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i have seen glimses of on earth
but here is not there..[and never will be]

we think of so-called xtians...[or buddists]..or mahamoudians...yet even there none are all equal*...mainly because we chose to walk divergebnt paths..each having our own utopia

because we each have a differing vision of what utopia shall be

im tired of creating will quote words instead
noting these words[from

are quoted by one formerly addicted to opium..[their idea of utopia is nothingness]...quite zen when we think of it...when the true utopia...has love of good...and love of neighbour at its core


If people..would have more love..*for each other..and less condemnation..then..they would be more like brothers..and sisters.

That is the life in the higher realms.

We cannot reach..that stage..until we have gotten rid of all desires,..all hatred,..all selfishness,..all envy.

We cannot progress..until we have thrown away..all these things..and
said:..“God help me..*to love my enemies..and friends better than myself.”..Then we will be travel the road...{TO UTOPIA}..

Some people think..that after they learn..the lesson of truth..then..they will step into the glory of Heaven...But a condition....a state of mind...a way of thinking..then doing..good for other..

In conquering my desire..for morphine,..I had to do so..*little by little,..step by step,..until I could say:..“No more morphine for me.”

we are addicted to many things...many far worse than drugs

After I had conquered, selfish friends and relatives met me..and said:..“Now you are come with us to the home that has been prepared for you.”

Before that time..I had* live all by myself.

I was not in the dark dungeon of the lower some are,..but all around me was..*myself,..and nothing else.

I had to learn..and strive to overcome.

It says in the Big Book..that Christ went to the lower spheres to give help and teach...*We all..*..have to teach..*and help the fallen ones,..*and give them..* overcome their..self obsesing desires.
Posted by one under god, Thursday, 25 November 2010 10:53:19 AM
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I wish I could take you along with me..for a few moments to see the the lower sphere..what they call the earth-sphere...or astral realm

Here is the sphere..of whiskey, the..sphere of morphine, the sphere of the opium fiend, the sphere of selfishness,..and the sphere of misers.

Of all these conditions..that of the miser* the worst.

He sacrifices everything..for money.
He will not eat..because he thinks he cannot afford it.
He starves his mind..because he wants money,,..and what is the result?

In the earth sphere..he is..*in the dark,..*but he sees his money being spent..and he is in hell....

anguising/languishing..He suffers terribly....
pays a dear price*..for his obsession

He sees his relatives..get his money; is divided,..some going here,..some there...If it were..*all in one place..he could count it over..and that would be all right.. but his relatives..all want their spend.

Now imagine;..that money has been his treasure.
Each cent..that is like cutting a piece from his body, because his whole mind..and soul..*were..*in that money,..and to see it scattered..and hell for him.

Think what that means to him.

He cannot be helped..until he feels..that he no longer wants his money;..thenhis soul..or better nature will open up..and he will be helped.

He will be..*under the guidance of a teacher..and will be taught that money..*belongs to..the earth life,..not to the spirit utopia.

He then..*has to seek to do good.

A miser..never gets his money..*in the right way.
He may not be a thief,..but if he loans/money,..he charges too high a rate of interest...For every cent..he got in the wrong way,..he
has* do right.

He must* some kind act..and help poor their work.

He has*to..lay down his past-life..and earn everything*..
before..he can*gain..*happiness in the spirit world.
Posted by one under god, Thursday, 25 November 2010 10:55:39 AM
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He has*to serve..others[to the GOOD}..*first,
and..he must help*those..from*whom..he took money to..get it back.

You know..a “sin against the Holy Ghost..[as in that sustaining the life of the least..equal..that of the most]..cannot be forgiven.”

It must be atoned for.
That is his the spirit world.

We have to look at..a murderer differently.
There are ten different..degrees of murder.
There is quick temper;..that is not real murder.
It is committed..under stress of strong quick temper.

At heart*..the man is not a murderer;..didnt love* his heart..he simply lost control of his temper...allowing outside cloud his acts..

BUT he did take life...thus..Of course he has to suffer..and do good..where he did wrong.

Temper* a very hard thing to this energy feeds demons must be conquered,..because it allows a means that..kills our better nature..and makes us do many wrong..and unkind things.

Then we have the cunning murderer.
He plans and schemes;..he wants a man's money...

He is nice*..and sweet,..and goes to church.
He plans..and get that man's life in some way or another, but..he does it slowly...He has evil thoughts...In the spirit world this/man..has to suffer*..a great deal,..

and must*.atone for his actions..*from the time he began to..plan and scheme to murder...till its FINAL fruits have realised their negative finalities..[often suffering for generations]

Then there is the psychic sensitive who does not care for anybody.
He doesn't one church or another;..he takes things easy.

What is not done today can be done
tomorrow..or the next day.

He does not use...*his but..a mindless tool for others seking to do..*their vile...[

a disincarnate obsessive[spirit]..who often dont even realise their are..*DEAD...morte...passed on..[to the NOT-physical]
Posted by one under god, Thursday, 25 November 2010 11:00:19 AM
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see how it gets complicated..?

A cunning spirit..gets into this man's
magnetic aura..and controls him...the result..*He commits some crime.

The man will hang for *his..deed,..but he never did it.

He will probably say..he does not know that he did anything.

Or he may say: “I must have been drunk..when I did it,..for I don't remember anything..about it.”[only in the next life can we know for sure]

But it was not*..liquor that did it...Liquor never does that.
When a man is drunk*..his in a stupor.[suspended]..isolated..opern for obsession by the true spirits

It is..a spirit that does the work.
If that spirit..has been wronged..*in life,..all he wants is revenge.

the smalest thought of vile allows him oppertuinity...[or an absent spirit..well to them its fair game]

The law does not really find out..whether the man
is guilty or not; he is hung....[and can become yet another obsessing spirit..[or forgive and move on

The majority of murders and hold-ups are committed by spirits.
They scheme and scheme,..and use mortals as tools,..until they wake up..and realize what wrong..*they have been doing...perpetuating

Often honesty..and modesty have both been killed.
When I was a child..I was very..modest,..but when I killed modesty,..I was ruined...Then I did not care for anything.

Honesty is a virtue we should all cultivate.
Judges, lawyers and ministers, in the..majority..of cases,..*do not give justice;.they look for gain/serve the crown..or the govt..or the high priesthoods of law.

They kill justice,..honesty and truth.

Let all we keep those three to the front.
Honesty and truth will..convert the world.

You cannot convert it by condemnation.
People are not taught the truth.

Have wisdom and human kindness
and you will see better results.

Teach wisdom and..let more of the Christ spirit be..*in every one.

Live as He taught; as He did,..then
and only then..
happiness will reign...[on earth as it does in utopia..[heaven]
Posted by one under god, Thursday, 25 November 2010 11:07:52 AM
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Can't you live your utopia without annoying any one else.
Posted by 579, Thursday, 25 November 2010 11:33:39 AM
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cut previously..I had not been given
an understanding..of how to desires?

I would have been an earthbound spirit..and would have gotten into some..sensitive person's magnetism,..and made that sensitive..*a morphine fiend..just so I could have/had..*my desire fulfilled,

and the life..of the sensitive..would have been ruined.
I would have the earth an obsessing spirit..haunting the living..for years and years..if I had gotten into that condition.

I would have and then another,
and so I would have kept on....[just as those lovers of wars destructions..continue haunting the living..with their reasons excuses to MAKE WAR..not seek peace.

Find out..what belongs..*to the soul
and what belongs*to..the body

If this were done..we would not have
so much trouble..and war..and crime,..nor so much sickness We would have Love,..and Heaven..*on earth,
because we would have pity for..the unfortunate ones
who are living..and haunting the living..just for their own desires.

It says in the Bible:..“Prove all things;..hold fast that which is good.”

That means,..do_not..have any desire..[obessive desire]..for anything.

If you use..too much of anything* this earth life,..such as morphine,..whiskey..or tobacco,oior war..violence..even sex..then you are a this..and must stop its use.

Many people..condemn many things..and that thought of very hard for..a sensitive person.

Everything on meant for us to use,..for teaching..but not misuse...nor abuse.

Many people condemn the destractions of..liquor,tobacco,morphine,opium,..but it is their misuse which
should be condemned....just as the missuse of limited funds to make war is abuse.

They are all necessary things..if they are used rightly.

Isn't an opiate..a good thing..if you must undergo an operation?
To be operated upon without an opiate would be wrong;..the suffering would be too great.

Opiates help ease pain.
but what of the opiate of war?

Many people..use these things..because they are forbidden.
They say:..“Forbidden fruit..tastes best.”

When things are forbidden..everybody wants them,
and they ruin themselves..simply in using them.

I lived in the lower world,..the underworld,
and I know..what I am talking about.

I took..anything to keep my nerves quiet.

Anything used moderately, a sensible way,non all right...When a man who works very hard,..either physically or mentally,..continued...*from..the war topic..
Posted by one under god, Thursday, 25 November 2010 1:21:36 PM
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