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The Forum > General Discussion > Not one single word out of any of you

Not one single word out of any of you

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rechtub, do not let your dislike of all things ALP blind you.
Voters who put them back in power knew what they wanted.
You should confront the truth.
The other side has been so bad for so long they could not win.

Well Belly, all I can say is that prior to Krud, very few workers feared for the security of their jobs. Very few workers were complaining about the pay and conditions, or the amount of job opportunities that were out there. In fact, the majority of employer bashing was comming from outsiders who were not effected by the working conditions, they just made it their business.

Now if the 6 to 8 years preceeding 07 were 'bad years', as you saw them, then all I can say is 'bring on the good times Krud'!

As for qld, how any government, being the recipient of billions of dollars in excess revenue from abnormal mining activity and the property boom spoils now find themselves 'Broke' defies belief in my view.

I have worked for over 30 years, created in excess of 300 jobs, paid S-loads of tax and now look like forking out more taxes due to imcompitent leaders.

At least I didn't vote for them and thank god for that!
Posted by rehctub, Tuesday, 7 July 2009 9:06:02 PM
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Well dear Queensland taxpayers, someone has to pay up front ($34 million?) for an oil spill from yet another filthy ship which flies a flag of convenience.
Posted by Protagoras, Wednesday, 8 July 2009 12:03:52 PM
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"The problems with our political system is that parties can gain office based on lies". (Both sides).
"The most "truthful" thing written in this topic so far is the fact that a weak opposition enables the government, be it State or Federal, an easy ride."

While we can all agree with the above OLO writers; the biggest issue is media bias. In the USA books are being written about this fact.

Journalism is so corrupted that the prevailing standard is nearly the opposite of what a democracy requires. Not content to report the boring facts journalists have to manufacture carefully worded reports with strategic omissions so that sheep like individuals who constitute the winning percentages may be led to vote the way journalists feel is appropriate.

Then the camp dogs of journalism, celebrities, become involved and reinforce the media view with innuendo, derision and contemptuousness and subtle messages in TV drama.

Then we wonder why we have the governments we get.

BTW. The Coalition, why do we not refer to Labor as the LGP, the Labor Green Party? It is just as much a Coalition as the LNP is.
Posted by Cowboy Joe, Saturday, 11 July 2009 1:58:45 AM
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Cowboy Joe: << The Coalition, why do we not refer to Labor as the LGP, the Labor Green Party? It is just as much a Coalition as the LNP is. >>

Joe, in Queensland there is no Coalition at the moment at State level. The Quensland divisions of the Liberal and National parties merged in 2008 to form the Liberal National Party (LNP). At the federal level in Australia the Liberal and National parties are allied formally in a Coalition, whereby they govern jointly when in power and act generally in unison when in Oppposition.

There is no equivalent cooperation betweeen the ALP and Greens in any State in Australia, nor at the Federal level. During elections, the Greens often direct preferences to the ALP, and vice versa - but certainly not always (indeed, Family Farce Senator Steve Fielding was only elected because the ALP preferenced his party over the Greens in Victoria). Preferencing is always renegotiated at each election, and neither the ALP nor the Greens can automatically count on each other's support.

In parliaments, ALP governments can't depend on Greens support for Bills that contravene Green policies - which are quite divergent from those of the ALP.

I hope this helps.
Posted by CJ Morgan, Saturday, 11 July 2009 9:00:30 AM
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staying with the theme of not a word out of any...let me expand the concept...often we hear about the military/industrial complex that seems to rule us via the decieving media...the two party system and ever more laws/ seems to have escaped the attention of posters as well as the media ..the take-over of govt by armed forces throughout the world

there are many egsamples of it..[from burma to indonesia to china and egypt...even the yankis/brits are under marshal law...last week was the case of the dude..kicked out of some south american country..[by his military...who actually refused to let him land

i could go on with the likes of fidel castro..and many african/south americano countries..[or even how we send our troops end dictatorship rule,lol..i recall quite a few autrocities where the so called armed forces[un]..simply stood by while murder of civilians took place

i recall even the web belongs to the military/industrial complex..[im sure nasa has links..into the media invisable octopuss..slowly by it deliberatly taking over the free state's of the world and installing defacto marshal law..

the usa currently is seeing troops on their streets..under the excuse of how they will help police at road accidents and such..there are military check points in the southern well as their armed forces scattered throughout the world...they rebuilt germany/japan/..

not sure if you heard the recent kerfuffle with our own armed forces minester..[with the army acually feeding info to the the links egsist/.of course there will be those who say its nothing[they are..our armed troops..after all...

its just im sick of war...and think its time we stopped training our youth to kill...arnt some of you pleased..i didnt mention israel's police state[or the mossad/cia/al-cia-da/fatah/hamas forces...

anyhow..expect troops in the steeet before 20/ seems to be a well financed and fast growing trend...dont the media just love beating up the drums..of other peoples wars
Posted by one under god, Saturday, 11 July 2009 11:22:50 AM
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I have been wondering for some time where all the Labor voters are hiding. I live in a city divided into three seats, all of which are held by Labor. Yet of all the people I know, only one is willing to admit that she voted Labor.

As for the opposition, surely they couldn't be too much worse than the present bunch? The LNP is a bunch of clowns, but so is the ALP in Queensland. I wouldn't mind seeing some new clowns on TV occasionally.

Alternatively, I would love to see (and I know this will never happen) the abolition of political parties in this state. Vote in a bunch of independents - then they might support good ideas rather than party ideas. Of course, they would form alliances over time, but at least these alliances would be informal. Rather than paying more taxes to reinstate an upper house, we could elect some thinking politicians rather than mindless drones.

Just a thought.
Posted by Otokonoko, Saturday, 18 July 2009 12:30:30 AM
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