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The Suicide of the West....

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This rather says it all:

[Najmuddin Faraj Ahmad, or Mullah Krekar, is an enigmatic man suspected of being the leader of the Kurdish (and international) terrorist organisation Ansar al-Islam (Helpers of Islam).

His own claims are contradictory and clearly aimed to sow confusion.

He has stated that he ceased to be Ansar al-Islam's leader in May 2002 (amongst other dates) but he did not protest when introduced as Ansar al-Islam's leader during an al-Jazeera interview. He migrated to Norway in 1991, but in a 1997 interview he discussed his continuing role as a logistical commander in the Islamic Movement of Kurdistan (IMK). Krekar has denounced claims that he is connected to al-Qaeda as CIA lies, but his own autobiography states that he sought funds from Al-Qaeda's spiritual leader Usama bin Laden.

He has participated in peace marches although his legal defence explicitly states that Ansar al-Islam is a military organisation waging war, and Krekar has appeared on television praising the massacre of his enemies. He has become the darling of the Norwegian progressive left despite implementing Shariah law's hudood punishments in Kurdistan and opposing women's emancipation.

THE DARLING OF THE(Norwegian) PROGESSIVE LEFT...... (Australian context Greens? Democrats?)

No matter who said it: "There are none so blind as those who 'will' not see" is so very true here.

How much of a beast, animal, cold hearted killer, murderer of mothers, fathers and children does a man have to be b4 the "progressives" will see it as anything other than a cause celebre' ?
Posted by BOAZ_David, Friday, 16 November 2007 11:34:03 AM
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Dear BD,

Al Qaeda and its imitators may want to stir up a global Islamic revolution, but that does not mean they will succeed.

Fear fuels terrorism. Only if fear is allowed to spread can Al Qaeda hope to win lasting support.

Surveys have found that Arabs view religious fanaticism as a significant problem both within their own societies and in the West. There is little generalized desire on the part of Muslims to involve themselves in violence. If they agree about anything, it is about the peaceful nature of their faith.

Even when the Taliban held power in most of Afghanistan, the movement was recognized diplomatically by only 3 of the 53 Muslim majority countries.

The truth is that most Muslims have interests compatible with those of the West, and that Arabs and the West would both gain from improved relations.

Communism was not defeated by military force, but by life, by the human spirit, by conscience, by the resistance of Being and man to manipulation. It was defeated in other words, because those who opposed it were able to summon the better aspects of human nature to expose its lies and wear it down.

Terrorists may still succeed on occasion in penetrating barriers designed to keep them out. But, they can never succeed, unless we let them, in separating us from the values that, over the long term, hold the key to their downfall and our success.

The West cannot defeat terrorism without the help of Arabs, and the Arabs cannot maintain economic health without investment from the West.

There is nothing inevitable about holy war.
Posted by Foxy, Friday, 16 November 2007 3:18:29 PM
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Foxy it remains true however the idiot BD talks of is not our friend, in fact the world would be a better place without him.
We are a bit lost in the west our freedoms are used against us how long would you and I last in a middle eastern country calling for womens rights, be honest.
However while much hurt will come from such as those this bloke trains ,in time from within his own community the answer to radical Islam will come.
Some here in Australia fall over themselves to see such as this bloke has his human rights completely unable to understand they would find few to support them in some middle eastern country's.
Now do not fail to understand some will find fault in my post, truth is a victim in any war and lies are rampart in some cultures.
Posted by Belly, Friday, 16 November 2007 3:56:40 PM
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Hi Belly and Foxy
thanx for the feedback.

Just want to emphasize, this is not a "muslim bash"... it is an examination of how woefully wrong 'generous refugee' policy can be, and how dangerous it is.

Here we have this moron, flitting back and forth on betweeen Norway and Iraq, arranging suicide bombings and killing people "even those who give water to our enemies" (I saw him say that on an interview yesterday) .. there's plenty of video of him with his band of thugs prancing around among the dead bodies.. IRAQI dead bodies... of those who were in the categories you mentioned.. i.e. moderate Muslims who do not support the radical Al Qaeda ideology.

And all this.. he is doing on Norwegian WELFARE.. "Centrelink" payments if you will.

If it were not so dangerous it would be laughable. But the left.. the 'progressives' in Melbourne have their darling also.. 13 of them on remand for gathering chemicals allegedly to blow up parts of Melbourne.
Some Left wing unions... in particular the ETU with its ringleader Dean Mighell, have reacted to the arrest with an 'anti racism rally' in Coburb town hall last year. It so happens the brother of one of the accused is an ETU shop steward. So..of course.. his brother cannot be guilty... can he?

All I'm saying is.. if Norway is where the Left/Progressives want to take us.. NO WAY hosay. Does it surprise you that I am rather passionate about a 'tough' refugee policy?
I.e.. SORT out the sheep from the goats.. we don't need any goats like Mullah Krekar here.
Posted by BOAZ_David, Friday, 16 November 2007 6:58:01 PM
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Dear BD,

I fully understand where you're coming from. I also find myself in agreement with Tony Blair's (when he was PM of the UK) warning to those who arrived in Great Britain from other countries, whether in search of a political safe heaven or economic opportunity.

"Staying here carries with it a duty," he said. "That duty is to share and support the values that sustain the British way of life. Those who break that duty and try to incite hatred or engage in violence against our country and its people have no place here."

The same caution would be appropriate in Australia.
Posted by Foxy, Friday, 16 November 2007 7:21:20 PM
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"aaaaaMEN brutha"

now if we can get all Aussies to think like that.. we would not be having the incessent arguments on OLO :) Not with you, but the leftoid mob.. CJ and company.

Its just plain common sense. I never cease to be amazed how intelligent, articulate people can be so lacking in this dept.

My only tempting conclusion is that they have some kind of political, ethnic or religious motive.
Posted by BOAZ_David, Saturday, 17 November 2007 5:54:35 AM
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i'm not too worried about terrorism. statistically, the danger is less than lightning strike.

the 'anti-terror laws' worry me, oz has no protection from police-state laws of the sort that made life miserable in nazi germany and communist ussr.

what really worries me, is the people who don't stop to ask: "why do terrorists hate us so much?" dubya answered, "because we're so nice and the devil can't stand 'nice'".

americans used to say the native americans were 'red devils'. they attacked the whites out of simple evil. this explanation was more palatable than admitting that stealing their land and massacring those who resisted might have prompted violence.

the situation is pretty much the same now. the yanks have been doing murder retail and wholesale in the middle east since the 1950's, with a view to controlling other peoples land and oil. some of the people who live there are resolved that america and it's lackeys will pay for this clandestine invasion with some casualties and destruction 'on the other foot.'

it's unfortunate that innocent people suffer in a war, but it is a war, and one begun by the west, chiefly the usa.
Posted by DEMOS, Saturday, 17 November 2007 6:46:45 AM
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Boazy: "it is an examination of how woefully wrong 'generous refugee' policy can be, and how dangerous it is"

What utter rubbish. It's an example of an isolated ratbag who was admitted as a refugee to Norway before the rise of Islamism. To use this guy as any kind of argument against a just and humane refugee policy in Australia is just another intellectually dishonest and morally bereft ploy by one of our most rabid xenophobes.

I have bo problem with Blair's sentiments, as related by Foxy. They are indeed just 'commonsense'. However, if this is extended to the kind of xenophobic wedge politics in which Howard has engaged since he became Coalition leader, then it becomes divisive hate politics. Remember Howard's anti-Asianism before the lunar right discovered Islam as its bogeyman of choice?

"My only tempting conclusion is that they have some kind of political, ethnic or religious motive"

You're projecting again, Boazy. Just because you perceive those who are ethnically, culturally or religiously different to you in those terms, doesn't mean those of us who believe in a fair go and a modicum of human compassion share your odious agendas.
Posted by CJ Morgan, Saturday, 17 November 2007 7:04:42 AM
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Well Hi there CJ....

I see you are being very consistent again.... trying to portray me in your 'projected' way :)

"Odious" agenda.

My only 'agenda' really (aside from the Spiritual) when it comes to refugees and immigration, is that we accept people in a controlled manner.. (i.e. WE (the Government) in control, not some leftoid refugee industry mob or shyster lawyers or the UN.)

As long as we retain control, and we then offer places to people on our terms, with our best interests in mind.. all are welcome.

If you find this 'odious' then I have to re-suggest you have a religious, political or ethnic agenda or all of the above.
I don't think you do really, but it just 'quacks like a duck' you know.

You love to take something I say and then 'project' it into your own fantasy scenario where you imagine I fit some pre-determined structure (of your own invention) and then seek to show it by misrepresenting what I say.

The key words 'Generous' refugee policy were in fact the words which the Norwegians used. The did this AFTER this whacko Krekar was not only allowed in, but was shown to be questionable , but they ran headlong into denial rather than fess up.

You see.. any refugee policy which is generous in 'that' way is also suicidal, which suprise surprise..... is my point.
Posted by BOAZ_David, Saturday, 17 November 2007 5:34:10 PM
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