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May God have mercy on his soul

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Posted by GrahamY, Sunday, 31 December 2006 4:43:50 PM
"While he was alive he represented an unacceptable security risk, so it is reasonable and just that he be permanently removed."

I think you hit a very important nail on the head there. A great many people run into difficulty because they have simply accepted the presumption that sentence is wholey and soley punitive and havent realized that there are significant other aspects to sentencing.

To me it is the same rationale (though obviously not the same scale) as the putting-down of a mad dog. No sane person blames the dog for being mad, it is not being punished for its attacks on people but it is a danger for as long as it is alive so it has to die.

The euthanazing is not done as a punishment, it is done wholey and soley to protect the community.

Hey Mod - when are we going to get italics?
Posted by Rob513264, Sunday, 31 December 2006 10:10:56 PM
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I think that Saddam's expedient execution for one of his lesser alleged crimes has avoided all manner of embarrassing complications in now hypothetical trials he might have had, concerning events that might have implicated certain world powers - that are currently somewhat unsuccessfully engaged in a war of occupation in the country of which he was the former president.

As for God's mercy, messengers, prophets and other figments - whatever. All the religious crap associated with his death doesn't ameliorate the fact that all those who celebrate Saddam's execution are diminished by it.

Personally, I would have liked him to have had the opportunity to spill the beans on his accomplices in his crimes against humanity, after which they could have sent him to Guantanamo Bay, as far as I'm concerned. I understand it's pretty secure, and beyond the reach of international humanitarian organisations etc.

And there's apparently no escape, even for those who haven't been found guilty of anything...
Posted by CJ Morgan, Sunday, 31 December 2006 11:27:56 PM
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Freeranger “The justification for the statement is self evident Col Rouge if you just look at the civilian casualty figures since the war was 'won'.”

I do not think that really does answer my request, which was

” “Will current Iraqi leaders face the same fate...will George W Bush and will Donald Rumsfeld? I doubt it ... but they are just as guilty”

I would request you justify that statement”

Sadaam’s capacity for direct murder is not comparable to what are consequential deaths as a result, in part, of Sadaam’s own displaced supporters, both Iraqi and insurgent, venting a war of attrition on everyone.

I recall the "no fly zones" which the US And British policed prior to the liberation of Iraq. I recall the reason for those "no fly zones" was to prevent Sadaam using his airforce to gas and murder the population of Marsh Arabs, in the South and Kurds in the North.

I think your assertion that “but they are just as guilty” is not "self evident", I think it is a complete nonsense, perhaps the throw away line of a cynic.

If you want to try and justify your assertion again, please have another go but I expect greater depth and substance than what you have just tried to gloss the comment over with.
Posted by Col Rouge, Monday, 1 January 2007 6:57:28 AM
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I think there is little point in pursuing this 'justification' line. If you refuse to see any similarities in the actions of US and allied forces and the bloody activities of Iraq's former dictator then nothing anyone can say is likely to change your mind.
Posted by freeranger, Monday, 1 January 2007 7:15:59 AM
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Freeranger “I think there is little point in pursuing this 'justification' line. If you refuse to see any similarities in the actions of US and allied forces and the bloody activities of Iraq's former dictator then nothing anyone can say is likely to change your mind.”

Sorry, putting things in the “oh its all just too hard basket” does not work. You made the statement, now justify it!

Alternatively, I wilI take your decision not to answer what is a reasoned question to mean you have no justification on which you base your cynical throw-away line.

It is annoying when people waste space with cute comments which they then refuse to justify.

You would be better off finding some other pursuit, try reading “Dolly” instead, it presents fewer challenges than being expected to stand behind what you write.
Posted by Col Rouge, Monday, 1 January 2007 7:32:24 AM
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You can take any way you like CR. You obviously want to live in a dream.
Posted by freeranger, Monday, 1 January 2007 7:39:06 AM
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