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The Forum > General Discussion > Dammed if they do, Damned if they don't.

Dammed if they do, Damned if they don't.

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Well it's no secret that I dislike Anna Bligh with a passion, however, the state governments handling of the flood crisis in the Brisbane river area must be applauded. They (she) did a great job.

So now begins the 'blame game' as to who is responsible for the release of water from the dams.

Now, cast your minds back to late 2009, mid 2010, when we were still recovering from the worst drought in modern history and we were all being trained to conserve water where ever possible.

Now, what would have happened if they had dumped enough water to mitigate the floods, only to find that the 'BOM' got it wrong and it didn't rain as much as predicted after all.

Now who can forget the front page ad run by the 'QM' saying they were dumping millions of litres of drinking water every day. They should be sued for that comment.

Imagine the outcry there would have been had they dumped this water in anticipation of rain and this rain didn't come.

So now they have sent a 'life line' to insurance companies and put many claimants lives on hold.

What else could they have done.

As I say, damned if you do, damned if you don't.
Posted by rehctub, Wednesday, 9 March 2011 5:54:49 AM
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Rehctub, the argument is not that the dam controllers should have dumped any of the water supply part of the dam contents, as interestingly, they now have. It is quite different.

The claim is that over the weekend, while those in authority were off taking their leisure, the lower level minions on duty, allowed the level in the flood mitigation section to rise unacceptably high.

I have heard figures like 43% & more mentioned. The suggestions is that staff sat on their backsides all weekend, doing nothing, or at least not enough, & senior management were obviously absent, when they should have been on deck, earning those pay cheques.

If this is true, the dam was actually used to hold back 48 hours worth of runoff, consolidating it, then releasing it in a rush which caused more damage than would have been the case with no dam.

The paper released sounds very like a hastily concocted white wash of the water managers. It was the level actually in the dam they should have been looking at, not the forecast.
Posted by Hasbeen, Wednesday, 9 March 2011 9:39:05 AM
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wether it be minions or bigwigs
the numbers we heard publicly was 175 percent full
as far as im concerned they should have been releasing at 100

then we next hear the insanity of releasing the last lot of water
down to 70%..[again insanity]..on the reverse scale

of course the darn damm was never meant to 'store' water
[it was suposed to top up wolfden supply damm]
but the labradoodle-ludites cancelled that dammm damm
which set up the inevitable flood

its compounded of course by other ineptitudes
such as privatisation ogf OUR water
and creating several differnt groups
to store it
market it
and deliver it

[add in the desalination fiasco]..
add in the fact they cancelled insurance cover
[and didnt set aside the "savings" in an emergency fund]

add in they sold our rail electicty and state forrests
and still hold 65 BILLION in debt over our heads

its clear NO_ONE with any real comprehention of even the known knowns..could ever think anna blight done good

only by an incompetant compliant silent media
can such evil be called just...

[and i havnt added even half they scam]

they have perpe-traiterd..on the foolish..
[imbisile/lunatics]..{voters of qld}..[to use hRH words]
electing idiots and incompitants to serve the big business boysclub

privatisation by stealth
with the people loosing their assets
yet left holding the debt then getting a fed bailout
[and then..daring to keep the intrest from the trust fund]

qld incompitance..mate

its great
in the ...put it where the sun dont shine..
sunshine state
Posted by one under god, Wednesday, 9 March 2011 2:34:14 PM
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Oh come on Recthub you are one of the usual Labour Luvvie Brigade (I hate Anna, pull the other one mate!) Another thing, QM, what's that? The sooner we get a tax on acronyms the better. Say what you mean (You luv Anna) and mean what you say matie!
Posted by JBowyer, Thursday, 10 March 2011 7:14:37 AM
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QM, what's that?

Sorry, typo. Should have been 'CM', courier mail.

They ran a front page article on the dumping of ? Lts of 'drinking water' per day/hour.

Now imagine the outcry they would have stirred up had this water been dumped prior the floods and it didn't flood.

BTW, anyone who does not think Anna Bligh did an outstanding job during this period is quite simply 'closed minded'. I can assure you that I am not.

I just hope it was not enough to 'mask' all her previous showings of incompetence and miss management.
Posted by rehctub, Friday, 11 March 2011 6:54:10 AM
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Hi rehctub, this heading in an interesting direction. Late 2010 we had AB suggesting that the water in the Dams was a “precious resource”. I guess implying that what was in the Dams was worth holding onto.

More recently we have had the Dam operators saying they “did things by the manual” and more recently still that “the BOM’s forecasts” were to blame, which nicely gets their “manual” off the hook.

I think this whole sorry episode will come down to a circular debate about “perception”.

The operations manual was perceived to be right until they had to hit the panic button. The operations manual was apparently last updated in 2003 because it was perceived to be in line with BOM’s long term forecasts of continuing drought. Water was perceived to be a “valuable asset” since scarcity was pushing up its retail value. The perception held that it was unlikely to be renewed. So this perception resulted in building “desal” capacity, which we are now “mothballing”.

The commercial opportunists perceive an opportunity to raise premiums because our government advisors now perceive more similar dramatic weather events.

I’m sorry to say rehctub, but I must be one of those “closed minded” people who think AB has the authority, responsibility and accountability for our State. Doing an outstanding job after her monumental failures is unacceptable mitigation.

In the end we must hold those with authority to make decisions accountable for them

Sorry, couldn’t hold my breath for giggling.
Posted by spindoc, Friday, 11 March 2011 11:29:50 AM
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Rehctub, your right, Anna did a fantastic job of stand in news reader/weather girl, during the floods/cyclone.

Unfortunately she could not be bothered to see that all the donations collected for those in need were distributed in a timely fashion. I suppose there are no photo ops in that.

If she were to stand for election for news reader for one of the TV channels, she'd win my vote, but not for anything else.

Still she has a long way to go to be anywhere near as bad as that twit colleague of hers in Canberra.
Posted by Hasbeen, Friday, 11 March 2011 11:37:39 AM
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I here you loud and clear guys, but you are preaching to the converted. AB is a shocker and I just hope and prey this has not been a 'life line' for her as she does not deserve another chance to further ruin this once great state.

Please do not for one minute think I am on her side. I would dread the thought.

I hate to appear 'sexist', but, things aint looking to good for the ladies in the top jobs at this point, federally, NSW and QLD.

You make your own minds up.
Posted by rehctub, Saturday, 12 March 2011 6:28:12 AM
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