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Free Market yes or no?

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America has always called it free market, so have we sins and all.
Socialism is a dream , most who want it know most never will.
The question is what will be the new economy?
We can hope it will be better fairer and more honest.
But if no change comes we are in trouble.
The sub prime event was just a part of the problem, most knew it had to come.
We here in Australia live in grossly over priced homes.
Some can not afford to pay for them.
Living on credit, the very idea the economy needs us to spend money we do not have , is no option.
Posted by Belly, Wednesday, 29 October 2008 5:44:21 PM
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free market [the term is a joke]

we have govt subsidy [sociaslism] serving big buisness NEEDS/wants and LOVE of money with endless grants to auto industry ,mining industry, chemical industry ,law , drug and imprisonment industries

its all about protecting the ecomony
[its the ecomnomy stupid?]

we have compulsory supper [to underpin the stockmarketeers by steady supplying the fiat currency for their speculation [gambling-income to prop up the stock market gamblers]

we pay gst, petrol tax , smokers tax ,[the drug war tax raises 65 million each year in qld alone ,plus provides work [and steady income for lawyers judges police and jailers]as govt criminalises human activity
so we soon will see the carbon tax here
[but will we be ALLOWED free acces to facts?]

i feel god has sent clear sign'ss
Kinda ironic [but what with this new distraction about carbon?>

its ALL about the e-con-oH-my [and giving govt cash subsidy to big buisness] think of the billion dollars govt GIVES big pharma

its sold to us by fear [its only smokers , its only speeders , its only drinkers ,its only druggies ,only for criminals [hoons][why isnt polution TRUTH made criminal?]

well now its only carbon producers[only those who breath] thats right now we are taxed to breath [why?]bigbuisness is colapsing they need solcialised subsidy from govt to gain yet further income streams

[that the free? LUNCH market set's the price and the subsidy

which media is telling you this ?

its in process of getting shut down
[see 2 de link]

if we REALLY have a trouble with carbon/free market [let this FREE mraket pay ITS OWN WAY
hell people its a NEW tax for a new subsidy
get it?
Posted by one under god, Thursday, 30 October 2008 9:28:23 AM
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A bit of a strange post one under God? I did not find anything to agree with in your post.
Superannuation however is one of my party the ALP s best inventions ever.
Just think the employer puts 9% in your account as part of your wages package, in time all who can work become self funded retirees.
A huge fund is slowly formed within Australia and less borrowing over seas is one result.
It the economy stupid? so you thing some one me maybe is stupid?
Ah well I find the constant intrusion of Gods, we have many, into threads of concern.
See growing numbers of us do not believe laying our problems at the feet of a fable will be of any use.
Posted by Belly, Friday, 31 October 2008 5:33:12 AM
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In life the only constant is God and his word . Everything else is always changing . Gods principles are set in concrete but we are not . IN the O.T. we had the law which was to hard to keep .In the N.T. we have grace and the Holy Spirit . Be lead by the Spirit and don't be set in concrete by the religious observance of the law . today is a time for stratigies not rigid obedience to a law . First and foremost Gods word is living for the letter killeth but the spirit gives life . Long term goals give you the big picture short term goals and stratigies are how you handle your day to day life never loosing sight of your big picture .If you see a future you have a future for faith is the substance or the big picture of things hoped for .Faith moves the hand of God . So in answer to your qustion NO for there are many ways to skin the cat BUT my way may may not be your way . Politicions take avery short view because of the next election is their constant worry .
Posted by Richie 10, Saturday, 1 November 2008 9:29:03 AM
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belly [you find super 'the best invention' ever]

so i need to keep it simple for you

ok govt subsidises OUR super [right?]
so HOW MUCH govt [tax payer] money we poured into this super so far ?

you cant see this is a GIFT [subsidy]
[employers can claim it back in tax ,thus a govt subsidised gift to the stockmarket.

every week a cash injection that DISTORTS free market principles with govt funds because it is compulsory ,as well it was MEANT to be a pay increase we diverted to prop up the ''free?market'

if our cash is staying in house [au]how come the au$[wage/super dollar] is the 5 th MOST traded currency [most of our super goes into overseas speculation's ,

reveal this huge fund 'growing 'in australia
how come govt needs top create its own fund
why dont big buisness save itself

i too am concerned about others [not only intruding their godlessness into every debate but complaining about those that do , but we have had these distractions between ye and me before

your failure to understand even a single point reassuring
i understand yours perfectly
but it is such that god confounds the wise with the fool
only a fool would believe the free market is really free
Posted by one under god, Saturday, 1 November 2008 2:59:49 PM
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Dear one under GOD , jESUS taught and preached the kingdom of God . When he held a coin in his hand he said whose face is on the coin ,Then he said give unto ceazar what is due to ceazar .money is part of the kingdom of the world to get it into gods hands you must Pay a 10 tenth .If God has ypur hip pocket then he has your heart . For Jesus said where your money is there also is your heart . There is nothing wrong with money it is only a vehicle of exchange . It is what motivates you that is where the problem lies . Christians are called to be blessed then to be a blessing . Please don't only see the negative side of money for God is a very big God . A christians job is to be a sign post on the road of life pointing a lost world to Jesus . We need to be the salt of the earth and have something the world wants when the world sees us or they have no interest in becoming a citizen in the kingdom
Posted by Richie 10, Saturday, 1 November 2008 5:48:05 PM
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