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Reading the economic tea leaves
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Posted by Belly, Sunday, 12 December 2010 5:15:28 AM
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yes greed
have yiou noticed the latest sceme for greedy investers? [i got sick of news radio..playing piefloater sports so went some easy listening...and hear the latest scam for investers..[subsidised by govt the rest of us] this is a grand sceme offers positive cash flow FROM THE FIRST YEAR [watch them do some other tax offset sceming too] anyhow the scam is buy a house[unit]..for under 300,000 to 'house' essential qld govt worker...who pays his govt assured rent..paying off ya investment..[guess thats why we sold..{GAVE AWAY}..our state forrest for 800 million thing is govt kicks in over 100 grand..for the invester's benifit and the invester...gets positive return..for..[likely?]..a cheap rent but an investment..he can get capital gains from i seem to recall thenm saying it will double in ten years [lol]...looks like anna blight still thinks realestate can only go up thing is..thats how these retards think..[ie they dont] they could have parcelled out 35.000 hectare lots for 30 billion[payed off half the debt..instead of serving a few logging companies..state forrests for less than one billion] se the thing is..govt gave away bogga road...then a developer..'developed' leased it back to many govt depts[centralising many govt depts]...but the thing is..they live on the northside[like where these new appartments..will be built and work on the south side...thus will need the cross tunnels..and pay tolls etc...see govt can only think of serving its own needs..and those of the party machine why bother getting fools being decieved by greedy heck why bother explaining any of this to those who couldnt care less..or just see a new investment oppertuinity thing is the essential servants..ARE STILL RENTING...! essentially paying OFF..the inestment..for the clever guys wanting sure rent returns...assured by govt guarentee...till govt goes bust or we dont need them anymore..essentially speaking the poor slobs will never know govt could have gifted them $ BUY their own homes and cut their wages..instead of giving their extra investers Posted by one under god, Sunday, 12 December 2010 7:51:36 AM
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bah im still spewing bile
but here is more public servants will be installed into slums perpetually renting...then in their old age sold-out at private inester whim...put into homes..[old people homes] on the publick purse..till death in the end..having no asset no ownership...[unless they buy each others rentals] paying tolls...[or maybe getting free public transport.. or govt cars and free toll cards..[who knows].. these retards are too clever [who was that govt member that joined devine..or went into realestate development..wonder if he cam,e up with this and the bogga road scam..or if public servants scemed the whole scam themselves we could have been having a huge development occuring in the state forrests...building a northern logan ...or redlands..but instead are going to have hundreds of units built in the northern subburbs..[ie not near where their work is] whatever happend to decentralisation who was the bogga road developer..that cleaned up on bogga road redevelopment..[back to the govt purse] indeed who now owns copntrols all them former govt offices/ they all been bogga road...whats going down..the media simply dont bother asking about..let alone explaining bah essential workers why arnt you angry? cant you read the tea leavings do you even have a tea lady anymore? Posted by one under god, Sunday, 12 December 2010 8:10:55 AM
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The problem with your "not exactly false" theory, RawMustard, is the quality and content of "reports like this".
>>I dunno, Pericles, it's not exactly false either. I mean reports like this seem to be all too frequent these days.<< I'm not sure if you've read the piece that you linked to, but it is nothing more than hysterical nonsense. "...the Fed doled out $12.3 trillion in near-zero interest loans, without Congressional input.<< They lent this money, they didn't "dole it out". The "near zero" interest was entirely appropriate in the circumstances, given the short-term nature of the loans. In fact, it turned out that both Westpac and NAB picked up a slice of the action, to the benefit of their customers in Australia. And they didn't need "Congressional input" to do their job. The entire article is an emotion-driven, fact-free beat-up, from start to finish. Sadly, on the internet it is all too easy to propagate this sort of rant as if it were factual. Even more sadly, people tend to believe it simply because it has been published, and fail to perform even the most cursory reality-check on the stuff they read. Posted by Pericles, Sunday, 12 December 2010 10:03:44 AM
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pericules..quotes a quote..<,"...the Fed doled out $12.3 trillion in near-zero interest loans, without Congressional input.<<
then replies with this <<They lent this money,..they didn't "dole it out". <<The "near zero" interest was entirely appropriate in the circumstances,..given the short-term nature of the loans.>> SO HOW MUCH WAS THE INTREST/rate... on usa.. govt bonds..they used to create the money? alex jones tells me the differential was 2 percent..LOSS ie if all they did...was take the NEAR intrest free LOAN and bought govt bonds with them AND DID NOTHING ELSE....[whats two percent of 12.3 TRILLION] heaps of yanki dollars.. to give to the world's bankers? with them holding govt bonds too... <<In fact, turned out that both Westpac and NAB picked up a slice of the action, the benefit of their customers in Australia.>>. they get a loan...[near intrest free] and we get near a two percent intrest? you do funny math master how can you defend the indefens-able? banks enriching themselves and getting govt bailouts from us as well [and still they shall go bust next year and still they got their xmass bonus and still..they dont realise how bad..they screwed the globe up with cheap loans for them...and high credit card intrest for the working slobs..trying to pay..the services bills[water/electicity] do you even know...where the pension fubnds went to who holds the real assets...we think the bank owns.. but the world bank...imf..etc who holds securitised paper[ futures] we can trade in PROMISES..yet never gaining hold of the actual security..or actual product.. the scam is beyond defence wiki begins releassing the year next year some huge marbles.. start to tilt...and then watch the media wilt Posted by one under god, Sunday, 12 December 2010 11:27:07 AM
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There we have it, a good news story! Mind you, you'd hardly know, our press would rather cover something else. Another unsung export hero from the West! A 100 million $ ferry, for export to Denmark-Sweden, built right here in WA, the export state. Then we have people complaining on OLO, because we import 4$ t-shirts from China. Next they would want to use tariffs, to force us to buy their crappy products, no matter how crappy. Posted by Yabby, Sunday, 12 December 2010 2:00:04 PM
I do not fit that mold, my life is not ending yet but my home is passing one day to another generation of my family.
They will have no public transport no town water no sewage but they will live well.
Their children will see communications that would leave us stunned.
Fuel in cars that lets them go the same places and more I do.
Electricity may not be the power that lights them runs the home, but they will be ok.
Wars will come and go man is unable to think yet that we need not be so different.
But we are resourceful we have come so very far from those caves and hard times bring new inventions.
oil Bazz did not bring about the GFC greed did.