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Barack Obama and Steven Meyer

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Here is Barack Obama, April 2008, as quoted in the Huffington Post:

'You go into some of these small towns in Pennsylvania, and like a lot of small towns in the Midwest, the jobs have been gone now for 25 years and nothing's replaced them," Obama said. "And they fell through the Clinton Administration, and the Bush Administration, and each successive administration has said that somehow these communities are gonna regenerate and they have not. AND IT'S NOT SURPRISING THEN THEY GET BITTER, THEY CLING TO GUNS OR RELIGION OR ANTIPATHY TO PEOPLE WHO AREN'T LIKE THEM OR ANTI-IMMIGRANT SENTIMENT OR ANTI-TRADE SENTIMENT AS A WAY TO EXPLAIN THEIR FRUSTRATIONS."'


Steven Meyer here today:

'You go to many of these Middle-Eastern countries and you see the effects of decades of oppression, tyranny, corruption and economic stagnation. You see persecution of minorities, high rates of illiteracy and often increasing impoverishment. You see rapid population growth and not enough jobs. AND IT'S NOT SURPRISING THEN THEY GET BITTER, THEY CLING TO HATREDS OR RELIGION OR ANTIPATHY TO PEOPLE WHO AREN'T LIKE THEM OR ANTI-AMERICAN SENTIMENT OR ANTI-JEWISH SENTIMENT AS A WAY TO EXPLAIN THEIR FRUSTRATIONS."'

Both statements are over-simplifications. But I suggest that both have an uncomfortable element of truth.

The bottom 60% of US society has not done well under Bush.

The bottom 60% of Middle-Eastern society has not benefited from the region's natural resource wealth or proximity to the EU.

Any comment on what ails the US that does not address the issues raised by Obama are besides the point.

Any comment on what ails the Middle-East that does not address the pathologies that afflict most Middle-Eastern societies are equally pointless.

The US being an open democratic society with a free media, it is likely that the pathologies that afflict America will be addressed eventually.

The Middle-East is another story.

Folks, despite what you may all think, most of the pathologies that afflict the Middle-East have little to do with big bad America or Israel. They are mostly self-inflicted wounds.
Posted by stevenlmeyer, Sunday, 24 August 2008 1:22:28 PM
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Dear Steven,

The solidarity of any community
is enhanced if it perceives a common
outside threat.

Ian Robertson, "Sociology," tells us:

"In the Middle-East the principal
foreign enemy of the fundamentalists
is the United States. They fear the
impact of American culture and
political interference in their

The fundamentalists regard Americans
essentially as barbarians, but as
barbarians whose economic, technological, and
military influence threatens the integrity of
Muslim societies and traditions. Their own
governments, they claim are often used as mere
pawns ... in which the interests of ordinary
Muslims count for nothing."

Steven, you say that their wounds are self-inflicted.
I believe that the fundamentalists are concerned
as Robertson points out, mainly with conditions in
their own countries.

Most Muslims are desperately
poor, for their nations' oil wealth has
been unequally shared, creating a new elite whose
extravagant lifestyle arouses deep resentment in the

The fundamentalists aimed at nothing less
than the replacement
of their rulers by Islamic governments in which the
distinction between the religious and the secular

Islamic fundamentalism therefore arose
out of specific social and cultural conditions.
Posted by Foxy, Sunday, 24 August 2008 2:20:26 PM
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"The US being an open democratic society with a free media, it is likely that the pathologies that afflict America will be addressed eventually."

Not everyone is quite as sanguine as to the health of American society and its ability to correct its course, as you obviously are, Steven.

To begin with, the ownership of most of the US media, as it is here, is concentrated in the hands of a few powerful corporations. (Yes, I know I've used that term again, Steven, and will continue to do so, despite your best efforts to re-educate me!) As a result, most of what passes for news and current affairs is more accurately described as spin, rather than genuine critical analysis aimed at enlightening and empowering the populace.

Already, the media there, and here, is blindly parroting one or two simplistic slogans deliberately aimed at creating doubts about Obama in the minds of the voting public. The latest, that Obama isn't sufficiently experienced in foreign affairs, is a total joke when you consider the lack of experience the incumbent had in this area. Bush has committed one foreign policy blunder after another, and his decision on Iraq single-handedly destabilised the world as few others have ever done, and yet Obama's short time on the world stage is being trumpeted by the media as a risk!

Obama has blundered in his choice of running mate though. Biden voted to invade Iraq and as such will damage Obama's strong anti-war stance.

Michael Moore recently circulated an open letter, pleading for Obama to ask Caroline Kennedy to run with him as the Democrat's vice presidential candidate. Now, what an inspired choice that would have been! An Obama/Kennedy ticket would have had the potential to really capture the imagination of the US and the world.

Oh well, we can still dream!
Posted by Bronwyn, Sunday, 24 August 2008 2:24:43 PM
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An indication of the way Arab society has neglected the development of its people.

The most widely used ranking of global universities is the Academic Ranking of World Universities (ARWU) published annually by Shanghai Jiao Tong University in China. ARWU ranks the top 500 of the world's 17,000 or so universities.

In the 2007 ARWU the entire Arab World had just one ranked university, Cairo University.

By 2008 Cairo had dropped out of the top 500. In 2008 the entire Arab World has no ranked universities.

By contrast South Korea, with a population less than a quarter that of the Arab World, has EIGHT ranked universities.

As recently as 1960 South Korea was poorer than any Arab country. Had rankings been available in 1960 I suspect NO Korean university would have made the cut.

That is a small measure of the extent to which the Arab World has fallen behind. I would have thought that Saudi Arabia, UAE or Kuwait with all that oil wealth would have managed at least ONE ranked university between them.

According to the Arab Human Development report of 2002 almost a third of Arab adults are illiterate. Subsequent Arab Human Development Reports show small improvements.

Also according to Arab Human Development Reports South Korean inventors filed more US patents in one year than the entire Arab world managed in 25. Even Israel, population about 2% of that of the Arab World, files more US Patents than the entire Arab world.

No wonder European investors have been largely shunning investment in the Arab world in favour of China and other Asian countries.
Posted by stevenlmeyer, Sunday, 24 August 2008 3:35:15 PM
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Steven,the Muslim philosophy is to subjugate it's women who are great organisers.When you omit at least half of your population's intelligence,how can you compete?Islam is the philosophy which retards them,not generally their genetics.
Posted by Arjay, Sunday, 24 August 2008 4:03:24 PM
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Perhaps you should take a wider view of your obsession or go there and do what you have to. I can assure you it the problems won’t be solved here. Australia has its own integration issues.

“Obama and Steven Meyer” is a stalking horse for your real obsession (Poor diddums Israel’s self made problems).

You have a keen mind so use it objectively. Myopic reasoning is not going to solve the problems.

Yes you’re right it isn’t all the USA or PdI’s faults. But their input into the area is hardly benign or positive. They provide a clear focal point. A bit like Priscilla and entourage doing a street show on the Sabbath beside the Wailing Wall.

In the Middle East history, culture and religion play a huge part in understanding the problems.
The Brits, French, Russians, USA, Israel the cold War, Turks (The Ottoman Empire) World war1&2, Oil, corrupt leaders, Petty politics, Imposed states and/or dictatorial regimes, indifferent and exploitive Corporate Capitalism et al are some of the causes.

The base reason the Muslim Brotherhood (its birth place) got traction in Egypt was largely because the population grew too fast, not enough development, Historically well founded Cultural suspicions, (the Suez canal problems etc), all resulting in poverty including graduates that couldn’t find work. The Muslim Brotherhood preached radicalism a new Muslim way setting up quasi social security structures where their is non. Not to mention the corrupt govt. That is supported by other dubious Arab and USA regimes for selfserving reasons..

Steven, Israel’s place in this is more symbolic of all the Arabs see as centuries of domination by others than the root cause. If Israel were to disappear tomorrow the basic problems would remain. The trick therefore is to learn how to survive in the situation and work with rather than against..the Arabs. The inequities in Israel discriminating against Arab Israelis also don't help
Posted by examinator, Sunday, 24 August 2008 6:09:16 PM
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Dear Examinator..

your treatment of the Muslim Brotherhood seems to be quite secular in perspective.. assessing them from the standpoint of the immediate historical context of the period when they emerged.

To an extent this is reasonable, but what you neglect, is that the MB actually harked back to the original pure form of Islam. It was not a new idea..such as a political movement which addressed specific social issues of the day.. which would mean that as soon as those issues were successfully addressed, the movement would have no further purpose and would most likely fade...nope.. it ain't like that. Pure Islam is very much about the re-establishment of the Kalifah. Please review your essay and re-submit it for your lecturers(me) scrutiny :) haha..

STEVEN.. if you honestly believe the USA media is free.. try uttering the words 'Israel Lobby' in any article which is even remotely critical and see what happens to you. (See how the American Jews treated Meirsheimer.. and they wonder why 'AntiSemitism' arises?
As Inky Stephenson once said. "You cannot have anti-semitism unless you first have 'semitism'".. how true.

You will notice that by and large NO American publisher was willing to run the gauntlet of those 'men who don't exist' in the American business and holywood world.. who have no impact and can do nothing :)
That article could be published was the UK. Americans are so intimidated by the Jewish control of so much Media there... that they won't go near such things with a million mile barge pole. So much for a 'free press/media'.

OBAMA is speaking as most politicians do. 'politically'.... long on rhetoric, short on real solutions, after's VOTES that count.
Posted by Polycarp, Monday, 25 August 2008 7:57:20 AM
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Arjay, Steven etc,

Steven,the Muslim philosophy is to subjugate it's women who are great
organisers.When you omit at least half of your population's intelligence,how can you compete?
Islam is the philosophy which retards them,not generally their
Posted by Arjay, Sunday, 24 August 2008 4:03:24 PM

Interesting, the Arabs must have been at one time quite advanced in
their development of scientific and philosophy etc eg during the so
called dark ages. Yet today they do not seem to shine.
Could it be their propensity for cousin marriage ?
Both in NSW and the UK it has been found that moslem populations have
increased genetic defects. In the UK it was found that the increase was 13%.
As far as I know, no figure was calculated in NSW.

I think it is still legal to marry a cousin in Australia.
This practice should be outlawed as it is for sibling marriage.
Posted by Bazz, Monday, 25 August 2008 4:24:29 PM
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The really telling statistic is that more books are translated into spanish in one year than have been translated into Arabic for 50 years.


Bush administrations move into Iraq may have been poorly thought through, but it may still have a very positive outcome, albeit at a significant cost. Regardless, the invasion of Iraq NEVER " destabilised the World" as you suggest. This is just hyperbole.

I'm so happy for you that you have found a source of information that isn't dedicated to spin. Tell me is it the socialist monthly? Or Green weekly? Because those groups are methodical in their search for the end of capitalism, oops I meant in their search for truth.

Obama is a first term senator. He has next to no experience in anything, let alone foreign affairs. And involving Caroline Kennedy in your dream ticket is just laughable. Why don't we add Pollyanna and Mr Maggoo to the line up as well?

It must be nice living in your world where everything has a simple fix.
Posted by Paul.L, Tuesday, 26 August 2008 1:24:47 PM
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Polycarp my personal pontificating professor ;-)

True the MB does hark back to an older more fundamental view of Islam.
The more informative perspective is WHY?

Tolerance by the individual for the ‘unconventional’ (the less obviously relevance to day to day survival) is in direct relationship with that individual’s sense of their personal security. (See Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs)
Consequently the lower on this hierarchy the individual is the less tolerant they tend to be.

Generally speaking the greater the inhibitors are to moving up Maslow’s hierarchy stress tolerant towards less tangible the individual becomes. Tolerance is usually the first human value jettisoned.

There are many factors that influence the individual’s movement up this scale including personal involvement, up bringing, intellect, education etc. Some people compensate for deficits in some fundamentals by distorting what they understand by Self Actualization and how they measure it.
In many cases money or power is the driving force eg Murdock, Pauline Hanson and her ilk.

History has shown that in the face of perceived threat the public generally becomes more ’conservative’ willing to trust the ‘steady, strong leader’. This is often at the expense of reasoning i.e. Willingness to accept the extreme notion that in conflict it’s either bellicosity or appeasement (nationalism comes in here).
e.g. Churchill despite his history of poor judgement he was widely supported during WW2 but dumped after.
Menzies and the Libs managed the ‘reds under the bed’ and associated perceptions to maintain power.
Howard did the same…fear security and for living standards. His reign became progressively vulnerable to fear of HIS tactics.

The conditions in Egypt and other Arab countries at the time as now left/leaves the basically illiterate/ill-informed population powerless and fearful. Add to that, the anger of the educated unemployed and you have fertile grounds for “another way” (a term used in MB literature) a return to the old and tried ways (galloping Conservatism.)

In the west the rise of Christian fundamentalism, Charismatic grouping and extremist greens etc (all as unpalatable and ill-informed as Islamic fundamentalism) are clearly bell weather warnings of mass discontent.
Honours please:-)
Posted by examinator, Wednesday, 27 August 2008 11:50:42 AM
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"Obama is a first term senator. He has next to no experience in anything, let alone foreign affairs. And involving Caroline Kennedy in your dream ticket is just laughable. Why don't we add Pollyanna and Mr Maggoo to the line up as well?"

It may well have been an impossible dream, but it's far from laughable. I actually found the following excerpts from Moore's letter quite compelling, but then again as you would be the first to point out I am naive and gullible.

"Caroline, you are one of the most beloved and respected women in this country, and you have been so admired throughout your life. You chose a life outside of politics, to work for charities and schools, to write and lecture, to raise a wonderful family. But you did not choose to lead a private life. You have traveled the world and met with its leaders, giving you much experience on the world stage, a stage you have been on since you were a little girl."

"This is the year that a woman should be on the Democratic ticket. This is the year that both names on that ticket should be people OUTSIDE the party machine. This is the year millions of independents and, yes, millions of Republicans are looking for something new and fresh and bold (and you are the Kennedy Republicans would vote for!)."

Obama mightn't have had as many years in politics or carried out as many bombing raids as his rival for the presidency, but there are millions of Americans who believe he would make a far more honest and decent go of it.
Posted by Bronwyn, Thursday, 28 August 2008 9:54:10 PM
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