The Forum > General Discussion > OLO and the Reinhard Mohn Prize: Viewers' votes needed TODAY!
OLO and the Reinhard Mohn Prize: Viewers' votes needed TODAY!
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Posted by Forrest Gumpp, Saturday, 21 August 2010 12:12:49 PM
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As at 8:00 AM Project 54 in the list, the one with which OLO is associated, now has 18 votes.
It is behind Project 72, for example, which is a Queensland State Government funded project called 'Queensland Growth Management Summit', currently on 33 votes and unchanged from yesterday. So put your opinionating on the backburner for a while, follow the how-to-vote instructions in the opening post, and get busy doing something for the very medium that permits your stinking self-righteous opinionating to afflict the world the way it does. As for all you unregistered voyeurs perusing these pages, you, too, have mice and can click buttons, maybe even type words. Get busy, the whole idle lot of you! Do not let the over-paid under-performing Queensland State government bureaucrats and their lickspittle politician factota stay ahead in this race. Out-vote them! (You could vote them out, too, but I don't want to appear too partisan just after election day in Australia.) GetDown! and do the dirty on them with your keyboards and mice. Give 'em some last-minute mobilised e-democracy to go with their Sunday chardonnay and Sunday (Courier) Mail. Posting to this thread is also allowed to keep its post-recency flag red and the topic at the top of the 'last post' display, but only after you have voted*, you opinionated scum! I strongly suspect, for those who may experience some delay in getting their confirmatory email after registration from the Vitalizing Democracy site, that you will be able to vote as soon as you have registered PROVIDED YOU CLICK ON THE LINK TO THE SITE AFRESH. Any delay in getting the confirmatory email is likely to be due to your own email service provider, not that of the Vitalizing Democracy website, so I think you can step around that potential problem if you want to speed things up. Just over 23 hours remain to assure the OLO project of a place on the shortlist of 20 projects from which a winner will eventually come. Remember, VOTE EARLY, VOTE OFTEN! Posted by Forrest Gumpp, Sunday, 22 August 2010 8:51:00 AM
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As at 12 noon, the OLO entry for the Reinhard Mohn Prize had received 19 votes. See:
It needs more. 51 more to knock off the front-runner, 'Canada's World', project No.49, and 15 more to beat the Queensland State government project 'Queensland Growth Management Summit', now on 33 votes. See opening post in this thread for voting instructions and link. There now remains just under 20 hours within which a vote can be lodged. OLO costs you nothing for the opportunity it gives you to share your opinion with the world, wage war on wingnuts, insult incognito, deliver drivel, rage and rant, whatever. How about a bit of payback to OLO for the cost of a few clicks and keystrokes, and a few minutes of your oh-so-valuable time, users? Posted by Forrest Gumpp, Sunday, 22 August 2010 12:32:04 PM
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Only 11 hours of voting time left.
Since first posting there have been 22 more entries submitted for the Reinhard Mohn Prize. Posted by Forrest Gumpp, Sunday, 22 August 2010 8:59:59 PM
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Only an hour and a half left in which to vote for the OLO entry, if I am correct in thinking we are presently eight hours ahead of German time. We may be nine ahead, if they are on summer time, in which case there may be an extra hour in which to vote.
There are now 154 entries, six more than yesterday. The OLO entry, No.54, currently has 20 votes. It could do with more. Posted by Forrest Gumpp, Monday, 23 August 2010 6:26:59 AM
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As at 8:30 AM today there were 21 votes for the OLO entry for the Reinhard Mohn Prize,'Youdecide2007', project No.54.
There are currently 155 entries in the competition. Keep voting, you never know, the site might keep accepting votes after midnight German time. You'll know straight after voting by refreshing the page whether or not your vote has been accepted. Posted by Forrest Gumpp, Monday, 23 August 2010 8:36:54 AM
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The following is the text of an email I have received from as a voter for the OLO-related entry in the Reinhard Mohn Prize competition. To those whose threads upon which I posted off-topic soliciting votes, my apologies, but remaining time within which to vote was short, and not all thread titles are necessarily self-explanatory.
"Dear participants, the period to submit project proposals expired.We would like to thank everyone who has contributed project proposals, comments or ratings to the platform. Before the end of August, we will identify and publish 20 projects which made it to the shortlist. This platform was launched on 23 June 2010 to give people from all over the world the opportunity to submit project proposals to the Reinhard Mohn Prize 2011. On 22 August 2010 this platform was closed for submissions. We are impressed by the numerous interesting and inspiring results. 122 projects from 36 different countries were submitted, 668 users registered and provided nominations, comments and ratings to identify the most prize-worthy projects, 41.000 unique visitors accessed our platform to receive information about all the interesting projects on the platform. We would therefore like to thank everyone who contributed to this platform! Before the end of August, our project team will identify 20 projects for the shortlist – based on your information and your ratings. The list will be published on this website. You will be welcome to continue rating and commenting on these projects to help the working committee with its decision on the five to seven nominees in October 2010! In the meantime, our project team will do additional and in-depth research to clarify open questions and validate the data presented. Although we will no longer be accepting submissions to the Reinhard Mohn Prize you are still able to submit projects to this platform! We decided to continue collecting and presenting projects that help to vitalize democracy through participation on this website. Please feel encouraged to show the world more of these astonishing projects that might shape our future!" Good luck, OLO. Posted by Forrest Gumpp, Tuesday, 24 August 2010 7:37:57 AM
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Bad luck guys.
"We would like to inform you that the shortlist with 20 projects for the Reinhard Mohn Prize 2011 was finalised and published online at " Geraldton made it through to the shortlist - with only twenty votes! That's WA for you, always muscling into the party Posted by Pericles, Saturday, 28 August 2010 9:47:26 AM
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It appears votes alone were not the criteria for selection. Here is a link to the shortlist: Note that the numbers of votes for each project were, from most recently lodged to earliest lodged: No.156, 3. No.154, 4. No.148, 5. No.138, 15. No.94 (Geraldton...), 20. No.90, 9. No.76, 11. No.72 (Qld State government funded 'Queensland Growth Management Summit'), 34. No.68, 8. No.58, 33. No.48, 8. No.37, 8. No.34, 7. No.33, 10. No.32, 9. No.24, 5. No.18, 35. No.12, 6. No.11, 7. No.1, 8. BTW, OLO got 21 votes. I must admit I was a little disappointed with the apparent lack of response to the topic (as expressed in votes registered for the OLO-related project) by posters who have the free use of the Forum upon which to express themselves. I gather Belly tried to put a vote in, but ran into some sort of problem with the site note registering his vote, or such like. To any others who may have voted in consequence of the topic, I'm sure OLO thanks you. I only put the monlogue up because I thought GrahamY may have been a bit either reticent, or busy with election-related matters, to promote the site or the competition. I figured it would cost users little or nothing to maybe help OLO gain a few kudos. But, C'est la guerre. And as for the Queensland State government's 'Queensland Growth Management Summit'? Hmmmmm. Better not get involved in something that might be seen as questioning a referee's decision, especially as I have not looked at that project in detail. I guess it was just unfortunate timing with respect to the Federal elections that notice was so short, in that users attention was focussed elsewhere. Posted by Forrest Gumpp, Saturday, 28 August 2010 11:15:56 AM
Viewers and registered OLO users can learn about the Reinhard Mohn Prize on the Vitalizing Democracy website, here:
The critical point is that the shortlist of 20 projects from a present total of 127 projects submitted to date, is
to be decided immediately after 22 August 2010. That shortlist will be "[selected] from all the projects submitted
To vote for the project with which the National Forum and OnLineOpinion is associated, go to the site given in the link above.
Then click on the 'view projects' tab at the top of the web page. It is No.54 in the list, 'Youdecide2007'.
Clicking on the words 'Youdecide2007' takes you to a page giving the full description of the project.
Click on the button 'Register' near the top left of your screen. Enter a user name, password, and email address in the dialog box that comes up.
Click 'Submit'.
You then get the message:
"Thank you for your registration.
You will receive an email including
further registration instructions shortly."
When you reeive your confirmation email, you click a link therein that takes you to the Vitalizing Democracy site. You vote by clicking the 'My rating' button on the right hand side of the 'Youdecide2007' project page, after completing registration, filling in the responses requested, and submitting.
Ahead of OLO, on 16 votes as at 12 noon AEST Saturday 21 August 2010, are:
Project 49, 67 votes.
Project 39, 38 votes.
Project 72, 33 votes.
Project 18, 32 votes.
Project 97, 32 votes.
Project 58, 26 votes.
Project 27, 17 votes.
Project 28, 16 votes.
Start voting NOW!