The Forum > General Discussion > Terrorism and how it affects everyday life and how to stop the flow of terror
Terrorism and how it affects everyday life and how to stop the flow of terror
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She sounds like an extraordinary woman Col. I'll bet she would never attempt socialism by stealth!
Posted by Houellebecq, Wednesday, 4 February 2009 12:19:03 PM
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One persons terrorist is another persons freedom fighter. While I agree that the word “terrorist” has been changed since Sept 11, like most things it’s how you look at history that defines it. America could very will performed an act of terrorism against the British at the Boston tea party. Is there a difference between a war crime and a terrorist act? Most people view a terrorist act as killing unarmed civilians, which would mean Allies carpet bombing Germany and Japan during WW2 also were act’s of terrorism. No matter what the view of terrorism is to each person it’s the same end result. Never before have the lives of so many been affected by the actions of a few men one day in 2001.
My personal view is that terrorism and terrorist have become “buzz words” for mainstream media and it now works. Very few people when they hear the word terrorist these days would ever think about Ireland or white Muslim in Chechnya, the word and the picture of an Arab now go hand in hand. It does not really concern me to be honest, I just want to get rid of them all so I no longer need to take my shoe’s off and throw away my nice bottled water before every flight! Posted by ozpolitico, Wednesday, 4 February 2009 9:36:28 PM
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I commend the article "The War on Terror is a Hoax" by Paul Craig Roberts at
Here is some of it: According to US government propaganda, terrorist cells are spread throughout America, making it necessary for the government to spy on all Americans and violate most other constitutional protections. Among President Bush’s last words as he left office was the warning that America would soon be struck again by Muslim terrorists. If America were infected with terrorists, we would not need the government to tell us. We would know it from events. As there are no events, the US government substitutes warnings in order to keep alive the fear that causes the public to accept pointless wars, the infringement of civil liberty, national ID cards, and inconveniences and harassments when they fly. The most obvious indication that there are no terrorist cells is that not a single neocon has been assassinated. ... Neocons do not have Secret Service protection. Dreadful to contemplate, but it would be child’s play for al Qaeda to assassinate any and every neocon. Yet, neocons move around freely, a good indication that the US does not have a terrorist problem. If, as neocons constantly allege, terrorists can smuggle nuclear weapons or dirty bombs into the US with which to wreak havoc upon our cities, terrorists can acquire weapons with which to assassinate any neocon or former government official. Yet, the neocons, who are the Americans most hated by Muslims, remain unscathed. The “war on terror” is a hoax that fronts for American control of oil pipelines, the profits of the military-security complex, the assault on civil liberty by fomenters of a police state, and Israel's territorial expansion. --- I was surprised to learn that Paul Craig Roberts was Assistant Secretary to the Treasury during Ronald Reagan's administration. The "War on Terror" is no less a hoax in this country than it is in the US. Posted by daggett, Friday, 6 February 2009 1:38:04 AM
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Terrorism takes many forms its not all bombs and suicide missions. Simply put Terrorism is the act of inflicting terror or fear into another. Bullying in schools is a form of terrorism along with many other examples through to the fanatical extremists. Why do people inflict terror on a victim? To make themselves feel big, superior.
Our much loved Greenpeace is openly committing acts of terrorism, sinking whaling ships in harbour all in the name of saving our planet (but what about the contaminants they put into the water by sinking the ship, oil, fuel etc) What spurs them on? Recognition. This recognition comes through media. Australia Day riots in Gold Coast Burleigh Heads, the teens involved have promised it will be bigger and BETTER next year and it was advertised by every media avenue in Australia and many overseas. Next year will definitely be bigger with such advertising. Fanatical extremists with middle eastern religious backgrounds are getting their own free advertising through the media, with advertising comes funding, more bombs, more guns and more recruits. Posted by Juda, Sunday, 8 February 2009 12:09:12 PM
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The effects of keeping media out? During the Apartheid years, how many of us new what was going on in South Africa? It was media lockdown and censoring.
With the free society we have a media lockdown wont take place, but a government enforced directive towards more responsible journalism is needed. It is not every australians right to be informed of how easy (and fun) it is for a hundred teenagers to riot(as in Burleigh Heads Australia Day) in a blatant act of disrespect, disrespect for the Police trying to control the crowd, disrespect for the many families who just wanted a peaceful day out, disrespect for the SurfLifesavers who selflessly do their job on public holidays for the good of the community, disrespect for Australia and what Australia stands for. In instances like this the media should stay away and let the police deal effectively with rioters, with necessary force without repraisal due to video footage shown to outrage by national media. Fanatical Terrorism reports around the world should also be dealt with by the appropriate authorities without the media glorifying the extremist cause. The terrorism supporting doctor who was charged, deported, exhonerated and handed cash settlement and allowed to reapply for entry, whats up with that? Send the Federal Police in and arrest, get what info out of him as necessary and send him back never to return. Keep the media out, dont allow justice to be swayed by a misinformed public As for the debacle in the media over Mufti and his anti-australian comments, why was that ever published? Why didnt the Federal Police walk straight in and arrest the S.O.B. then send him back to the country he loves rather than let him stay in a country he obviously hates. AUSTRALIA = LOVE IT OR LEAVE IT! Posted by Juda, Sunday, 8 February 2009 12:10:23 PM