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Benedict and homosexuality
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Posted by one under god, Monday, 29 December 2008 8:09:51 PM
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Hi Foxy.
I dont doubt where HIV AIDS began. Gay folks in the US in early 1980's showed its beginnings. I know about the "permissive society" of the 60s and 70's. I grew up in that era. I know about free love and the hippy age and how infections spread because of the free love and I know how needles spread the virus. Most of all I noticed... through my growing years... the great rise of homosexuals to power. Even they tell the true story of where the plague began. Whenever gays hear people speaking about gays and of the disease factor, more than a few get violently militant about their sexuality and their rights and push the truth out of their minds. I really think they, themselves, as a community, know the truth. They are the real source of the great plague. They are the major spreaders today. They are the destroyers of a world and it sexual health. Posted by Gibo, Monday, 29 December 2008 8:47:47 PM
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i often suspect aids was used to end the 'freelove' generation[who needs a lover who will give you a death sentance],
to know it was deliberated and exicuted so thoughrily by govt/big buiness collusions and it is this that makes me angry[thus i spoke harshly [no offense foxey] i note the poster postulated the media deception in the origonal post as fact first and rightfully should have directed my response upon him anyhow there is much dicusiion on the deliberated origen of this vile MAN MADE disease[not that man 'made'it but that the drug czars deliberatly allowed it to contaminate into other drugs that they were targeting at specific people[and children]but they do much the same through time anyhow it is worth noting its a blood to blood route of transmission[homo tend to tear delicate tissue[somehow] in their [can it be called copulation?] its certainly not mating as such , but the thing is we all need love[and i know males dont do it for me, but i understand the gays have their own preferances]and what adults chose to do of their own freewill is their buisness [i just wish they would get on with doing what they want [but not in our media] every month we hear some sob story[poor me] i have learned not to try to convert whatever preferance people feel they are[things girls get away with doing upon girls would be percieved differently if it was a man doing the same] i thought lesbians were tender lovers in chosing mono sexual partnering ;rejecting the brutish males[i dont think this error anymore] anyhow i have egsausted the need to make comment on the topic[read the link , learn its not even the end of the vile those drug czars are doing[to the poor ;they supposedly are meant to be helping] anyhow smoke if you have em god dont judge fags][he dont judge anyone] they have their own room [in the many rooms of gods heavenly house] ,just the same ,just be carefull you are what you eat gulp Posted by one under god, Monday, 29 December 2008 9:31:48 PM
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“It is very sad though that a religious leader
in his Christmas message, instead of focusing on the real problems that face humanity, such as poverty, disease, overpopulation, injustice, oppression, and the devastation of our natural environment, chose instead to foster hatred. Instead of giving his followers a message of hope, and love, of their fellow human beings, chose instead to condemn. Sad, very, very, sad.” That’s about the size of it Foxy. The Pope; such a mighty figure on the world stage. And oh so so soo sooo soooo sooooooooo misfocussed !! Posted by Ludwig, Tuesday, 30 December 2008 7:46:24 AM
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The worst thing about Pope Benedict's homophobic pronouncement is that it gives authoritative support to the kinds of ignorant sentiments expressed here by Gibo and other bigots. Fortunately, I don't think any sane reader would take Gibo's drivel seriously.
Curiously, I find myself agreeing 100% with Col's comment on this issue. Cripes, what's happening?!? Posted by CJ Morgan, Tuesday, 30 December 2008 7:55:18 AM
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Dear CJ,
In the Pope's message I see a narrowness, lack of feeling, a growing inability to care. A going back to an arrogant Church that knows no way except the way of law. A Church that can hold its ears and ignore the voices raised in pain. And above all it is an un-Christian Church that can lose ideals in a multitude of laws. Christ's message was, "that you love one another as I have loved you." It's a message the Pope seems to have forgotten. Posted by Foxy, Tuesday, 30 December 2008 8:47:11 AM
a message of hope, and love, of their fellow human beings,
chose instead to condemn.
Sad, very, very, sad.>>
im sad too girl
he didnt say it
seems the media 'reporting' decieved you all yet again
as i recall it was in the news the day before [thats perhaps where you got the error from[media timming]
anyhow here is the transcript
ive read the darn thing twice
[still cant find referance to homo[nuthings]
anyhow the big reason for the church stance is they dont want the priests distracted[if you get what im saying] if two priests are on their knees you expect them to be praying.
personally the only thing i have against it is the need to get our children for their non breeding program
i feel stick em on a island
[let em breed their own
[clearly if we all stop breeding the humans stop comming, ie we get extinct]
i can understand the homo sexuals[hating men cause you been rapped[or had a very pushy mother hood figure[or being teased by girls[or being judged by god]who knows [the pope sure dont[he reveals church doctrin is staying unchanged on the matter[a wise choice]
if you visit a certain homo site you will find my defense of homo sexuality[old test says to abstain from woman before cerimony
and song of soloman is about a homo erotic love affair]
BUT [its not for me,
and i suspect that articles complaining about the issue is a good way for converts to link up[thats gotta be better than tapping your foot in a rest room ,or haunting school yards]
and aids was invented to kill off homo sexual deviants[who were about the only people who got the monkey virus polio serum in the usa]
so do as you please but dont say the pope said it at jesus birth announcement[if he didnt]