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The Forum > General Discussion > Critical analysis VS partisan ranting. Where do you draw the line?

Critical analysis VS partisan ranting. Where do you draw the line?

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This too highlights our desperate need to see debate from all sides.
It is my strongly held view, and evidence exists, even fellow Christian leaders, question our Fred.
He has quite an interesting history.
Other out standing Christian leader have disassociated themselves from him.
Yes Labor is against him.
But if given the chance I think even more than the massive number who voted this conservative party in to power would stand against Fred's madness and miss use of his accidental power.
[It should be noted he has about far less support than he has power]
Posted by Belly, Saturday, 6 August 2011 4:22:58 AM
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For every Nile or Pell, Christians do have a Father Bob Maguire or Fr Bill Kennedy and many other decent priests - thing is decent people tend not to be as vocal, most of them quietly get on with their occupations. Fr Bob Maguire being a significant exception to the rule.

Father Bob combines wit along with compassion - rare combinations in anyone.
Posted by Ammonite, Saturday, 6 August 2011 8:11:01 AM
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Ammonite thanks I believe one of your quoted Ministers was there for the hanging of Ronald Ryan.
Both are well known and excellent people.
I an ex Christian know without doubt such men and women, exist in the Church any Church any religion.
If only they did,what a great world it would be.
I wanted to highlight this bloke has too much power and in fact lives in a world we just do not have, a strange non existent place.
NSW has the Memory's of Ted Noffs, he ran the kings cross Chapel, he was a heart not just a man.
He took the truly down and out in he said these words, I am a Christian a Muslim a Jew, then went on to name every faith.
A man from much more straight edged Christianity yet of the normal folk Rev Moyles, forgive spelling left Fred's group.
I despise with every bit of understanding the unfair laws Conservatives are imposing on my ex members some are ex workmates from my time on roads.
But they won a mandate, it is their right to rule, to think in an effort to stop non Christians learning about right and wrong this grubby man said he may stop them is an assault on majority rule.
Posted by Belly, Saturday, 6 August 2011 11:15:17 AM
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Dear Belly,

Ammonite said it very well. Some people have made
the assumption about me that because I criticise
the Catholic Church (being a Catholic) that I'm
against Catholic belief. Nothing could be further
from the truth. What I am against as I've stated
in the past - the the abuse of power by ruthless
and ambitious men in the Church. Men who are the
antithesis of the teachings of Christ - like
Cardinal Pell. The same goes in politics. You're
accused of all sorts of labels - if you try to
point out the failings of certain parties and people
when only a biased - one eyed-view is being presented,
to provide some sort of balance, or when downright
lies and misconceptions are being bandied about. This is
part of my professional training, and ethos. To correct
mis-information. And to direct people to alternative
sources to get a bigger picture. Then I am accused of
"bias," and they don't seem to see their own.

Critical analysis on a public forum like this is so very
rare. But certainly, so very welcome when one encounters it.
Posted by Lexi, Saturday, 6 August 2011 12:35:26 PM
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Well said Lexi and understood.
Right now I am under the gun, and in truth shooting blanks.
I could more than hold my own in verbal tennis, even the slander type.
Have never reached the levels some play at in every post.
But regard that as a positive.
I know you are a Catholic, and only wish a million /ten million more acted as you do.
Forums are going to bring us weird, wonderful, and strange, together.
This is the best site, but no easy task for GY to police, in truth my views must make his blood boil, his some times make mine.
I would think we could be of help, my intention is to Isolate myself from just two posters right now.
I have said my last words, if we all did that?
I would not want the job of policing the site, think about it, no way.
Lexi do not get me wrong here,I have an advantage, it has been with me every day of my life, served me well.
I am never sure of myself, never sure I could not have done or said better.
That bought me treasure not pain, lifelong friendships with my union members and those I worked for or with as just plain Belly.
I asked on every issue *tell me what you think not what you think I want to hear *
The other type, too much confidence not enough substance make the most noise.
Posted by Belly, Saturday, 6 August 2011 3:58:31 PM
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Dear Belly,

As I've stated in the past the art of reasoned
intelligent debate is a skill not easily
acquired. And certainly no one likes or supports
an abusive, illogical debater. A public forum
such as this one will of course attract all types
of people - including trolls who's aim is to
cause offense, as well as the ill-bred and ignorant,
who aren't capable of posting any other way - except
by personal insults and labelling. A good moderator
however will sort these type of people out.
Posted by Lexi, Saturday, 6 August 2011 5:26:01 PM
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