The Forum > General Discussion > Gays can discriminate but Christians cannot?
Gays can discriminate but Christians cannot?
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Great post ALGOREisRICH, keep them coming. You're doing what Christian leaders and the media have failed to do for the last 50 years - and that's to highlight the tyrannical instincts of the left.
Posted by TRUTHNOW78, Tuesday, 19 October 2010 8:03:59 AM
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For starters, Christianity has been expressing hate, disgust and discrimination toward homo's for donkey's years. This little incident involving the booking denial is discriminating against a suicide prevention group for young gays. Obviously not young PEOPLE but young GAYS. It's disgusting.
The pub is creating a comfortable environment for GAY MEN to socialise among other gay men, without threat of abuse or violence (which the pub has a history of toward gays). The headline of "Gay pub can bar heterosexual drinkers" is misleading because the info given in the article suggests that lesbians aren't welcome either. So really it isn't discrimination against heterosexuals, but other homosexuals too? To me that suggests gays aren't discriminating against straight people, but they want an attack free environment from ALL to socialise with each other. How dare they. It is like having a lez bar where only other lesbians are allowed entry. Is that ok because they are women or would that be equally discriminatory. Or for instance a church denying employment to gays... All I see is someone pointing and screaming DISCRIMINATION! when gays have been subject to it their whole lives. Posted by Nicnoto, Tuesday, 19 October 2010 8:48:02 AM
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Nicnoto, you're using sane logic. It'll get you nowhere here. The radical right wing Christian fundamentalists on this site don't know the meaning of the word "logic".
Posted by Rudy, Tuesday, 19 October 2010 11:33:44 AM
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you have simply swallowed the 'gay propoganda' version of events. I've been to a gay club in Kings Cross in my single days (led by one of our married blokes in the Air Force who wanted to 'show us single bods a thing or two' about life..and there was not the slightest hint of "oh..ooh..the hetero's are picking on us" (He didn't TELL us it was a gay bar iether the rascal) I've rarely been so intimidated in my life... as a hetero. My bum was pinched.. legs rubbed... that was just walking to a table! I also have experienced a gay assault on my own son.. propositioned in my presence by a very confident homo with all the sleaze and debauched attitude you can imagine. So.. your point about '2 different reasons' is not valid, because the law does not take 'reasons' into consideration..oops..wait.. when it comes to the RRT it's only when CHRISTIANS are involved that it doesn't....sorry bout that. The Law does not look at reasons...but outcomes. Section 9 of the RRT (which includes sexual orientation) (1) In determining whether a person has contravened section 7 or 8, the person's motive in engaging in any conduct is irrelevant. Any comment ? So.. the gay bleet "We are becoming a zoo" for the Peel st hotel is moot. They are DISCRIMINATING on the grounds of sexual orientation, plain and simple. Posted by ALGOREisRICH, Tuesday, 19 October 2010 1:51:29 PM
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Now don't the religious people just love to use their logic.
Great post ALGOREisRICH, keep them coming. You're doing what Christian leaders and the media have failed to do for the last 50 years - and that's to highlight the tyrannical instincts of the left. Posted by TRUTHNOW78, Tuesday, 19 October 2010 8:03:59 AM The right wing self-righteous fruit basket showing us all, of how they lied for thousand of years to make an easy living off the gullible. This by the way, comes strait from the god people themselves. "I've been to a gay club in Kings Cross in my single days" AL what the hell where you doing there in the first place. Time for some to come out of the closet I thinks. "I've rarely been so intimidated in my life... as a hetero. My bum was pinched.. legs rubbed... that was just walking to a table! Again! Why would a so-called good person be in that environment in the first place? Al for starters, that would be assault. Why did you not take action? or are you just one hot good looking guy? AL! humans evolve my son and if change drives one to point out something that you just don't like, well fair is fair mate! Just cop it sweet. Gays are very fussy Al, but I cant get my head around you being in a gay bar. Can you tell me what and why you were there please? TTM> Posted by think than move, Tuesday, 19 October 2010 3:30:31 PM
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Al just to qualify my sentiments regarding homosexuality, I believe bi sexuality is a choice whereas homosexuality is not. So the part time fag has chosen the hedonistic pleasure both psychological and physical of a homosexual interlude, but the full time fags are following their hard wiring and to deviate slays them psychologically and detests them physically, they just can't do it. Given my thinking on the subject and the fact that I was born in Paddington Women’s hospital and resided a few hundred meters from Taylor Square from day one until my early twenties you might say that I am steeped in gayness, but not gay.
I had to laugh out loud when I read that it was a Brethren owned camp site. I tend to think that the outcome has been perfect for the Way Out mob, five grand and exposure. Re the Brethren, the legal argument that their beliefs and prejudices should not come into play when they run a company that provides a service for the public is valid and lost them the case. If I am excluded entry on the grounds of sexuality in a gay establishment, I too could litigate and win against the proprietor, I honestly do not see your beef. I make my living from hydrology, and so I have gone bush throughout my entire career, and not too long ago I was dealing with Brethren folk for a couple of years on and off. On one occasion after travelling for a couple of hundred klms through the scrub with a Brethren client I suggested that we get a meal in town together before I flew out. He said blankly to me "I can't eat with you as you are not Brethren". I just looked at this imbecile and said "not a problem I understand", Al what I understood was that Jesus sat and ate with 5000 souls and this dipstick from the womb rejects me on cultist dogma. Posted by sonofgloin, Tuesday, 19 October 2010 3:35:07 PM