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The Forum > General Discussion > Who Is Worthy To Lead The West Australian Liberals In Parliament

Who Is Worthy To Lead The West Australian Liberals In Parliament

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So Jim Mcginty says " Frankly why should any woman trust Troy Buswell " "Does the public really want a yobbo as a Premier ? Mcginty says that our local West Australian Newspaper has been incredibly soft on the Bra boy. "To undo a young ladies bra and let's not call it bra snapping it is a criminal offence. That behaviour would result in an instant dismissal within an equal opportunity employer workplace. Boy Truswell is a favourite protege' of the Liberals version of Brian Burke former Federal Senator Noel Crichton Browne who gives favours and expects favours in return. We now have to find a suitable leader before the next State Election surely there has to be somebody suitable waiting in the wings.
Posted by Julie Vickers, Sunday, 24 February 2008 11:40:09 PM
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undo a young ladies bra? is that possible? or even desirable?

and what does it have to do with leading a political party? it's very hard to find gainful employment when you have no skills but property development and have been thrown out of that guild due to inadequate moral standards. if a person finds a place in some humble, even despicable, place in society- surely he should be allowed to earn a crust?

in the end, any young lady who comes in reach of a politician is probably no better than she should be, surely?
Posted by DEMOS, Monday, 25 February 2008 12:35:55 PM
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With the number of Labour State Ministers having recently been charged with everything from corruption to child molestation I doubt whether Mr Buswells crime will tilt the electorate. Mr Rudd's popularity has only gone up each time he has been found to stretch or forget the truth.
Posted by runner, Tuesday, 26 February 2008 11:55:18 AM
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Has Mr Buswell gone to the delights of a Yank sleaze club?No? I think the bra snapping item is hardly an excuse for hanging. He has apologised and will, I'm sure, mind his p's and q's from now on. The last Lib leader before the last inadequate one, wished daylight saving on a reluctant public.A wish granted by the Labor government despite the public saying "NO" three times in referendums.
The man of the moment, Mr McGinty also wished on the public the highest paid ,most incompetent public servant in Australia ,to manage health. God knows what that cost the tax payer.
Buswell is the only hope to rid WA of the worst government it has ever had, they have failed miserably in every sphere. Troy can hardly do worse.
Posted by mickijo, Tuesday, 26 February 2008 1:18:47 PM
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"Will you all please leave Troy Buswell alone and allow him to organise his party Colleagues in the West Australian Parliament.
There is a campaign afoot to not allow him to forget his pinging a bra strap of a young lady in Parliament House last October. This was over three months ago no complaints were made so please allow the matter to rest and be forgotten. Troy Buswell is now the rightful Leader of the West Australian Liberal Party and I for one do give him my whole hearted support. AMEN"
Posted by Julie Vickers, Wednesday, 23 January 2008 12:13:04 AM

And now:

"Boy Truswell is a favourite protege' of the Liberals version of Brian Burke former Federal Senator Noel Crichton Browne who gives favours and expects favours in return. We now have to find a suitable leader before the next State Election surely there has to be somebody suitable waiting in the wings."
Posted by Julie Vickers, Sunday, 24 February 2008 11:40:09 PM

Such inconstant affections you display Julie Vickers and so typical of the treachery and instability of the WA Liberal Party.

If you truly wish the Party to restore its credibility, then look within and consider politicians, Drs Jacob and Hames, the Liberal members who conducted a frank and ethical assessment of a pollutant industry's lead poisoning of Esperance - (a result of the Labor Party fat cats' suckhole alignment to the big eco vandals.)

Jacobs and Hames exposed an industry which has no regard for human or environmental health. That's a lot more than I can say for the rest of the Liberal Party who are even bigger sycophants to pollutant industries where they like to put profits before people.

Since the environment happens to be the flavour of the century, would it not be prudent for the WA Liberal Party to advise us of their environmental policies, particularly since WA is officially one of the planet's environmental hotspots where much of it is already going belly up?
Posted by dickie, Tuesday, 26 February 2008 2:15:12 PM
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I hear John Howard's out of a job. Maybe he could emigrate from Australia and take over the reins of the WA Libs.
Posted by CJ Morgan, Tuesday, 26 February 2008 2:22:32 PM
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Dave here why don't they put Brian Burke in as leader if he has the power the Federals say in regards to Rudd then they're assured of a win next time
God Bless may your Lord shine on you well
Bye Dave
P.S. only ribbing you all don't comment
Posted by dwg, Tuesday, 26 February 2008 3:41:43 PM
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cj morgan if WA had someone with the guts and work ethic of Howard to run their state, you can bet that it would be the tightest, best run state in Oz. And the ABoriginals would not be languishing in the backblocks, the hospitals would not be stacking ambulances . It would be efficiancy all the way. The Labor lot in are totally hopeless, the corruption a disgrace, the spin unbelievable.
Buswell is the only hope but the odds are stacked against him by a government who dreads the day the people will finally wake up to them.
Posted by mickijo, Sunday, 9 March 2008 2:17:24 PM
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I dunno which is more amusing, the one eyed Howard devotion of Mickijo, or runner's cheap shots - if you're going to nail Rudd, then fine, but kindly provide some examples of the deceit you're on about.
Same goes for Howard's 'efficiency.' In the words of Bernard Keane, Howard's government died "vomiting funds to any interest group they thought could be bribed for support."
Kindly provide examples of the efficiencies you're on about Mickijo, because from what I saw, Howard's government was high taxing and remarkably inefficient.
You only need to look at the massive largesse used on propaganda and the fact that he upped the bribe... er... 'campaign donation' threshold from $1500 to $10,000 to know where Howard's efficiencies and scruples lie.

So guys, kindly give some substance to what you're saying or cop it when I say your comments look like uninformed cheap shots.

As for the thread, I largely popped in because the title amused me - when you're referring to a pack of undisciplined rabble that tends to be the hallmarks of opposition parties in this country in the vast majority of circumstances, asking who is 'worthy' to lead them strikes my funnybone.

Might I then nominate Basil Fawlty? How about Wile E Coyote?

Though I admit, I'd like to see some halfway competent opposition parties, as our State Governments are in dire need of being held to account - to pretend our oppositions would do any better given their current standards however, is just plain laughable.
Posted by TurnRightThenLeft, Sunday, 9 March 2008 2:41:15 PM
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