The Forum > General Discussion > Are we being entertained, informed , brainwashed all or none of the above?
Are we being entertained, informed , brainwashed all or none of the above?
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Posted by one under god, Saturday, 17 October 2009 11:10:23 AM
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I think you'll find subliminal ads are illegal the rate of blinking is to get your attention. I found this broke my concentration on reading the posts so..... I use Firefox as my browser (free) along with a free app called Ad Block so I don't see the ads either. :-) PS I despise conglomerates (i.e. Microsoft) dictating to me. >:-( Posted by examinator, Saturday, 17 October 2009 12:38:57 PM
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flashing lights has affect..but its the content...all muder/gore/cooking and sport is infotainment...the media dosnt do indepth like check this 400 dollar a gallon oil...from pentagone research <<Afghanistan is also landlocked,..meaning that fuel must be transported in ways that stretch the limits of economic reason. Because the country has no seaports,..fuel is shipped to Karachi, Pakistan,..then carried across land by commercial trucks through Afghanistan. For remote bases,..gasoline is sometimes transported by air. “One of the most expensive ways to supply fuel is by transporting it in bladders carried by helicopter;..the amount that can be flown at one time can barely satisfy the need for fuel,”..the Hill notes. The paper notes that the $400 pricetag is referred to in Pentagon argot as the “fully burdened cost of fuel.” The government’s Defense Energy Support Center provides fuel to the military at $2.78 per gallon,..the conveyance of which then grows exponentially..more it travels through dangerous combat zones. Gen. James Conway,..who runs the Marine Corps,..told a Navy forum that perilous risky routes up gasoline that originally cost $1.04 gallon up to $400. “These are fairly major problems for us,”.Conway was quoted as saying.>>> imagine the extra 40.000 troops[and their fuel sold us this war...then via in bed with the up big time..[on supplying the war machine] the noble prize...gets it money from its patent on big explosions..obama is a war president..the war pres gets the prize..from the big bangs..but who supplies the bang that costs so many deflating usa bucks and thats only on my second page of news today now to go to my third link oh and for my main news channel...[used to be news/radio/abc]...but get better info from for me... if we didnt learn anything./ not news Posted by one under god, Saturday, 17 October 2009 1:08:07 PM
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Dear Examinator,
I don't have much confidence in so called "Think Tanks." Most are privately funded - so how can they not be partisan? All are depended upon sponsorship and they can't afford to violate a sponsor's interests, or the sponsorship shall be withdrawn. The same goes for columnists. Very few would dare bite the hand that feeds them. Where do I go for information? Various sources - but mainly - I read a great deal! Posted by Foxy, Saturday, 17 October 2009 4:36:21 PM
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Foxy I agree. I always read the author bio if it mentions a think tank I move to the next topic. They all seem to start with a conclusion and work from there. I note that many such authors tend to write about topics out of their educational training and it shows.
There are a few independent duds who seem to write simply to publish something. One who admits in his bio, that he just passed his science degree, his works reflects this but...he's a journalist (hoo-rah and hosanna?) A comment in a general comment section is one thing, but to me, writing for the article section should, at least, be professional. These days I generally dodge those authors who are sub standard. Willie's observations strike a note with me. Investigative reporting in the lame street media is limited. Two papers I know of have one person each. In one instance the "investigative" journo does little more than FOIs. Once he's been fed all else by the public first. To do otherwise is deemed too expensive. And yes, he's loathed to attack any private skulduggery. Reporters don't seem to exist any more.(i.e. Report the facts) We now have professional journalists (awe and wonder) who sell their spin to the highest bidder. Then there's the columnist (hark! the angels sing) most of whom tend to have some passionately held delusion in their own omnipotence. Given that the suspect quality of all of the above I often wonder who they see as their targets audience and why ? Is the slow death of the lame street media simply the consequences of a self fulfilling prophecy? Conditioning the public via ever more superficial sensational to the lowest common denominator (nil impact). News as such doesn't exist, nothing cerebral excites us any more. Posted by examinator, Saturday, 17 October 2009 6:26:44 PM
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Dear Examinator,
What do you think of John Pilger or the American, Mike Moore? Just curious. I worry somewhat on the influence television has - particularly on children. Although TV Does bring a flood of information into the home, much of it is highly selective or distorted. News programs, for example, tend to feature the visually exciting or emotionally moving stories that draw large viewing audiences - and this often means omitting issues that are more sober but perhaps significant also. We take this barrage of media so much for granted that it's easy to forget that, until a few generations ago, most people's social exposure was limited to face-to-face contact with a handful of neighbours and friends, who in many cases were very similar to one another. Times have changed. I still believe however, as I've written on other threads - even if television offered 24 hours of uplifting intelligent fare each day, a sound bite on moral courage just doesn't penetrate. The medium delivers information in a flash - and then it's gone. What's found in books, by contrast, seeps into our very being. The printed word is pondered, and it's received only when the mind is fully engaged. Like no other medium it has the power to stay with us. In my own case I learnt from biographies - that even great individuals start out as everyday children - letting all children know that life's possibilities are without limit. Sorry, didn't mean to rave on. Posted by Foxy, Saturday, 17 October 2009 6:49:22 PM
i hesitate to suggest...that...were adverts...flashing in this posting one could post a single advetts[flashing their light/subliminal flicker rate is a deliberated ploy
as is the the past it was to sell us on science godheads...docter god heads...and now nothing but cop show/type programs...and cooking shows..with a bit of riducule of fathers thrown in to break up the families
news is only bad news and sport[that never was news...predicably two teams playing one will win...its not news but about entertaining us into tribalistic division's...artificial divides to keep us divided..distracted/ in the days of rome
we get nothing resembeling real/reported/news from the media...its deliberatly so...its a process of dumbing dumbing down the education system in usa...
they are making the perfect soviat party loyalist....ruled over by those thugs...who love the vile-oence on tv that provides enter-taint-meant...the program our minds with their programing