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The Forum > General Discussion > Isn't it time to allow gay marriage in Australia?

Isn't it time to allow gay marriage in Australia?

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"why she should have to pay higher taxes to support Bob Brown's partner simply because he is Bob brown's partner while Bob is alive or has passed on to another place."

Because that would be a step towards 'equality'. For over thirty years we have had to endure extremely sexist laws and had to pay for it - more than just financially, although that is closer to the answer to the question.

If we truly want legal equality in this country, then we should consider ALL marriages gay marriages. No more gender bias. Let's get past that final hurdle and treat all people the same, whether male or female, straight or gay. We're a long way from that yet.
Posted by Seano, Friday, 6 November 2009 3:23:56 PM
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It is easy to say treat all people the same but who is going to pay for it? That is a Cargo Cult mentality. If I am to pay taxes I want to see some demonstrated value for money in the expenditure, not just an expansion of the gravy train for even more hangers-on.

Where is the practical benefit to the State? Why should taxpayers pony up to support Bob's nocturnal diversions" Instead of shelling out for Bob Brown's partner we should be reeling back benefits for the partners of politicians generally.

What about the discriminatory treatment of the single taxpayer who doesn't have or doesn't want a live in for sex? Because that is just what the taxpayer would be paying for otherwise all couples who share, such as the couple of elderly sisters down the road, would also be included as beneficiaries of spousal benefits too.

Anyway, why should all people be treated the same? Russia and China were into that and it failed abysmally.

Why should a single person be supporting through his/her taxes the sex choices of Bob Brown and others? Again, precisely where is the benefit to the taxpayer and to the State?
Posted by Cornflower, Friday, 6 November 2009 3:55:08 PM
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"Why should a single person be supporting through his/her taxes the sex choices of Bob Brown and others? Again, precisely where is the benefit to the taxpayer and to the State?"

Maybe I can try to answer that question better if I try again.

There is no benefit to the honest taxpayer but the benefit to the state is majority votes. The single persons have been supporting through his/her taxes the sex choices of others for the past 30 years.

As one example, how many single fathers received the $3000 baby bonus for their sex choices?

If gender equality is truly our societal goal, then there is inherently no reason for any particular gender of bride and groom to walk down the aisle into 'holey' matrimony. Apart from the hired suits and wedding gowns, they are both (all) legally identical - equal.
Posted by Seano, Friday, 6 November 2009 4:09:54 PM
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What is happening in the marriage ceremony is a man and a woman are publicly declaring that each is consenting to take to other person as an exclusive sexual partner for the rest of their life. This is the foundation of good health and the basis of good families. People are free to establish conscenting relationships on any basis in our society - they are not marriages!

However marriage entails a male and a female, in mutual and exclusive union. There is the potential of a product being formed in a marriage; and that is children. No two persons of the same sex can produce as of that relationship their own family. Please tell the children the truth that it takes a male and a female, a mother and a father to give birth to a child. Never two mums or two Dads
Posted by Philo, Friday, 6 November 2009 4:29:53 PM
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What has your nuptials got to do with anything? Anxious to tell us you're not gay, perhaps? See you have told us something about you, you're a homophobe. Who would have guessed!

your logic is running around in ever decreasing circles smacks of hysteria in search of an argument.
Posted by examinator, Friday, 6 November 2009 5:54:34 PM
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Foxy you write

'Dear Runner,

I know that you write from the heart, and I respect that. But as I've said before, intolerance isn't Christian - and it's not our place to judge others.'

With all due respects if you are going to take the high moral ground try and get an understanding of the Scriptures. You seem to have a warped view of tolerance failing to realize that Jesus never told us to tolerate evil. Just read what He writes in regards to adults who cause children to sin. It seems you have judged the fact that I judge others. Being tolerant or judgemental as you put it will never make lying, adultery, fornication, stealing or homosexuality right. You judge that homosexuality is normal, I judge it is a perversion. Now have some tolerance of others views. People practicing homosexuality need mercy and grace not encouragement to continue in their sin.
Posted by runner, Friday, 6 November 2009 6:48:14 PM
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