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Global Warming: Understanding the Forecast.

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in the spirit of the thread...if you havnt seen them ANIMATION/projections of the globe..going redder and redder...i really dont thgink your trying not getting what your getting..because im not decieved by polititions..seeking their new tax...built on a lie

where as your smater..than an average 5 th grader...they get it and you dont..because..they accept fools telling them lies..,

your just not getting..there are those who get off..on new taxes...and instilling us with fear..and push it through

its almost, been blind sided..because you have been...

just as you swallow..sars/y2k/pigs-fluw/911..and children over board..your con-science..seems uneasy...and logic dosnt seem to be working for you..because its insane...just like rubbing your hands together...dont change the temp of the room one iota

yes there are horrible polutants/mutagenes and poisens emmited from industry/mining and other human activity..but civil servants..arnt doing jot about gmo/radiat-ions/poisens/fraud..etc...

but with carbon something..they can police..because we do the carbon/polution..simply via the act of breathing..thus no one is guilt free

yesterday there was a program..on sbs..carbon/..PUBLIC ENNEMy NUMBER ONE..

it was eye opening..the way the euro/ sukkered being policed..for their carbon based..murdering of all life..or rather an implied collective guilt..

they put commercial/carbon value..on this'public enemy'...that you cant even grasp..the science basics of...think why..

lol..there you go,...use your mind to think...

is carbon..the worst thing..

..[REALLY} cant think of any worse thing..for officials to police?
Posted by one under god, Saturday, 19 December 2009 4:59:39 AM
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i really cant be botherd any more

Barton: We Won’t Let Obama Destroy American Jobs..For..“Some Esoteric Environmental Benefit..100 Years From Now”
U.S. Congress..were outside those meetings..urging him not to bother.

Obama Forced To Address Climate Skepticism..In Bad Tempered Tantrum

A visibly frustrated..President Barack Obama..desperately claiming that man-made climate change was..“not fiction,”..a view not shared by the majority of Americans..he has failed to represent as he attempts to ram through..a huge transfer of the new world order.

Final Copenhagen Text..Includes Global Transaction President Obama prepares to bypass approving a massive transfer of wealth from America into globalist hands.

Copenhagen climate summit:..‘most important paper the world’ a glorified UN press release..Copehagen circus..ending with a lame act..A last-minute Copenhagen is proposed..that seems no deal at all.

Flag-Waving Communists/Socialists..March in Copenhagen to Stop Global Warming..Network journalists who were quick to see racists,..haters and extremists amongst the..“tea party”/protesters..were oblivious to the..“climate justice”/march in Copenhagen whose cause they trumpeted.

Climate plan a $3,000 con..Would you be upset..if you knew your government was about to get a con that would cost your family at least $3,000 a year in new taxes?..That is exactly what is happening in Copenhagen right now.

Pope Speaks on Church’s..“Grave Misgivings”..about Modern Environmentalism..the Pope agrees..there is an..“ecological crisis,”..but there is no doubt..that he sees this crisis very differently from those who are calling for a global one-child policy.

The Most Important Insurance..Scientists Considered Pouring Soot..Over the Arctic in the Help Melt the Ice..In Order to Prevent Another Ice Age#Some scientists and the press..have been warning about an ice age off and on..for over 100 years.

EverGreens:..After Failure,..Warmists Will Change Hats..And Move On

Government ministers..can’t agree on the best way to take money from their own citizens,..give it to an opaque,..above-the-law organization,..and yet still control it.

So where are these weapons..of mass warming really?

Why didn’t they tell us..before the science wasn’t half as settled as they pretended.. Did they lie to build the case for war against warming?
Posted by one under god, Saturday, 19 December 2009 5:18:03 AM
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cs...STEEL...steel yourself

here is one..for made just for you
that might..[lol]...
that might..wake you up

yesterday has a new supply..iron ore[to india]..

noting..that iron ore exports..are at record levels

a few weeks ago?

..the news was british/govt..handouts..TO SHUT DOWN STEEL briton..part of the eu..

that have refined the art of carbon big a fine art

[1700 steel making jobs..gone in britain..

BUT jobs..made in india...

get it

but it gets worse..
see..the british.. steel production..has carbon credits..get it

they sell them..use the move to india..[get it?]

do some research for yourself...
or deney mine...

1700 jobs in britain gone..
1700?..'new' india...

yet there is ...increased demand ..for steel...
as rio's NEW CONTRACT confirms...

were/YOU.. are being decieved.. buddy..

you have a a steel trap buddy..
so you better steel yourself...for more deception

what is these green jobs...when the steel jobs..are getting stolen
[or rather moved...thanks be to EXTRA/credits gained carbon..LOCALLY..not globally..

get it

no... i suppose closed minds... cant get ...simple truths

believe as you will...

but will never understand..
how truely evil..your leaders and their media/machine men..
and thier mindless/bloggers..
..really are

you been conned son
carbon credits..where only con-dem-nation is due
Posted by one under god, Saturday, 19 December 2009 6:20:41 AM
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csteele: "Sorry to be so dogged on this"

Sorry? This is a nerds idea of fun. And I am most definitely a nerd.

csteele: "Should it have read 'the stratosphere keeps it from getting colder as it should"

Yes, it should read like that. For some reason I keep thinking the tropopause is a layer with some thickness. It isn't.

csteele: "The limit of this process is the point where no further condensation is possible to drive the convection"

Yes, I think that is it.

csteele: "I think it might be the case that the only way for heat to get across this boundary is in the form of light including IR."

Like you I don't know for sure. But it sounds reasonable. Since there is no mixing there is no convection. There could be conduction. However thin air is a good insulator so there is probably stuff all of that. Which only leaves radiation.

csteele: "What they are doing is restricting the amount of IR that reaches the boundary to cross over and escape."

I am not sure the boundary matters that much from a radiation point of view. It is after all just an imaginary line. The cool pane of glass discussed in the first few lectures is the entire atmosphere. It isn't uniformly cool. It is just on average cool. Some bits are hotter, some bits a colder but if you average the temperature over all air molecules, it is -20 degrees C or whatever the magic number is.

csteele: "David Archer says that the atmospheric layer must must be colder than the ground for a greenhouse situation to occur. My confusion was in thinking of this layer as where the GHGs resided."

No, I think you had it right the first time. The pane of glass is the GHG's. The other gasses - eg O2, N2 have no effect as they are not black bodies. Thus it is only the temperature of GHG's that matter.
Posted by rstuart, Saturday, 19 December 2009 2:23:27 PM
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I guess what I don't understand is relative importance of GHG's (CO2, Methane, etc), water vapour and clouds. Well, I do know one thing. The effect of the original GHG's is minor compared to the water in its two forms. But does the principle effect come from clouds changing the planets albedo, or is the GHG effect of water vapour.

Possibly more important - what stops the effect. I mean the initial trigger is the GHG's moves the temperature somewhat. That causes water to enter atmosphere and because water vapour is potent GHG we get a feed back loop.

If I were to guess, it would be that eventually so many Cirrus clouds develop that it shuts the entire thing down. It is frustrating not knowing. Did he say?
Posted by rstuart, Saturday, 19 December 2009 2:23:35 PM
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it should be noted ...that blanket of COLD..white stuff on the northern hemi/sphere...

..has the north more of it...or less of it.? clever..changing global climate
walking with one foot..on both sides of the carbon barbed/wire fence?

lets face it..this carbon tax/ a subsidy/dispensation/to poluting gear up its global..industrial-isation's.....

its these growth the direct cause...of why..china is needing to build more build..your..'low emmision'..low energy..NEW PRODUCT...needing the new EXTRA poluting..power generations..TO BUILD IT

how much more energy,..,has them new fluero/low energy bulbs..cost us to make..let alone govt build them? much of our tax has gone into putting..your NEW/solar cells on ya roof?

how much extra industry../carbon build and transport them arround the globe...your being conned...big timer

we are being conned...

stopping the industry/..means emmiting carbon instantly...

BUT..still means 100 years of carbon die-oxide..being emmited from the polar currents

lets immediatly..put a new tax on all coal/petro...mined/exports

that way our emmisions...are revenue neutral...
cause govt collects tax from the exports...not..the new peoples tax

[and we save extra carbon credits....
by not having to gear up..the ports/rail infastructure etc.

..and by mining less..extract less..of the other gasses..not caught up in this methane..[20 times worse than carbon]

understanding forcasts...must of nessisity include the extra...thus are current growth factors...

no growth factors..the models more closer match..the reality...

currently they are completly delusional..[due to the growth factors]...when..the reality of continual growth..ignores the boom/bust cycle..

thus the delusion of expendential growth../creating further changes..of weather...stops scaring you so
Posted by one under god, Sunday, 20 December 2009 5:49:09 AM
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