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Jessica Rudd
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No worries SOG I too am a bit jaded and try not to be too cynical but usually I fail. :)
Posted by pelican, Sunday, 5 September 2010 4:02:17 PM
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Firstly Kevin Rudd could make a comeback if just this time he truly shows to be a federalist and not a con-federalist! And Jessica needs to accept reality and not just stalk about what she consider the best of her fathers conduct.
As a CONSTITUTIONALIST I would wish all those posting comments first understood what the constitution really stands for. See also my website and my blog at (various correspondences to the Governor-General included) and you may just learn that who forms government got absolutely nothing to do with the INDPENDENTS, Greens, etc, because the Governor-General alone determines who shall be commissioned regardless of any majority in the House of Representatives. E. Barton was commissioned to form a government on 26 December 1900, before the federation existed, and so no Parliament either. Learn what the constitution stands for and you all might just realise you are all conned. Currently there is not a single Member of the House of Representatives as they are all Members of the House of Representatives designate! Parliament is to vote on bills not to decide who forms government. That is the job of the Governor-General exercising prerogative powers! Posted by Mr Gerrit H Schorel-Hlavka, Tuesday, 7 September 2010 12:56:24 AM
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Mr Gerrit H Schorel-Hlavka, regardless I am not happy with the result.
Posted by sonofgloin, Tuesday, 7 September 2010 5:11:29 PM
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Neither am I and I view the governor-General betrayed us, the people, by not warning them to stop their rot and that she will not be dictated how to exercise her prerogative powers. As such, to me, she appears to be thick in with Julia Gillard to allow her to be "told".
The Framers of the Constitution debated that if there was to be an Australian governor-General then if the G-G had to be appointed or elected and they held that it was better not to have a Governor-General by the Australian government as it could result to inappropriate interference and also that the G-G was the legal-link to the British Crown and without it there was none. Well we now have witnesses the government hijacked this as and so aided by the High Court of Australia and this means we are used like dirt by all of them and they trample upon our constitutional rights. What is the worth of a constitution if politicans can disregard it? We must therefore safeguard the constitution against abuses and misuses and hold those offencing against it legally responsible. Posted by Mr Gerrit H Schorel-Hlavka, Wednesday, 8 September 2010 2:09:16 AM
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Mr Gerrit, I do not believe that we "simple" Aussies are a litigious bunch; it takes an ongoing marketing campaign to motivate us to demand our rights. What we accept as a fete de complete would have the citizens of other nations protesting in the streets and making representations to the self serving bastards that govern us.
The media is bought off and given terms of reference when it comes to what they can and do incite us with. I was a teen when we signed the Lima Protocol and I could not fathom even as a teen that Aussie politicians in one foul swoop signed our sovereignty and manufacturing rights away, it was treason. But sign they did, both sides of politics agreeing to let the legislations be put in place. I would suggest only one in ten thousand know of the act or of the agreement that has changed the economy and culture of this stupid country in thirty short years, one generation. Mr Gerrit, I know I have not addressed your exampled treason upon our constitution but I agree fully with you. The problem is you see it I see it but 22 million do not, simply because the media are told to keep away from it, or they bury it as a five liner on page 64. We are being "flocked" and the media is the sheep dog, but given the "simplistic" reasoning ability of the average Aussie right now, as exampled by the election result, we are in real trouble and they can do anything they want to us. Posted by sonofgloin, Thursday, 9 September 2010 10:28:33 AM
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Mr Gerrit, I just looked at your web site, how many votes did you get and how many did that snake Anthony Carbines get.
Posted by sonofgloin, Thursday, 9 September 2010 10:50:55 AM