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Law is an Ass!

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I grew up in the NT and have lived Outback NT and Queensland most of my life; with a fair whack of time spent working with Aboriginal clients - individuals, families and communities.

Nobody should be "rounded up and castrated"; but if one was compelled to pick a candidate group - how about we choose the exploiters.

Heaping vile contempt on the people who are exploited isn't helping anyone except the predators.

Btw: When all of the hullaballoo about the NT intervention was happening re: child sexual abuse, three things were not mentioned too loudly or often:

1. That somewhere from half to most convictions for child sexual abuse of Aboriginal children was of white men.

2. That pornography was peddled to distant communities by white men; along with drugs and so on.

3. That a contingent of Aboriginal men from all over and made a public statement for other Aboriginal men to note, that they stood against abuse of women and children. No ifs, buts and insipid justification - just outright disapproval of the actions of those amongst them who were not honourable. I think that is pretty advanced; and something done in the dominant community only by brave and rare blokes.
Posted by Pynchme, Sunday, 4 October 2009 3:07:08 PM
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I say the not mentioning of the abuse is a measured reaction.
When the indig; is crossbread they are completely different people.
Again it is a mater of genetics.
This is the only way these people will survive the longterm, intergrated with white people.
I don't see where i am racist ,i can just see the facts on the ground.
In their present form they are as useless as u no wat on a bull.
Whats racist about that, it is just fact.
These people will never have a life worth living.
My comments are against the indig; at Alice Springs only.

This tribe is a misfit, sadly, so what would your solution to the problems they have there be?
The only indig; in Alice working, are crossbred indig.
The problem is huge, and it is not going to be resolved by doing nothing.
Posted by Desmond, Sunday, 4 October 2009 4:02:41 PM
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Other areas don't have the same level of violence that is shown in Alice.

Yes, good point Desmond. Has anyone stopped and given consideration to the fact that some violent incident may well have actually prevoked this guy in the first place.

After all, he would not be the first 'white person' to have been abussed, bashed, robbed, or parhaps, all of the obove, by an indiginous member of society.

It's ok for these 'smaller minority' of 'unfortunates' to reak havoc in almost every community they reside in, but hey, let's just sweep that under the carpet and focus on the fact that some whittey has had a crack at them. A crack that may well have been prevoked.

And Crackup, my comment on 'having to much time on your hands' has nothing to do with posting on OLO, it is more to do with 'can't you find something more worthy to worry about, esspecially considering the mess your people are in and their apparent 'unwillingness' to improve.

You said; real" Australians. But who did they invade, as it has been proven that they were not the first to inhabit this land?

DF was exonorated of child sexual abuse.
Posted by rehctub, Sunday, 4 October 2009 9:56:38 PM
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The actions of this idiot are certainly racist but in terms of whether his name should be released compared to that of a marijuana user I would say his alleged crime carries the greater risk of reprisals. No-one is going to go out and bash anyone accused of marijuana use.

That said, while I would argue until he has been convicted of a crime he does deserve protection, I would add that those who commit other crimes should receive the same protections and privacy under the assumption of innocent until proven guilty.
Posted by pelican, Monday, 5 October 2009 9:14:15 AM
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It appears to me that you have a mistaken idea that I am an Aboriginal person, so I must enlighten you that I am in fact more white Anglo Saxon than you!

If my reaction to this "racism" peddler has prompted this unwarranted outburst about "the mess that my people are in!" I think that you will find that you would be running foul of a great number of white and Indigenous Australians!

I would take this opportunity to inform you that I have lived and worked in Alice Springs. I have spent a lot of time with Aborigines and I might be cavalier enough to say that I would prefer the company of those people to the likes of you and the other "white supremists" who have contributed their narrow-minded views to this Thread.
Posted by Crackcup, Monday, 5 October 2009 9:54:55 AM
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Desmond: The solutions are happening and come from amongst the communities - every community has a unique history and composite of problems and strengths.

However, attitudes like those displayed by you and others here are demoralizing, cruel, discouraging and unhelpful.

Why should people have 'Canberra solutions' imposed on them?

Just imagine if Australia was overrun by um - aliens who believed that
humans should be kept in pods (like in the Matrix); that the only breeding allowed would be by AI and between a select few. That we were no longer allowed to speak our language; create family units; pray or sing hymns; there were no vehicles or footy matches; no medicine such as we know it. The alien idea of healing consisted of drinking sea water; eating herbs and amputation. Our main task was to learn to read a space ship manual the size of war and peace in the alien language - if we couldn't do that we were considered of low intelligence and therefore not of breeding stock.
I wonder how good we'd all look about 100 years from now.

Do you think you'd resist having those things imposed on you; or would you conform to get the aliens' approval ?

What if there was one comfort available; unscrupulous aliens giving you something that could block out the reality for a day or so from time to time. Maybe that would help you cope? Maybe it wouldn't.

I think the capacity to cope and survive that Aboriginal people have displayed is nothing short of bloody amazing. If some of them don't meet your supposedly high standards too bad for you. Maybe something is wrong with your standards, rather than with people who refuse to conform to them.
Posted by Pynchme, Monday, 5 October 2009 12:26:05 PM
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