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I think he's got it.
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Posted by Hasbeen, Wednesday, 28 April 2010 11:55:10 PM
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The answer to your question Hasbeen is, Julia?
She could close down the Climate Change Ministry and transfer all the bureaucrats to the new centralized federal health ministry. This would release our “first class minister” Penny Wong to her new duties as Minister for Whale Conservation and taking Japan to the International Court. This will liberate “first class Minister” Peter Garrett who can be transferred to the NBN Implementation Team to protect the workplace safety of NBN cable layers in insulated roofs. This leaves Greg Combet free to tackle Immigration and Tanya Plibersek can be moved to treasury to support roll out of the Henry Tax Review, thus Wayne Swan can take over the finances of the BER which liberates Julia of her current portfolios to lead the country. Kevin Rudd can then be elevated to Minister for Programmatic Specificity Initiatives, taking on critical portfolio’s such as Petrol Watch, Grocery Watch, 36 new Medical Centre’s, 260 “in school” child care facilities, Bill of Rights, ETS, Green Certificates and taxing OAP’s for installing solar panels. That should tidy up the sorry mess. Posted by spindoc, Thursday, 29 April 2010 8:38:15 AM
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I'm surprised that you think it is over.
Putting the CPRS off for three years does not take away the threat. Will anything change your mind about climate change? Is there any sense in combating something that does not exist? Will we resume chasing shadows - while we could be fighting pollution? Pollution. Kenneth Boulding of Colorado University proposed that we take positive measures against waste by treating our planet as a space ship. Let’s channel the expenditure on Global Warming into the abolition of waste. • The head of the CRU at the University of East Anglia says that there has been no global warming for fifteen years. • You have been told that the IPCC AR4 Report is based upon peer review research. The IPCC published its AR4 Report in 2007. 30% of the papers are NOT PEER REVIEWED and these are sourced, largely, from conservation groups. The “science is settled”? and • Surface Temperature Records: Policy Driven Deception Dr Joseph D’Aleo & Anthony Watts, April 13th 2010 Ian “Harry” Harris, the CRU programmer lamented about “{The} hopeless state of their (CRU) database” and “Aarrggghhh! There truly is no end in sight. This whole project is in SUCH A MESS. No wonder I needed therapy!!” • USA’s Contiguous Temperature Trends using NCDC raw & adjusted data. Dr Edward R. Long writes ‘The raw data shows a systematic treatment that causes the rural adjusted sets temperature rate of increase to be 5 fold more than that of the raw data’. • The USA Senate Inquiry into CRU emails. “The CRU controversy.. In our view, the CRU documents and emails reveal … unethical and potentially illegal behaviour by some of the world’s pre eminent climate scientists Posted by phoenix94, Thursday, 29 April 2010 1:29:17 PM
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Doc, granted Julia's student assessment program is the only bit of sense to come out of this lot, but who are you going to get to give her voice coaching. I'd rather move to Kiwi land, than have to listen to her any more than we do now.
Then again, she was the one responsible for building twin, stacked, [one on top of the other] assembly halls in schools, wasn't she. Might to have to pass on her mate. Really, although Barnaby might have a problem with how many naughts are following a real mumber, he would still be closser than any of that lot, when it came to cleaning up the mess. He's peobably the only one who knows which part of a battery drill rotates. Might be good with all these electric [hybrid] cars the government will have to buy, when Toyota can't sell them. [You heard it first here]. Posted by Hasbeen, Thursday, 29 April 2010 2:09:16 PM
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Rudd may have got it. But what ever it is you've got, it isn't two hands on political reality. The ETS was flawed and the world attitudes have changed. All the puerile partisan politics is not going to change Australia's vulnerability in a global atmospheric and trade environment. Life is about the inevitability of change. We are a mine whose products are subject to international demands. Consider Aust arrogance about wool in the 50/60 now it is a minor textile. It's only time before alternative arise. China is buying op other sources. Some countries will go to coal free or minimal usage to control their own energy needs. that means more on the market (supply and demand) means less for our resources. Sunrise industries will be else where. The best hope we had was an ETS (not the one canned perhaps)that allowed the government to stimulate new R&D. We need to diversify our industrial/technological base. The question shouldn't be how to stop the ETS but how to make it work for us (AGW) My question is when will the sheep set and political Luddites get it? Posted by examinator, Thursday, 29 April 2010 3:32:57 PM
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You are both wrong... just tap into the ACL 'live TV' coverage and watch for the next ALP policy announcement from Jim Wallace, the spiritual leader of Kevin Rudd.
Kev does nothing the ACL does not suggest first. Posted by The Blue Cross, Thursday, 29 April 2010 4:05:44 PM
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Julia will never lead the ALP
It will be mid third term before the ALP thinks about another leader Bill Shorten or Paul Howe's? We must not forget, greens too killed the ETS. Rabbott and his team too. We will have an ETS. A smart move in my view reminding people he is a financial conservative, and just who opposed the ETS in one move. increased majority for Rudd, go you good thing! Posted by Belly, Friday, 30 April 2010 4:54:51 AM
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Maybe the scaremongers have made enough money out of this now. Mr Gore's recent purchases would make any American evangelist blush.,0,4103538.story No doubt their are still a few 'true believers' who will continue to believe these corrupted computer models based on corrupted data. Then again their are also people who deny the holocaust. Posted by runner, Friday, 30 April 2010 7:06:31 PM
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Runner, humans are funny........... well............Human. and the two sides are working as it is, as I see it. But what they don't know is.......................Well you must work it out as we are doing................and we are all the same.
All the best. TTM Posted by think than move, Sunday, 2 May 2010 1:43:32 AM
Our Ruddy now wants it to go away as quickly as possible. It's too embassarring to have around. Of course, to do so he will have to get rid of Wong, & her whole government department. It will be interesting to see how much that redundant department costs us over the next budget or two.
For the good of Oz, Tony should just shut up, & let Ruddy burry the whole thing quietly, but that's probably too much to ask. He'll want to rub Ruddy's nose in his stupidity, as long as he can.
The carbon scam got rid of one of the two rich pretty boys, [Turnbull], who had somehow floated to the top of Oz politics, It's too much to hope it could get the other one.
Turnbull was dumb enough to believe in it. Ruddy was probably only using it, I don't think he believes in anything, except his own cunning, anyway.
Tony may have to wait a little longer, but the seed is sown.
Unfortunately for our sick, the hospital grab is going to blow up in Ruddy's face. None of his bureaucrats are any better than the Qld lot.
WE are going to need someone very capable to put this place back together after that. I wonder who that could be?