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Same Sex 'Marriage'

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The word for same sex union is - Homosexual. It has always been so and will always be so. Though the term changes in different languages and idiom (i.e. bugger) it has always meant the same. Means persons of the same gender having sexual union. As UOG has rightly explained - it is the union of the sperm and ovum.

The term marry is used extensively in metalurgy when two different substances are melted together to form another substance. When two of the same substances are melted together it still remains the same substance.
Posted by Philo, Thursday, 25 August 2011 10:03:01 AM
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darn it i hate slow posting days
just as much as i hate re-reading my own posts
[thats why they are filled with miss-strikes[poor spellings]

but its important to include
the mirage of marriage
[oh know..the image flow begins again]
and i just know...i will end up rep-eating

the husband/hush band
the homo marry-i-age
i know can be painfull

the skin to skin[where nothing goes in]
or the man haters..that yet use plastic members
no...know its over the materialistic things

so try to return..back to basics
an egg has a spirit..a sperm has its spirit
marrage is when two each other enough to become one

but the least of marriages[mirages] a minimum of 4 spirits becomming one..[ie the two egg base spirits..that form the conscience and unconscience part of each individual brain..of the two huh?mans getting joined..[regardless of sex or possability of fruitfull union]

in heaven..there is no sex..[as in sexual type of huhman]
yet there is the higher form of union...often into communities of like minded wills...these marriages get together to achive other types of birth[creation]..but to try to explain further is both repeating past well as going mildly off course

its all about social intercourse
about formalisation of a formalised final form

in its lower being..its about a man and a woman
getting it pass on their gift of life
to create mortal heirs..that inherit or continue their estates
ie the marrage is to create a bio-logical heir

at its highest is gods marrage union
with every living being..where god agrees to sustain them their life

sustain us all our lives
thus the teaching of paul/saul.[in 1 corinthians 12]
but who needs the word of man/men..only one good god is true

its just a shame..we are such lousy wives
untrespectfull of the true marriage
our lifes mirage
Posted by one under god, Thursday, 25 August 2011 11:26:40 AM
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Dear Philo, You are not logical. You wrote: "The word for same sex union is - Homosexual."

If that is so then the word for different sex union is - Heterosexual.

Your prejudice overrides your reason. The word for both kinds of union is marriage in the places where same sex union is legal.
Posted by david f, Thursday, 25 August 2011 11:37:25 AM
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Interesting comments and points of view.

Lexi, said we should use the word marriage for all typres of unions, like 'love and marriage' go together, but does not acknowledge that there is different types of horses and different types of carriages which we name differently, because they are different.

So where there are obvious differences it follows there should be different terms used. I suppose we could all use the term 'guys' for both genders like the Yanks do but that may further confuse the matter. I am yet to figure out how a female can be a 'guy'.

I'm beginning to wonder why those that think the word marriage should be used are so insistant. Do they think it adds more respectability to the union or are they trying to disguise the fact it is a same sex union?

Humans are notoriously lazy, so instead of having to explain it is a same sex union, they will find a word to indicate it, such as Doe-marriage or buck-marriage or abbreviate it to ss-marriage. Probaably various places will get differing descriptive term. Interesting to see what becomes the most popular.

How will same sex unions introduce themselves to others? "Hello, I'm Peter and this is my er husband/wife John". Are formal letters sent to Mr and Mr or Mrs and Mrs?
Posted by Banjo, Thursday, 25 August 2011 5:39:01 PM
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A 'conscience vote' by a bunch of people who are either hardcore religious, or trying not to alienate hardcore religious people- will not go down well.
Yes the supposed point of 'conscience voting' is that the politicians are supposedly forgiven for going against constituents' and lobbyists' wishes- but the fact is, if they were willing to defy them, they wouldn't have bothered getting their support at all.
And thus, the only reason this will be forgiven is if all members had talks with their religious lobbyists and negotiated something to have them look the other way.

Still, it's better than nothing I guess.
Posted by King Hazza, Thursday, 25 August 2011 7:03:46 PM
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King Hazza, funny how there is never a conscience vote when economics comes up, or war, or borders, eh?

A bigger bunch of deadshits could not be found outside our ACT bolthole.

Pretenders, shams, pea-n-thimble merchants the lot of 'em.

Shysters, frauds, afeared nincompoops.

To Hell with the lot of them, every last one.
Posted by The Blue Cross, Thursday, 25 August 2011 7:14:28 PM
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