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The Forum > General Discussion > On the tail of tailgaters

On the tail of tailgaters

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I agree that there should be a law demanding speedometers be calibrated at the time of fitting new tyres and changes to the gear box. Both can effect the speedometer.

BTW there is a lag on GPS speeds showing. In reality the delay can allow the car at high speed travel further than necessary at an incorrect speed to be booked.
I find it bemusing that truckies are mandated to have tachometer (speed recorders etc.) but cars don't.

Consider this I think that Tachometer recorder readings are considered as evidence in court. In this way miscreant drivers would not be able to hide the fact that the car was speeding at a specific time and with GPS tech, where.

Most recalcitrants object to having them mandated on vehicles claiming rights but their lack of interest in truckies' "rights" is inconsistent.
Posted by examinator, Monday, 7 September 2009 10:49:00 AM
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From wonderful sunny Port Douglas....

"Off you go Ludwig".

Ok benk, here's the response that you would expect.....

"I tailgate, but wish that I saw no need to."

There is no need to. As I said in an earlier post; there is no excuse for bad driving from others leading you to practice bad driving. There can be no excuse for a driver in front of you, who is creating a hazard or more of a risk factor than they should be, leading you to add further to that risk factor. And if you are tailgating, that is exactly what you are doing.

I understand your frustration all too well. I wish that road-hogs would be dealt with by the police just as much as tailgaters, speeders and the rest of the rabble of road-rule retrogrades.

Cornflower, yes we've got to be aware of this disgusting revenue-raising motive. But we've also GOT to do something substantial about road safety. So how would you do this, if not by the much-increased use of speed cameras, tailgating cameras and technologies that lead to the fining of infringers?

What do you think of my assertion that community policing should be a very large part of the answer?
Posted by Ludwig, Monday, 7 September 2009 12:48:37 PM
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Hasbeen, I know what you mean about slotting in at a safe distance behind trucks on the New England - and you're also right that such occurrences as I described are rare when compared to the coastal highways. With the truck thing, it's also a good way of avoiding hitting roos when driving at night.

Nice to agree with Cornflower about something too :)

Ludwig, while your idea of "community policing" is obviously well-intended, I think it sucks. Imagine the legal minefield and possibilities for entrapment from the petty busybodies who have axes to grind. Besides which, "dobbing" is such anathema to Australian culture that it would never work.

Desmond, were you driving on the New England Highway between Warwick and Stanthorpe last Friday?
Posted by CJ Morgan, Monday, 7 September 2009 4:18:34 PM
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Did you read my application of the community policing. including vetting, training and under a trained TRB officer.

I'm somewhat dismayed by your bias, are you saying that the police don't do all of the above?

It seems to me breaches of the law are binary issues especially in the circumstances I posted . Therefore the pejorative term busy body is unwarranted.
In reality the busybody that is pedantic about reporting others rapidly looses interest from councils, police etc.
Posted by examinator, Monday, 7 September 2009 5:05:32 PM
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There is no doubt that drivers slow down in the vicinity of radar units. How many 'tailgate' cameras will you need?

If following too closely is a serious offence why aren't traffic police making arrests? There are many unmarked police cars on the road and police can see tailgaters just as easily as you can. How often do you hear of anyone being charged with following too closely or lane changing infringements?

Quite probably it is the police vehicles that should be fitted with video cameras as in the US, so that police have the evidence they need to enforce the traffic laws.
Posted by Cornflower, Tuesday, 8 September 2009 3:10:55 AM
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What about people that enter and go around roundabouts at road speed.
There needs to be a limit on all roundabouts of around 20 kph.
In rain or dry nothing changes. People have got to be protected against them selves. What we need is blak box recorders in every car, so the police can read it at any time without notice. like reading a power metre . Your fines could be printed out on the spot. On that particular friday i was driving south of goondawindy on the newell.
Posted by Desmond, Friday, 11 September 2009 3:30:33 PM
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