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Labor cover up of BER fiasco
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Posted by Shadow Minister, Sunday, 27 March 2011 7:05:09 AM
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all parties hide info in the backpages
its a black art of the two party system im still searching for what the heck 'ber' means as the page is still trying to load what is the "ber planning"..that it needs hiding ""THE federal government-appointed taskforce into the $16.2 billion schools stimulus program "misinterpreted" data to conclude the scheme had achieved value for money in state schools, a Senate inquiry has found."" a task/fotrce says its only 16 billion well and truelly spent ""The final Senate committee report..found there was *insufficient evidence to conclude the objective of stimulus had been achieved."" ok so one body says its great another says its not ""It also raised significant concerns that the government failed to provide it with necessary information to determine whether funding had been used inappropriately"" well thats not unique to this govt thats standard protocol from the public service advizers who also would have advised them to hide it ""The 70-page report from the opposition-controlled Senate inquiry was tabled after 10pm."" *sop..[standard operating practice] ""The committee noted concern with the collapse of "a number of companies" who were subcontracted to deliver BER projects in NSW."" subcontracors [shelf companies that go bust] well thats criminal get the money back from the main contracter's or procicute those who allocated the funds negligently [incompetantly] expand the enquiry name and shame ""key aspects of program..achieved the overarching aim of supporting 120,000 jobs during the GFC."" who's jobs public servants? sub-contracters? how come govt dont pay sub contracters...*direct? this idea of cutting out middleman isnt cutting out..the middle man after all we been conned ...*again as usual Posted by one under god, Monday, 28 March 2011 5:18:14 AM
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The issue is the blatant fraud of setting up a "task force" to investigate the value for money for the electorate, when the task force was primed to deliver the verdict that Labor wanted irrespective of the actual information. The second deception is that when this comes to light to post the results at 10pm just before the NSW state election in order to cover up the results. This is the Labor spin machine all over again. Federal Labor is no different from NSW state Labor. Posted by Shadow Minister, Monday, 28 March 2011 3:30:11 PM
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The second greatest cover up is the censoring of the business report of the NBN and the refusal to allow it to be evaluated. Posted by Shadow Minister, Monday, 28 March 2011 9:21:54 PM
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Actually the biggest political coverup was the terms and conditions of the US Free Trade Agreement we signed that will stuff up our health, beef, and energy sectors for many years to come. The full impact of that treacherous political fiasco is yet to be revealed to the public.
Posted by wobbles, Tuesday, 29 March 2011 1:05:54 AM
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wobbles...yep and the free trade backstory will probably never see the light of day.
SM would be horrified if he really knew some of the stuff his 'team' got up to during the Howard era. He doesn't want to know and if he already does he doesn't care, it is all the sport of knocking the 'opposition' regardless of content. Yes I am almost certain the ALP has been guilty of cover ups, dodgy deals, lack of transparency, sealing up documents, not placing sensitive documents on formal records (in adherence with record keeping/governance), incompetence etc etc. But you can easily replace the Coalition with 'ALP' above and get more of the same. Work in Federal Government for a few years and you will be just as cynical and see just how far the rot has set in. Posted by pelican, Tuesday, 29 March 2011 9:19:47 AM
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the 4.6 billion hole..[in nsw]
does explain the parlement/rogue and selling-off power.. imagine how big the hole would have been..without that] IN 1991 THE INFAMOUS CLUB OF ROME MADE ”HUMANITY ITSELF” THE CULPRIT AND INC* THE BEAST WAS TAKEN OFF THE HOOK In the 70s agriculture was ‘commodity production’. Earl Butz,Nixon’s Secretary of Agriculture,established a new farming paradigm telling “Get Big or Get Out”. Big agriculture corporations..essentially started taking over farming in the US...Local food systems that had long been able to feed the population were decimated..and INC* the BEAST took control of food production for the global market place. Then when the government,at the behest of global corporate giants like Archer Daniels Midland,decided to subsidize and promote the worthless fuel corn ethanol,corn which had previously been grown to feed people and animals was diverted into fuel. HUMANITY ITSELF*..did not make that decision. A select group of unscrupulous politicians who received abundant campaign contributions from big industrial/agricultural corporations..made that decision. If indeed the planet is suffering from global warming (not global cooling)it is not the fault of..HUMANITY ITSELF! The vast quantities of petroleum burned for transportation was a result of the oil cartel buying up the streetcars lines and bankrupting them. This tactic forced the population to purchase cars as their primary means of transportation. This change occurred as a result of the greed of the oil/cartel, not..HUMANITY ITSELF! Many people today would prefer not to own a car.Survey’s have indicated that American’s WANT transportation alternatives to the automobile. Yet,where are our streetcars...and trains? recall public transport issue re nsw? HUMANITY ITSELF is actually being held hostage by the oil/tunnel/tollroad cartel's. Let’s not forget Who Killed the Electric Car. Hint:it was not HUMANITY ITSELF! The Green Agenda of the Club of Rome Global Warming and Scientific Fraud As science has already proven that CO2 rises approximately 400 years AFTER global temperatures,.. the entire global warming argument is not only bad science but is a farce. Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars Posted by one under god, Tuesday, 29 March 2011 3:09:16 PM
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Pelican, Wobbles,
"SM would be horrified if he really knew some of the stuff his 'team' got up to during the Howard era." Really, Instead of casting innuendo perhaps you could give some examples? As for Labor there are plenty of instances where the public are kept in the dark. NBN, BER, Electricity sale, Pink Batts, East Timor off shore processing, actually pretty much every Labor policy. Posted by Shadow Minister, Thursday, 31 March 2011 6:42:26 AM
Gillard has reverted to form, it not bad enough that her pet project is a disaster, but that she has to resort to subterfuge to hide the extent of the incompetence.