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The Forum > General Discussion > You have simply been out smarted Mr Swan.

You have simply been out smarted Mr Swan.

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So, here we go, our fearless treasurer is saying that our miners are now the cause of the black hole in the budget.

He says that the miners are to blame because they are reinvesting their profits back in to projects.

Well what does he expect!

You see, business people, especially 'big business' CEO's are in the most cases very switched on cookies and, they can not be out smarted by someone who earns less in a week than they spend on a good night out.

Governments think they can simply place the burdens of society on these guys (proposed mining tax) and replace the billions they have wasted by what is essentially double dipping. They already pay tax. You want to tax them twice.

So, the next line they come up with will be just how confident our miners are by the huge amounts they are investing in future projects.

You have simply been out smarted again Mr Swan.
Posted by rehctub, Friday, 22 April 2011 7:01:10 AM
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So silly its funny, wrong but funny, just how little you understand what he has said.
Leave you to it bloke have fun.
Posted by Belly, Sunday, 24 April 2011 4:52:21 AM
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The tax revenue might be $13bn less than projected, but is still the highest ever. The problem is that the spending is out of control.

We are still building school halls to fix the GFC in 2008. The public service is 6% bigger than in 2007 and providing no more services, and we are building an NBN that will be obsolete before it is finished.
Posted by Shadow Minister, Sunday, 24 April 2011 5:43:15 AM
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Belly, how am I wrong.

WS said something like, "the miners are reinvesting their profits into future projects" therefore our mining boom '2' revenue will be less than mining boom '1'.

SM, well said and the list goes on.
The failed trophy cabinet is near full and reads something like;
Solar, insulation, school halls, fuel watch, grocery watch, Copenhagen, boat people, NBN...... to be continued.

But hey, apparently so long as they keep stuffing up most of what they touch it creates jobs. Boy that's a relief!

The fact of the matter is that for every action, there is a reaction and, these CEO's are simply to smart to be outsmarted by some out of touch pollie earning little more than lunch money in comparison.

You want advice, get it from an expert. Their advisor on climate change is another prime example. Not even a climate scientist, yet he is their chief advisor on climte change.

Need I say more.

I say again MR Swan, you have simply been out smarted.

BTW, what shape would the budget be in if you lot hadn't wasted so much of OUR money?

Perhaps one of your loyal 'die hard' followers can answer that. Or at least put a diversion or two in place.
Posted by rehctub, Sunday, 24 April 2011 6:54:46 AM
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