The Forum > General Discussion > Should Queen Elizabeth II Apologise?
Should Queen Elizabeth II Apologise?
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Posted by Usual Suspect, Wednesday, 7 May 2008 1:44:07 PM
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LOL This isn't blogging 'Usual Suspect'. This is a forum. A fairly dry forum...relatively speaking. Anyway, off topic. I made a concise, intelligent, relevant and pertenant comment regarding the intended direction of this topic. Bow at my awesomeness.
Now, let's see how dry this joint is. Posted by StG, Wednesday, 7 May 2008 2:30:10 PM
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England's Royalty Failed to apply their own law in Tasmania and the Mainland. This led to the genocide of many Aboriginal nations .For this the Queen could well apologise . In the famous South Australian Feb 1836 "Letters Patent " -the Royal and Parliamentary Instructions to the white Colonisers of SA by King William the Fourth are instructions to the invading Colonists NOT to "affect the Rights of any Aboriginal Natives["or their Descendants"] of the said Province". In all over Australia then, and in the Northern Territory now, their Rights and instructions of the Letters Patent have been conveniently ignored . I would like to see a formal apology by the Farmers of Australia in the Parliament [probably via that bastion of the landed gentry the National Farmers Federation and it's State Affiliates] as they were, in many cases, the instrument of Government that did the "dirty work" of the Government of the day as they expanded and did their first clearing job. That was getting rid of the Aboriginals that were in the way as the occupiers and illiterate owners of the land that both the settlers and the Crown wanted . And while some will say that it was yesterday's "work" the truth is the Aboriginal people of Australia will continue to fight for Justice while ever there is no formal Treaty and they continue to be treated in a racist way . The Wound still festers . Posted by kartiya jim, Wednesday, 7 May 2008 3:33:09 PM
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Usual Suspect,
You show me any post of yours' that is well researched at the following to Sells. It will show who is thinking or who is the three sentice wonder. Posted by Oliver, Tuesday, 6 May 2008 7:42:23 PM &ted by Oliver, Tuesday, 6 May 2008 10:21:18 PM The tiitle is not as it seems. The superficiality of your comprehension probably justifies you not joining the debate. I will reveal more later. Pericles, Pericles; I agree with you! It is a ruse. Even as a Rublican, I admire the Queen, and, have donw since a child in the 50s, when I so her in a mechanics uniform repairing a car for the WWII effort. Some posters here are criticing me for expressin the same view -they thenselves- expressed regarding Stephan Hagan's articles, where incidelntly I mentioned that nineteen century atrtocities were the crimes of the Crown and Squatters. The response of contributors and my ctitics show that they hold different views on the same behaviour depending on whether the target the post is a Person or Office or The Victim. The church stuff is secondary but important. The Queen believing in the Thirty Nine Articles maintains tether to original sin and the "Sins of the Father" Moreover, it reinforces the absence of Church & State in England. O do believe the Queen should drop the Defender of the Faith title towhich is not entitled [Tutor Henry] and VIII] and contrary to her lack of contritions. Others, If the rest of you think the above is trivial blogging, remember half the world is worried about the State and Church issue, with regards Iran. But you probably think that trivial too. If the rest of you th Posted by Oliver, Wednesday, 7 May 2008 4:28:22 PM
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You should apologise for insulting everyones' intelligence. Posted by Mr. Right, Wednesday, 7 May 2008 4:42:28 PM
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Please develop your argument with apt citations. Hello Foxy, "Britain abolished the trade in 1807 - it was the first major slave trafficking nation to do so." No really. The British slave traders simily changed flags on their chips and traded using subsidiaries between non-British ports and the Crown didn't intervene for the same reason Hilter didn't invade Switzerland; it would have ruined world trade. Some the post-1807 ships were: - Catalina - Eagle - Rosa - Thistle The companies still trading ppost 1807 include: - McDowal, Whitehead & Hibbert [Liverpool] - M.R. Dawson and Holland and CO. [Liverpool] - Clark & Co, [London] post-1807 "British sailors helped teach the Cuban-based Spanards the tricks of the trade]. Many English firms still supplies the 'trade good' [slaves] for slave voyages of Portugeuse and Spanish ships". One trick of the trade was to take a slave tie him face upwards naked on the deck. Whip him to death. Dismember him and hang the torso on the mask: Many blacks believed that the spirit of a dismembered body could not return to their homeland. For the Christian English and Spanish, it a brutual warning not to revolt. I guess CJ Morgan feels all these matters are "silly" and beyond OLO Discussion. I have great faith than he in the intelligence of the OLO readership. CJm go to the video store and borrow Armstadt. For most a serious drama. You perhaps a silly flick. By the way, it does come out in the movie; the real reason live slaves were thrown overboard was that if they died at see they could collect from their insurance company, if they landed dead from stavation the could not. Silly, is it not? All, The "original sin" and "Defender of the Faith" is a real contemporary issue and could be said to relate to the sins of the fathers Posted by Oliver, Wednesday, 7 May 2008 8:02:31 PM
'Is it just me, or has anybody else noticed just how silly some of these General discussions have become of late?'
I think it's totally irrelevant what the topic is. Well it is to some who are only interested in talking about religion. Or feminism. Or those like yourself who think they are a cut above everybody.
I've had enough of it really. Blogging is a mind-numbingly useless past-time. It exists only as an outlet for egocentric people who think anyone really cares what they think. Nobody here is going to solve any of the worlds problems that's for sure.
I think the best topics of this whole site were 'A Journey' by BOAZY, and 'My years as a young cop' by Gibo. Well that's the direction that Graham is taking the site. It's all about traffic, and we are all so happy to line Graham's pockets with advertising revenue by bothering to post on such things.