?"" mate casrbon is the basis of ALL LIFE not a polutant..[except by clever lies and spin] trees and animals absorb it indeed NEED IT TO LIVE its NOT A POLUTANT..! only lies spin and eciets have made it APPEAR to be so so your labratter party can tax it [and buy eurpean polution permits to bailout the fast failing EU] while underpinning a rate DOUBLE the..*current market rate ""If nature creates the problem nature should be able to resolve the problem."" MATER nature never created the problem AND yes nature can and has been fixing it god is natural[nature is..gods nurture] science is ANTI god..[anti nature] yet next we get this from a known believer of god ""Aah,..a breath of fresh air! Thanks for sharing."" then this ""you gave us a link to an incredible image that left us all in awe."" clearly some closeup IMAGE FROM NATURE to wit a god proof..! ""It was a work of art -I can't remember the subject -except that it was awesome."" yes god is BUT THEN THIS ""Do you have an image of phtosynthesis.. ....*that would equally take our breath away?"" lol the holy spirit was often called holy breath [spiritus../breath] [god breathed life..*into you..! then made make KEEP clean..our foul breath] first give back to god...*[good] Posted by one under god, Saturday, 17 September 2011 9:20:00 AM
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Dear Poirot,
Thanks for that. Definitely worth re-posting. Totally awesome! Posted by Lexi, Saturday, 17 September 2011 9:25:33 AM
One big ask. I seem to recall that some time ago on this
forum you gave us a link to an incredible image that left
us all in awe. It was a work of art - I can't remember
the subject - except that it was awesome.
Do you have an image of phtosynthesis that you could
refer us to - that would equally take our breath away?