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The Forum > General Discussion > COULD GOVERNMENT BE RUN AS A BUSINESS?


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I'm gonna end every sentence like this!. When you read it in your head it sounds like you're from South Australia!. Pretty place, apparently!.

I thought KRudd WAS running the show like a business already!.
Posted by StG, Friday, 13 November 2009 12:34:08 PM
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Jeff Kenett ran Victoria as a business, but went to far, not only did he sack countless public servants, he sacked half the police force, People thought it was ok for a while, then he turned on the general public. That's when things turned around, and jeff got the biggest belting of his life at the boxes.
Posted by Desmond, Friday, 13 November 2009 4:51:12 PM
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I've often thought about this many times and thought it was a good idea. My way of thinking was that all assets i.e, natural resources, coal, gas, iron, infrastructure, the people etc, were assets of the government/business (not too different to now), exportable money earners and would earn enough money to sustain government and the services it provided for the people. If run properly with accountability, taxes wouldn't be needed, we're a rich country after all.

The problem is corruption, how do you stem corruption? It's rife throughout industry and even worse in government and growing; anyone who denies this is a delusional fool! Corruption is the one and only problem as far as I can see, so how do we address that?
If we could somehow prevent or even just stem corruption to a level that was pretty well insignificant, I believe the government/business model could work well.

I also believe the current system will collapse soon. In my short time on this planet, 40 odd years of it, I've seen things go from not so bad to down right evil, ETS anyone? It's only a matter of time before it all comes tumbling down. The PTB are pushing too hard in all the wrong directions for self gain if you ask me and their arrogance is deeply worrying!
Posted by RawMustard, Friday, 13 November 2009 9:30:19 PM
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What a lot of you poor fools do not realise is that, it is the international banks to whom or Govts put us into debt both public and private,that have us by the short and curlies.

Since 1913 when the US Federal Reserve a private group of banks took control of of the US $,it's value has decreased by 96%.Our currency has depreciated by even more.

Who creates all this new money? We as individuals cannot do it.It is mostly the banking system that creates money from nothing that depreciates both our labour and savings.It is theft by stealth.

Why are we all working harder for less? It has nothing to do with Global warming.
Posted by Arjay, Friday, 13 November 2009 10:00:17 PM
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Business is about profit and loss.

Government should be about people and society and how they interact and develop within an economy.

In a purely economic rationalist society how could you justify such things as subsidised medicine and especially the Aged Pension?

Paying people to do nothing but consume after they cease to be productive makes no business sense but it matters in a society.

The very term Corporatism was created by Mussolini and a purely corporatised society would lean very much toward fascism.
Posted by wobbles, Saturday, 14 November 2009 1:09:07 AM
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I thought KRudd WAS running the show like a business already!.
S'pose you're right. A circus is a business too.
Posted by individual, Saturday, 14 November 2009 7:23:35 AM
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