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Australians relations

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Hey what is the current relations between the U.K and Australia, is it diminishing or is it being strenghtened.

And what is the relations between USA and Australia, are we getting to close to them and has it strengthened over the last 40 years.

Finally what is the relations between USA and the U.K
Posted by politicskid21, Wednesday, 16 March 2011 8:05:35 AM
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...To answer your question, it is imperative to divide people and politics into two very distinct catogories.
Posted by diver dan, Wednesday, 16 March 2011 10:00:45 AM
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I notice that this is your second shot at this, politicskid21. The last one on the topic of defence systems didn't go particularly well, did it?

Possibly because you are addressing the wrong audience. Here, you mostly get opinions (hence the name of the site), rather than thoughtful analysis.

Not that there is anything wrong with that. But you are seeing a reflection, rather than the image itself.

So if you really want detailed and insightful information on these three topics, I suggest you subscribe to publications that understand them. The Economist is usually a good place to start, but there are a few others with a more political bent.

But if you want to see the reflection of the impression that people gain from their various information sources - TV, workmates in the pub, the internet, newspapers - then what you have here is a goldmine.

And then again, if you simply want to tap into an off-the-top-of-the-head, barroom-quality assessment of how Aussies stack up against the Poms and Septics, you've also come to the right place. It's one of our favourite introspections, and can range from Gallipoli and Singapore to imported TV shows.

But whatever you do, don't mention multiculturalism. You'll never hear the end of it.
Posted by Pericles, Wednesday, 16 March 2011 10:36:36 AM
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Good advice from both posters and diver Dans is true.
However too close to America? if in defense no we need them far more than they need us.
Leaning on the bar at any club you will hear some talk of how long we would be free if we stood alone in defending our selves.
12 months?
Posted by Belly, Wednesday, 16 March 2011 2:11:28 PM
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Are we doing your homework for you?
Posted by pelican, Wednesday, 16 March 2011 3:06:49 PM
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as others have pointed out..its a strange question
[one that if replied to
goes straight into the stazie natzies azio file]

but heck they allready got that info re me
so here goes

usually cuntries get together during stressfull events
like when the mossad..[rumsfelt and dick cheeney]
decided to bring down the buildings at 911

this brought us all..[or rather the leaderrs of govts]
into line..they got the flight or fight reflex activated
and decided to give money freely to save the stockmarket
[which was going to collapse bigtime about then]..

as well as pay for more war..
and kill more people..[a by-product of govt's,..'getting together']

of course the natzies..needed to take care of other business too
so the cia got the drugs direct from afganistan[via rendition flights]

and the neo-cons got iraq to build their pipeline and tap into the oil via reperations..via blackguards-[blackwater]..etc

they also helped out israel in the process
[its israel that runs the said govt's adgendas
the security apperatus banking trading and the arts
media..politics and law]

any analycis..that leaves out the zionist appartheid state
[well ya just not seeing how the full picture works mate]

anyhow its not australian relations that matter
its the interconected collusions of the law society running trade finance and big mulitnational..[duel passport holding]..commies

[allways seeking new ways to get at govt cash]

if it was easy
others would have explained it better
Posted by one under god, Thursday, 17 March 2011 7:02:50 AM
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