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Sorry cactus, second time you use that insult.
I am sorry that you are unhappy.
Sorry that its the best you can do.
Sorry you so often find the need to change your log in name ,but not posting style.
Sorry for you, your posts always have always will say far more about you than those you insult.
Cactus most of all? sorry you mostly insult me because I for the most part have been the only one trying to converse with you.
You are quite right, it is my fault the whole thing, by mate
PS by SOG too
Posted by Belly, Friday, 16 September 2011 5:59:57 AM
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""These threads always degenerate
into such boring altercations.""

i think the topic sets the tone

'"Can't we philosophise rather than snipe?""

many could
but a few cant

thats not to say that kant was wrong
but i console myself with the wise words of carl jung

one does not become enlightend by immagining
the figureheads of the light..but by making the darkness conscious

by waking the sleeper

thus its sometimes a matter of being diss-respectfull
just to get through

we could visit epicurious

''in every matter
consider what preceeeds
with what followeth""

or love is
making the..unseen miracle...seen

life is either a daring adventure
[or nothing]

every huh-man being is a spark
ready to burst into flame

wether the fire burns or warms
much depends on the fuel

when the world is full of fear
be the hope
Posted by one under god, Friday, 16 September 2011 10:33:59 AM
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heck..lets just keep washing minds

wolfgan[the gothe]..said
let us not forget
man can never escape himself

or elinore roosievelt

no one can make YOU feel infiriour
without your censent

i think somehow we learn
who we really are...and then chose to live it
or change's our decision

or abe lincon

it is make a man feel misserable
whilst he feels worthy in himself

or the anon
if you put small values upon yourself
rest assured..the world will bnot raise it

or mark twain

a man cannot be comfortable
without his own approval

but l;ets not forget emerson

what lies behind us
and what lies before us
are tiny matters compared to that which lies within us [all]

god doth not ask for your ability
but for thyne availability

what we chose to avail unto others

do the uncommon things

or as the elders of zimbabwe say

if you can walk
you can dance

if you can talk
you can sing

only those who dare to fail greatly
can achieve achieve greatly..we must live as if each moment we could die..achieving begins with believing

do what you can..with what you got
with where you aqre..for as long as you can

boast not about that thou wouldest have done
but then do..what thou wouldst see be done

in the end life is not knowledge
but actions we saw done

remember those done well
forget those done not

[all things are beautifull..if you love them
so trust that ugly is only that we havnt
found love
Posted by one under god, Friday, 16 September 2011 10:52:53 AM
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Dear Belly & Lexi,
Have been reading these posts with interest, and after much soul searching I have concluded that - I have to be honest enough with myself in order to appreciate good policies put forward by a Party for whom I didn't vote. I also have to be honest enough, open both eyes, to see that the incumbent Government also makes poor decision within the construct of their party. I voted for neither of the Major Parties, but if we, the constituents learn to see with both eyes, we might appreciated the good as well as the bad decisions. Political war between the posters is fruitless and hurtful, and I have been guilty of voicing some negative thoughts and no doubt have offended others. Perhaps a more mature approach by many (including me) would produce less agro, and promote healthy, but reasoned debate.
Cheers, enjoy your weekend,
Posted by Noisy Scrub Bird, Friday, 16 September 2011 11:10:07 AM
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with respect..i was going to post this
to the troll topic...cause fry-day feels like saturn-day

lets seek at=one-meant

only fools seek power over others
the wise seek only power over the self
[that of mind spirit..that overcomes that of the materialistic brain]

the logus/logic within us all
is from the life giver/sustainer..[good] god of all living

each life is a flower
reaping sowing

each leaon of life given embodyment
that in its totality..reveals both the my-stry and rea-son
of all of that we enjoin as creation

we are the emmisions..and realisations
of the good[s]..of god

we each have the power of transformation
each have the gift of creation
to learn the only truth in law is love[respect]

in living your freely given gift..[of life]
try to learn and egsemplify..the sure steps...from the wriggling of the living were..

that sounght the comfort and material embodyment
of the living egg...[who's marriage..bought forth the fruit you call you]

you that learn the law of reciprocity
[yin/yang] karmic balance..[action re-action]

the law of giving and recieving
of taking and obligation..the equality [balance of relationship]
that returns its true due measure in full..[mutually benificcient..inclusive..requited recipocation

recall the rule of teaching..where its often the giver
that recieves the most

where demand can equal supply..simply
by asking a respectfull question

that supply has endless renewal
and demand only brings forth a faster end
frgoe the plenty to void scare-city..that planning is one thing
and production yet another,,but that its the doing [producing]..thats the true art

the truth of good is indesputable
yet god seems in debait
yet we each got that god given voice of conscience within
the eternal celectual guide..voicing frewill implicite with infinite


right relations[respect]
response-ability empowering conasistancy
infinite pre destiney

heck evolve your consience
your awareness of brrr-other

all you can truelly hurt is you
Posted by one under god, Friday, 16 September 2011 3:41:22 PM
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Dear Noisy,

Thank You for your concern and your comments.

I also feel that our political coversation
must shift away from the mass, infantile
finger-pointing that now pervades it. We
can disagree vehemently yet appropriately.
Disagreement must be respectful or the
disrespect itself poisons us more than
either side's position in the argument ever

We must not think that Australia is immune to
the viruses that destroy nations, any more
than any of us are immune to the flu if it's
coming through town. Many of the things that
most of us were brought up to think "could
never happen here," have already begun to happen:
dangerous scapegoating, violent hate crimes,
small-minded intolerance for the views of others.

Without personal commitment to the attributes of
fair play and integrity - Australia is in grave
danger. Malice and intolerance stalk our society.
We have to make a conscious effort to at least try
not to contribute to it.

Enjoy your week-end.
Posted by Lexi, Friday, 16 September 2011 6:53:02 PM
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