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The Forum > General Discussion > What is, a Global Citizen?

What is, a Global Citizen?

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I've been discussing with Baygon the issue of Multiculturalism, and in the course of that discussion, he/she suggests that we are all now part of a global village.. "Global Citizens".....

What I'd like to explore is the various dimensions of such a thing.

1/ What are it's values?
2/ Who determines them?
3/ What language does it speak?
4/ When conflict between various members of the UN occur(on a cultural or religious level) or.. are simply in conflict by their essential nature, who and/or what is the arbiter or decider of which of the contending sides is supported and which one is supressed?

I believe these are important questions, and without a bit of clear thinking on them, we are more likely than not to end up like philosphical browns cows heading off in all directions.

What happens if a non UN member declares "I don't agree with those values, I have my/our own and they are just as valid"?

Who is to say they are wrong..and on what basis?
Posted by ALGOREisRICH, Monday, 23 August 2010 7:11:15 PM
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""" What happens if a non UN member declares "I don't agree with those values, I have my/our own and they are just as valid"?

Who is to say they are wrong..and on what basis? """

Many have spoken out in the past, unfortunately for them - the rest had the bigger GUN!

It's no different to an individual, sovereign being as yourself or myself. I don't agree with today's society and its values, it's all wrong and it's very obvious, the cracks are appearing more and more every day. Why am I forced to live it under protest? Because they have the GUNS and we don't!

Get yourself a nuke, a really big one and then watch them bow before you, just like you bow now before them. Why do you do it? ANS: BECAUSE THEY HAVE A BIGGER GUN THAN YOU.

Quiet simple really!
Posted by RawMustard, Tuesday, 24 August 2010 2:17:06 AM
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The answer to your questions is so obvious i find it hard to believe you ask.

1/ What are it's values?

They are the values of the dominate military force.

2/ Who determines them?

The winner of the battles

3/ What language does it speak?

Right now English could be Arabic soon enough.(if you ment religion same answer)

4/ When conflict between various members of the UN occur(on a cultural or religious level) or.. are simply in conflict by their essential nature, who and/or what is the arbiter or decider of which of the contending sides is supported and which one is supressed?

Simply just look at the conflicts going on that the US is involved in and ask yourself how they got there. Years of suppression and manipulation of governments all around the world. Why do you think they really don't want another country to grow strong? because they will get their's back in spades when they can no longer hold the biggest stick.

It's all force, never reason and subjectivity. The nature of man is to destroy what you don't understand. The US has control at this time with the support of the west. That will change eventually and so will the world, but the answer to your questions will remain the same.
Posted by nairbe, Tuesday, 24 August 2010 7:18:04 AM
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“Global citizen” is the extension of an international-collectivism and the notion that we are all equal and we are all the same and we are all interchangeable, “units of population”.

As a philosophical belief it is a form of pure crap which denies ”individuality” and allegiance to a local community, nation-state or ethnic sub group.

It relies on denying “what is”, replacing it with what some think “should be”.

And like most collectivist stupidity, it demands uniform obedience to its agenda, the penalty for dissent ranging from “re-education” all the way through to “termination”.
Posted by Col Rouge, Tuesday, 24 August 2010 8:16:43 AM
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Your ability to warp and distort the words of others, Boaz, and then to build a federal case against something they didn't say, is simply stunning.

You give a new dimension to the word "spin".

>>I've been discussing with Baygon the issue of Multiculturalism, and in the course of that discussion, he/she suggests that we are all now part of a global village.. "Global Citizens"<<

Baygon uses the word "global" four times. On no occasion does he/she introduce the concept of a "Global Citizen".

The closest is a reference to a "global society", which does not imply any form of citizenship whatsoever.

But that is no impediment to you, is it?

Off you go, hunting the xenophobe.

>>What I'd like to explore is the various dimensions of [Global Citizenship].
1/ What are it's values?
2/ Who determines them?
3/ What language does it speak?
4/ When conflict between various members of the UN occur(on a cultural or religious level) or.. are simply in conflict by their essential nature, who and/or what is the arbiter or decider of which of the contending sides is supported and which one is supressed?<<

Since it does not exist, it has no shared "values". Why should it?

Since it does not exist, and has no shared values, no-one determines them.

Since it does not exist, it has no common language.

And the United Nations has no interest whatsoever in producing, creating, validating, endorsing or underwriting "Global Citizenship"

A total crock, in fact.

On the other hand, since the people of the world are now connected in ways that would be considered fantasy a mere 150 years ago, it is pretty important that we should accept that we need to find better ways to rub along.

That doesn't mean - nor should it ever mean - that we sacrifice our individuality any more than is necessary to survive with our fellow humans.

But it does mean that we should not, as you do Boaz, spend our every waking moment finding new opportunities to express our fear and loathing of anything even remotely alien,
Posted by Pericles, Tuesday, 24 August 2010 9:48:44 AM
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Dear Al,
As you are aware there is only one race the human race but we have 2 Kingdoms.
1. The Kingdom of God with Jesus as King, with all authority
2. The kingdom of the serpent called Lucifer,the Devil, and Satan.
The serpent twisted Gods word and usurped that authority given to man by God.
Jesus won back the authority on the cross and God the Father gave that authority to Jesus when he raised him from the dead.
The old serpent may have the big guns but he no longer has any authority.
The weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty in God, bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ.
The prayer of a righteous man availeth much. Seek God resist the devil and he shall flee. Fear not he who can kill the body but fear him who has power to cast into hell.
So while the kingdom of the old serpent enforces his power with a big gun he is not in control of the future as the final authority is in Jesus hands, the Love way. Available to All who call on the name of the Lord. Jesus, Jesus, Jesus.
Posted by Richie 10, Tuesday, 24 August 2010 9:57:16 AM
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